Closed End To Beginning

Rupert Cresswell

𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
4/2007 (56)
Mood-lit walls echoed with the light clinks and easy chatter of a room of satisfied diners, and Rupert was very pleased to count himself among their number. For all his concerns, today had been surprisingly easy. The conference was a conference, and while they had been attending together, it had given Rupert and Monty plenty to discuss, easily filling many an awkward silence. The fascinating subjects raised had carried them through dinner as well, alongside a frankly excellent meal, and every moment of the date had flowed with a natural ease Rupert hadn't expected, and certainly wasn't used to. Every other date in his life had felt like an exercise; time to flex his charm muscles, to see just how well he could twist another person to his wishes.

With Monty, everything was different. Far from a trial; today had been an easy outing with a person he liked and respected - almost the same as spending the day as friends, with the low undertone of flutterings of something more, something special. And now here they were, dessert plates empty and drinks waning as they finished discussing the particularly interesting nuances of a presentation on synthetic wand cores. The evening was drawing to its close, they both knew it, and in Rupert's extensive experience, he knew exactly what was supposed to come next. But with Monty... nothing felt quite that simple. Rupert took another light sip of his whiskey, sighing in contentment as he leaned back in his seat. "Today has been a delight. I must compliment you on your choice of restaurant again, I'll have to keep this place in mind for future."
Monty took a sip of his wine, hiding the smile that had become a permanent fixture on his face that evening. Considering he had never been on a real date before, it was going remarkably smoothly. The conference had been even more interesting than he'd expected, the dull parts brightened by the fact Rupert was sitting beside him, and dinner had been a great success. Conversation flowed easily, and more easily still after a glass of wine; Monty was on his second and had, as a consequence, revealed some passionate opinions on the subject of synthetic wand cores.

He felt comfortable. That was unexpected. The wine helped, of course; but from experience he knew that alcohol alone was not enough to put him at ease. There were several ways the evening could end, some of them sooner than others, and the uncertainty excited him. Did he have a preference? Perhaps. In fact, he knew exactly what he wanted. But though he had never felt more sure of his own feelings, he was rather less sure about his date's. Rupert seemed to be enjoying himself - he had expressed so just now - but that was no indication of what he hoped would happen next. Or was it? Monty was hopeless at this sort of thing.

"I'm glad you liked it," he said. "I came here by myself after the first conference. You know, it's funny; I almost thought to invite you then, but I was a bit worried you might think I was asking you on a date. Now look at me - shamelessly seducing you with interesting facts about boomslang venom." Monty grinned. There were very few people in the world with whom he felt free to be himself. And he could listen to Rupert talk for hours; the man had such a fascinating view of the world, of magic, of politics. Sometimes Monty wondered what lay beneath all that. He wanted to know. He wanted to know what frightened him, what moved him, what angered him. Nobody was as perfect as Rupert appeared to be. Who was he, really, when he let his guard down?

A party of eight were settling down at a nearby table. The noise had been growing steadily for the last half-hour, and now it reached an intolerable level. "Shall we go?" Monty asked, catching the attention of a passing waitress. "I'll get this. I invited you."
There it was again. It was so easy to laugh with Monty, to feel on the same level with him. "Well, I would have delighted in a date at the time, but I'm rather glad we took our time getting here." He said with a fond smile, head tilting involuntarily to the side as he studied Monty's face. "And I must say, it's by far the most intriguing way I've ever been seduced." He added sincerely, electing not to add that he was far more often usually the one doing the seducing. It had initially been his plan regarding Monty himself, but now... This evening had a thrill Rupert had never felt on any date before, and he was finding the feeling extremely agreeable.

Speaking of agreeable - Rupert's chest gave a strange little flutter when Monty suggested finishing up here. The rest of the evening could hold many things, and he felt almost jittery at the thought. He didn't want to presume of course, but- nervous?! Was he nervous?! Rupert didn't think he had ever been nervous in his life - he had run for Minister and met with world leaders with nary a jitter, but now, over an evening with Monty of all things... "Such a gentleman." He chuckled lightly, relieved that his practiced charm didn't let a hint of his inner turmoil through. "In that case, I must get the next one."
Monty may have joked, but he wasn't sure he'd done much of the seducing. Was it not Rupert who had stopped him in the conference hall all those years ago to compliment his presentation? Was it not Rupert who, upon hearing about his loss, had kindly come to visit him? And was it not Rupert who smiled at Monty so softly, and regarded him so generously, that he felt a strange tremor whenever he was near? Perhaps Monty had resisted the feeling, but it had always been there, even before he'd been brave enough to give it a name. And though he had taken the first step, it was Rupert who had tended and lit the path.

"Oh - well, that would be lovely," Monty said, and he meant it. He could think of nothing more pleasant than going out to dinner again. But there was a sudden shift in his demeanour. It presented first as a lack of eye contact as he stood up and put on his coat, then advanced into a quiet withdrawal as they exited the lobby and went out into the deepening twilight. He was... scared. How could that be? Just moments ago, he'd been encouraging that tacit anticipation which had grown steadily between them all evening, and now all of a sudden it paralysed him. What on earth had he been thinking? He should have known better. This was too much. This was far too much.

"This really has been lovely, but I think - I'd better go home," he said. That voice. It wasn't his. It belonged to an old, frightened part of himself - a part that was desperate to maintain its control. And now it was panicking, and he didn't know why, but he did know that if he took it back home with him, it would never let him be, and that was far more frightening than anything he was feeling here. "No - no. Ignore me. Did you want-? Are you-?" He shook his head. He'd pull through this. He just needed a few minutes. "I'm so sorry. Do you think we could walk? Somewhere quiet."
Rupert felt a funny warm rush when Monty agreed that there would be another date. A date - Rupert had never in his life thrilled at the idea in this way before. Maybe it wasn't so bad to be... soppy like this, something he had always made fun of his brother and quietly disdained others for. But with Monty it felt different - easy. He hadn't expected Monty to want to go home though, and his heart dropped even as he kicked himself for being disappointed. Everything with Monty was a process, one Rupert knew better than to rush, and... well, there was something to be said for taking it slow, he had to admit. It was growing on him.

But then Monty went on, and Rupert could tell the surprise made it to his face. "I-oh, yes." He smiled quickly. "I would love to take a walk. Such a nice night." He added, tone calm in the face of Monty's anxiety. He was strangely nervous himself, an unusual feeling, but he did his best not to let it out as he set out with the other man. "You know, I don't have expectations." He said gently, lowering his voice. "However you want this evening to end is fine with me, and there's no option that would make me look forward to our next date any less." He paused. "Unless the end you had planned was a murder spree or something of the like, I think that would require at least a little discussion in advance." He added, trying to lighten things somewhat with a joke.

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