End of Year Feast: 2031

Ava King

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Griffin Feather
Ava sat at the Head table chatting away to the staff around her, waiting for all the students to arrive. She was sure that they were just as excited about the food as she was, so it wasn't long before the Hall filled out. The Professor was happy about the red decoration hanging around the Hall, the winner of the House Cup quite obvious. Ava rose and the chatter in the Hall quietened out as she cleared her throat to speak.
"Welcome everyone the final feast of this year. Before we tuck in, I just have a few words to say. A very big congratulations to the winner of our House Cup this year - as you can all see, the winner is Gryffindor!" She exclaimed, clapping along with the cheers from the winning house. "I know that Professor Kingsley is very proud of you all, and very happy to have the Cup in her office." She laughed. "Also a very big congratulations to our Top House Point Earners this year - For Ravenclaw, congratulations to Yerik Rhys Price, who earned 457 points for their House! For Slytherin, congratulations to Justin Kuya who earned 597 for their House! For Hufflepuff, congratulations to Ai Edogawa for earning 564 for her House! And the Top Overall Points Achiever as well as the top of his House, congratulations to Minoas Stratis for earning 796 points! Well done everyone!" Ava happily said, clapping along with the rest of the Hall.
"Congratulations to everyone for this year, you have made us all very proud. Have a fantastic holiday everyone! Be safe and empty out your brains in preparation to learn next year! And now we eat!" Ava laughed as the food appeared on the tables before sitting down, and helping herself to a large portion of food.
Ostensia was in the midst of eating a slice of banana bread when Professor Davershire began her speech. Right now this small slice of sugary bread was like heaven to her taste buds. 'I hope I don't look rude eating this while she is talking.' Ostensia thought to herself as she continued to nibble on her banana bread. It was hard for her to believe that her sixth year was over and done with. The next time she returned to Hogwarts she would be a Seventh Year. That was actually kind of sad. Her Hogwarts career was nearing an end. After all these years she was coming to an end. Ostensia would miss this place while she was gone. That was for sure. Even if she was a little excited to being seeing her boyfriend soon. It was rough only seeing him during the Holiday's or Brightstone Weekends. Soon enough Ostensia would be on that train home and then it was straight to Damian's house. Oh he was going to have a good summer indeed. Osa had so much planned. One of her many plans including the two of them venturing off to a water park. That would be so much fun! When the House Cup was awarded to Gryffindor Ostensia clapped for them. She was a bit bummed that Hufflepuff had come so close but didn't quite make it. But they did a lot better than in previous years. So Ostensia was still proud of her house. Then the top point earners were announced. Ostensia's mouth dropped at some of them. 'Geez! These kids put me to shame!' Ostensia knew she should have done more lessons. But school wasn't really her thing. She tried her best at what she could, but she would never shine like some of the people who won awards today did. Ostensia clapped loudly for them too and smile. They deserved to be appreciated for their hard work. Maybe next year she could earn her name up there? It wasn't likely but she could always hope. The feast was ended quickly and Ostensia smile. Now the feast could begin and she could stop eating the banana break she snuck into the Great Hall to soothe her hungry stomach.

The food appeared upon the table in large amounts and Ostensia took as much food as she thought she could eat. Chicken, mashed potatoes, and even some pumpkin bread. Oh yeah she was going to eat good today. Then she would return home and probably good for Damian. He could cook but it didn't have a woman's touch to it. Ostensia bit into her food and decided to break the tension. 'Who else is ready for the Holidays?" Several students piped in about what they were going to be doing. Ostensia made sure to listen to each and every one of their stories. It was always nice to see what others were doing. Who knows, maybe one of them was headed to the very same water park that she wanted to go to. That would be ironically funny. Ostensia glanced across the hall to see if she could see her sister. When she did she blew her a friendly kiss. Hopefully Isabella was having a good day. Ostensia didn't know whether she would be excited to go home or not. Probably not but Ostensia could never be sure.​
It was the last day at the school. the next day she would be on the train away fro the castel for the last time. she was dressed in her house uniform even though she new that most of the students would be wearing their own clothes she was starting to feel slightly overwhelmed by the whole graduation thing. she sat near the middle of the Gryffindor table as she waited for the house cup winners to be announced. she was not surprised that her ouse had won. but as soon as the name was said she stood up and cheered as loud as she had done in the quidditch match. it was a great feeling to know that she had been head girl the year that they had finally won the house cup back form the ravenclaws and joint won the quidditch cup even if she hadn't played a game.
the next pit of the announcements was new. they hadn't had an award for the top house point earners as far as she could remember though she had seen in many of her patrols over the years that there were trophies for them in the trophy room many years ago. however when each of the names were called out she clapped the student who had worked hard to earn the high amounts of points. the last name was a surprise to her. when her brothers name was called out she smiled at him surprised. "See min, I said you spent too much time in the library. Good work" she said loud over the applause to her brother patting him on the back. she was very proud of her brother even if they weren't related technically, and pleased for him and his achievement. she knew that he had put a lot of work into the year and was glad that he had been rewarded.
as the headmistress finished her speech saying that they should have a good holiday and come back ready to learn it hit her again that she wouldn't be coming back. she clapped as the headmistress finished as the food appeared she tucked straight into a large steak, and all the trimmings, before moving onto some chicken casserole and some potatoes, and everything else. then for desert she made sure that she had a little of everything. she really did have a huge appetite and she had saved herself for the feast so that she could enjoy the food as best as she could as it was always really good. as she ate she talked to the people around her sharing plans for the holiday and saying what she planned on doing now. play quidditch and then join the ministry. once the feast was finished she headed up to the house staying up late in the common room just socialising, before spending the last night ever in the dorm.
Minoas had spent his afternoon trying to figure out how to lock his overloaded trunk. He had packed and unpacked his belongings several times to realize that he was going to need a bigger one for next year as it could hardly keep inside the things he already had. After a long struggle, he managed to lock it and finally catch up his breath. A glance at his watch, made him starting dressing quickly as he was getting late for the End of the Year Feast. His mind and soul might was already wandering in Egypt that he was going to visit soon but his body at least, was obliged to attend at the feast. Besides, according to the hourglasses at the great hall, Gryffindor had won the house cup this year. A good reason to celebrate and enjoy house elves' homemade food.

