Estrella Drage

Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
I will get to updating this thread soon.
Full Name: Estrella Amanda Drage
- Birth Date: February 18, 2005
- Current Age: 16 going on 17
- Basic Appearance: Average height, filling out, large brown eyes, light brown hair
- Parents: Tristan Drage and Lorelei Bennett
- Siblings, if any: Erik Drage
- Pets, if any: Harper, a barn owl that she uses for sending letters, Two kittens named Tula and Rose, and a pygmy puff that she isn't particularly good at taking care of but seems to do well on its own.
- Area of Residence: Over the years she has been shuffled back and forth between places although her paternal grandfather currently has guardianship over her. She spends her breaks at his place on a small island off the coast of Norway.
- Blood status: Half-blood
- Hogwarts House (And why): Ravenclaw, for the simple fact that she loves to learn, is responsible most of the time, and believes that knowledge is one of the most important things a human can gain.
- Best school subjects (And why):
Charms: Estrella's favorite subject by far is Charms because she finds them essentially useful for everyday life. They also provide constant entertainment; there are a variety of charms and you can always learn more of them.
Arithmancy- This is one class that she has to put full effort into and it interests her.
- Worst school subjects (And why):
Astronomy: While Estrella does not do poorly in the class, she hates the subject with the core of her being. It is ultimately useless for the career of teaching she wishes to pursue, and to her is as exciting as reading an electronics manual.
Potions: While she sees it as an essential class Estrella does not get much joy out of stirring things around in a cauldron. Plus, she is a bit worried that she will mess up and create poison.
Transfiguration: This class is much harder than Charms for Estrella, and she while she thinks it could be useful for some things her heart just isn't in it.

- What would their Patronus be? a raccoon
- What would their Boggart be? Most likely one of her friends dead. Her best friend, Rose, has already died and with the numbers at Hogwarts New Zealand dwindling she fears of losing anyone else.
-What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A raccoon.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
Most likely a successful and more adult version of herself. And Rose still alive.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Being sorted into Ravenclaw. At the age of eleven, she didn't know that her father was still alive and was completely elated to be sorted into the same house as he had been in. Also, after being sorted, when she first met Rose in their dorm rooms.
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Contrary to last year, Estrella had lost her sullen look, her pale cheeks filled with a color that only told of happiness. She did not know how she could possibly feel so- carefree, especially after Sophia taking off and all. She was in this alone, wasn't she? But getting rid of her ability had done more than a world of good, feeling as if an oppressing burden had been suddenly lifted off her shoulders. This year, she was going to be able to start afresh, and maybe, she would be able at least to somewhat repair the relationships she had severed almost indefinitely with her off kilter mood.

She strolled along the lakefront, thinking that she might visit the Rosebush later, and although she doubted it maybe try to catch a sight of Rose, her dead friend, who now wandered around Hogwarts as a ghost. She sighed as she let the gentle breeze caress her hair, her big eyes observing the wonderfully clear skies. It was a good day, despite that so many of her peers had left. Guilt was still pounding down upon her for the things she had said and done last year, and there were some key people that she had to find, especially Kaela. Out of all people, she had damaged her the most, had deteriorated their relationship almost single handedly. All over moody emotions that she knew now weren't entirely attributed to her and were about a boy. A rather silly thing to make such a fuss about, she now knew.

She strolled to the edge of the lakefront, taking a seat on a large rock that was partially submerged by the eternal push and pull of the clear waters. She considered going for a swim, but that was never fun, alone in any case. Slipping off her buckled shoes she cast them to the side of the shore, dipping her feet in the frigid waters and shivering a bit, although it felt relatively pleasant. She had already attended two of her classes, but she still had no idea who the new two students she had seen were.

Her expression rather dreamy she closed her eyes, letting the breeze caress her face. This had to be a good year. It just had to. Fate had to allow her that, at least.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal(or whatever I should be calling you,)
It's crazy to think that today, I just turned 16! One more year and I'm going to be an adult. I can't wait to perform magic when The Trace is taken off of me. I'm probably going to use so much magic outside of school it'll make me sick. And I almost forgot, I'm going to be able to Apparate! I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little frightened. I've heard some bad splinching stories.

I still haven't been able to get a hold of my father but I am determined to do something about it this summer. I do hope Bestefar does not get too irritated with me- but I can't let him know what I'm planning to do when school gets out. I hope to at least get some answers. I may just return to the Herrogard if I am satisfied. I think I have a pretty good idea of where Dad is living. I can't wait to see Erik! I bet he has gotten so big, he has to be three now. Or somewhere around there.

Ugh, Astronomy calls. I'll possibly write later.
Could you update this then I can post in response? Sorry about the delay. :)
Edited! :D Feel free to ask away!

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