Enemies Wanted

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Hayley Elridge

🐍 Grad 49 | Snarky | Artist | Punk 🔥 Revolutionary
OOC First Name
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Seeing Somebody
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Straight 13 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Hayley here is a Muggleborn Slytherin. Naturally, that doesn't go too well for her.

The thing is that while I headcanon her having small angry encounters with prejudiced purebloods, particularly in Slytherin, all the time, that hasn't technically happened very often.

So I would really like to arrange some low-level bullying (and possibly some more dramatic stuff too). If you have a pureblood supremacist character (in any house, but particularly Slytherin), I would love to hear from you.

Note: Hayley is quite a confrontational person; she will yell at you. Angry Hayley is really fun to write and I need to do more of it.
So I have an angry pureblood slytherin in third year, who could definitely bully her if need be. Rory Fergusson is a pureblood whose exploring his status in a very physical and verbal manner. He's unafraid to bully those he feels are "inferior". He uses people quite a lot to do things for him, and fights with pretty much everyone xD So he could definitely do the sort of low level bullying that you are looking for!
If this is useful/of interest to you just let me know and we can figure out some finer details.
Rama is no pureblood supremacist, but she is confrontational and likes to get peopled riled up.
Alright! Do you want me to start something or do you want to start something? ^_^
I have Corrine who isn't a pure blood or a supremacist, but she is overly curious about muggle borns and can ask insensitive questions. I don't think she'd intend to be mean, but maybe that could rub Hayley the wrong way? And with them being in the same year, there's the chance of us having them forced to work together on something before or after that.
Yeah, sure, that could be fun. Just some random angry encounter for no particular reason.

I'd prefer it if you started, please :) I've started too many things with Hayley lately

I have Corrine who isn't a pure blood or a supremacist, but she is overly curious about muggle borns and can ask insensitive questions. I don't think she'd intend to be mean, but maybe that could rub Hayley the wrong way? And with them being in the same year, there's the chance of us having them forced to work together on something before or after that.
That could be entertaining. It'd form a counterpoint to last IC year's Fortuitous Circumstance where we had an argument entirely at cross-purposes (i.e. technically agreeing but arguing anyway).
I have a pureblood student (a Howard no less :tut: ) who is prejudiced but she's not a Slytherin, she's a Ravenclaw, just in case you're looking for any other takers. ^_^
Ooh, yes, a Howard would be fun. I've already had an argument with Lycus :)
Hayley Elridge said:
Yeah, sure, that could be fun. Just some random angry encounter for no particular reason.
I can start something in the next couple of days if you'd like!
Alright I'll add it to my list and PM the link to you ^_^
Hayley Elridge said:
I have Corrine who isn't a pure blood or a supremacist, but she is overly curious about muggle borns and can ask insensitive questions. I don't think she'd intend to be mean, but maybe that could rub Hayley the wrong way? And with them being in the same year, there's the chance of us having them forced to work together on something before or after that.
That could be entertaining. It'd form a counterpoint to last IC year's Fortuitous Circumstance where we had an argument entirely at cross-purposes (i.e. technically agreeing but arguing anyway).
That's not my character, but yes! Like that. :) Would you like me to start something or would you like to?
Corrine Lagos said:
Hayley Elridge said:
I have Corrine who isn't a pure blood or a supremacist, but she is overly curious about muggle borns and can ask insensitive questions. I don't think she'd intend to be mean, but maybe that could rub Hayley the wrong way? And with them being in the same year, there's the chance of us having them forced to work together on something before or after that.
That could be entertaining. It'd form a counterpoint to last IC year's Fortuitous Circumstance where we had an argument entirely at cross-purposes (i.e. technically agreeing but arguing anyway).
That's not my character, but yes! Like that. :) Would you like me to start something or would you like to?
I meant 'we' as in me and Kathy :)
I think narratively it'd probably be best if I started. What sort of level of obviously Muggle thing would Hayley need to be doing to catch her attention?
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