Walking down the staircase, he blended in a group of students that were heading as well to the great hall for the feast. The long chamber was decorated in scarlet and golden colors with the lion being the guest of honor.
It could be an even bigger victory for the house of Gryffindor if the last Quidditch match wasn't to be cancelled but Minoas was contented with what he had. He had still four full years in front of him to see Gryffindor winning the Quidditch cup and he was going to contribute for sure. There was a melancholic note lingering somewhere in the festive atmosphere. His best friend wasn't going to be around next year. Briar was probably going to ascend in fame and be so busy with her training as a professional Quidditch player that she was going to have minimum time. The castle was going to be definately different without her presence and especially the forbidden forest.

He squeezed between two gryffindors of the same year just before the headmistress began the long-established speech of the feast. The applause could easily be compared to a lion's roar when it was announced officially that Gryffindor had won the house cup and Minoas joined the festivity. He then turned to his empty dish in front of him, expecting that the foods would appear but the headmistress wasn't done with her speech. It seemed that there was a tribute about top house points earners and he managed to be both Gryffindor's and overall Hogwarts top point earner. An embarrassed smile spread across his face thanking the people that were sitting close to him and congratulated him. "Thank you. I should stop bad habits though. My reputation is going to get damaged." he replied back to Briar's comment although he hadn't spent his time in the library for that reason. His stomach growled in respond to the plates on the table that filled with every kind of delicacy. He refilled his dish several times to taste everything there, trying twice the herb-crusted steak with mash of sweet potato. He didn't really left any space for dessert but he couldn't resist to the crimson strawberries of the meringue-based pavlova while discussing with his friends about their holidays plans.
Yerik Rhys couldn't be more happier that another year went well for him or so he thinks. The Ravenclaw was fortunate enough to get all the O's he needed, if he just gave his best in Defense Against the Dark Arts he could have had his wish. Straight O's. He didn't need to worry about that anymore since soon he'll be in his fifth year, maybe next year he can have his wish again. It's the same wish he had every year in Hogwarts, just to keep his muse up. He made his way through the corridors and into the Great Hall to attend the feast. Yerik figured that there would be a lot of students looking forward for it, including him. All the special foods prepared just for them and the professors, the celebration would be absolutely unforgettable. He then took his seat along with his fellow Ravenclaw, knowing that they'll ignore his presence like always. Though some would look at him, it never ended that long. Folding his arms, he waited for the rest to seat down and for their Headmistress to speak up. How could he not forget her, she was his professor back in Transfiguration. Professor Davershire. He couldn't help but a smile, knowing he can now go home and have his vacation away from school. For sure his parents had planned something exciting and fun for the holidays, he was sure of it. As they were full of surprises for them, for their children, all the five of them. It was the thing he was looking forward to, the trips they had that made their mansion deserted for most of the day. Only their servers and house elves left to watch over the place, sometimes his cousin would hesitate to go with them too. After her parents dies, Yerik's parent's adopted her as their own child, though it was more of a guardian thing. Clea seems to be quiet but can be very sarcastic when she wants so, they weren't that close yet. There's a lot of time to be, once he gets home and spend time with her and his family.

As the celebration started, Yerik Rhys felt a bit disappointed how the House Cup winner turned out to be the Gryffindors. Not that he hated them or anything, in fact he always liked them more the the other houses. He couldn't help hate one student in particular for making their house point sink, he didn't even thought of remembering her name. It was pointless and useless to do so. So instead of being a bitter loner like he was, Yerik Rhys clapped his hand in praise for the winners. He knew they deserved it and there was nothing wrong to be happy about it to. The boy eyes widened and his jaw dropped, his name was mentioned for the first time in the history. He couldn't help to stare at their headmistress, frozen. Even though he was the least student who earned house points among the four, he couldn't be proud of himself more that he is now. His father would be thrilled to hear about this, in fact all of his family members. Upon hearing the rest of the students name, he clapped for them and also for him even it was too late. A few glances and stares were given to him, he didn't mind though he did returned them with a convincing smile. Once the words were said and done, Yerik Rhys started to get munch on some food that was prepared for them all, they all looked so mouthwatering. He looked at his plate, loaded with foods he couldn't even recognize anymore.
Samual was quite sad that the year was coming to an end, he'd miss Hogwarts again, like he had last year, he always ended up missing the school as if it was his real home, and in a way it was. Most of his friends were like family to him, and even though this year had not run as smoothly as the Gryffindor would have hoped, he was still pleased with everything that had happened. In fact, he was extremely happy with his results, straight O's, he'd worked hard for them and was sure he'd lost hair from all the stressing out he'd done when studying and finding out that he'd miss something or something, but he'd managed to get straight O's and wanted to do it again, next year. Sammy could barely contain himself as he thought about next year, a fresh year to do all sorts of new and fantabulous things, and a whole new year of classes, and new students, it was all just so exicting. He hoped Claire would wind up attending Hogwarts like she said she would, he'd love to see her again, she was a lot of fun and so different, it was unique. Taking a seat at the gryffindor table, Sammy smiled at his fellow housemates, some liked him, some probably hated him, and some probably thought they knew everything about him. He was starting to attempt to ignore things and just enjoy his last few days at Hogwarts before he had to say goodbye to everyone and go home to his family. He was happy about seeing his siblings again, but it was easier being an orphan at school, than at home, though the amount of times his parents deaths had been used against him was shocking, it was still easier being at Hogwarts than home, probably because he had family, and friends here.

Listening up when the Headmistress began to address everyone Sammy's smile doubled when it was announced that Gryffindor had won the house cup. Not that it wasn't already pretty obvious, it was different to actually hear the words spoken from the Headmistress herself meantioned it, so the Gryffindor cheered with the rest of his house happily, then settled down a little so the Professor could continue her speech, without having to fight with the noise from his house. When some students names were called out, Sammy clapped for every single one of them, he knew that two were in his year, he vaguely knew one, the Slytherin boy, and to say that they were friends... would be a gross understatement, Samual had the feeling that Justin sort of hated him, he wasn't exactly sure why, but he tried not to think about it. The curly-haired Gryffindor made sure that he congratulated the fellow Gryffindor, Minoas though he was sure he had never had a real conversation with the boy, he deserved to be congratulated for his obvious hard work, all four students did, but not all of them were sitting close to Sammy, so he didn't really bother. Once the Headmistress was finished, Sammy picked out a few things to eat and enjoyed the feast with his house, and occasionally waved at his friends in other houses, because he was going to miss them a lot too.
Isabella was so glad the school year was over with. There wasn't anything enjoyable about school or attending it. Especially when all year Isabella had been faced with the biggest pain in the ass since the plague. Sergios Romanes. Did he seriously think he had the right to act like he did? She was Isabella Pisces. Though the name she came from was smaller, she felt she had enough authority to put that freak in his place. All year the two of them bickered and fought. It seemed like it had actually become a routine. Isabella could barely find enough time to even avoid the boy. He was everywhere it seemed. In all of her classes, whenever she went to eat, all her secret places she enjoyed going to. It is weird to think about actually. How he managed to get everywhere she was with such little effort. Did he have a tracking device on her or something? 'I doubt he's intelligent enough for that sort of thing.' A boy like him lacked in brains what he didn't lack in physical ability. Isabella turned her gaze to the headmistress when she started to speak. Isabella rolled her eyes and tried her best to pay attention. When turning her gaze though she found her gaze falling onto the idiot she had been thinking about earlier. He didn't seem to notice her but that was good. Isabella didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she was looking at him when he wasn't looking. Isabella huffed to herself and returned her gaze to the front, even when she doesn't care about who won the house cup. Especially since it wasn't Slytherin. The won year Ravenclaw didn't win the House Cup the over achieving Gryffindor's did. Ugh she bet that made Sergios so proud. Hmph before she left for home she would have to make sure that he got a little goodbye present from her. Isabella rolled her eyes. The madness didn't end with just the Gryffindor's either.

She also spoke about the top point earners. Isabella snorted at that. The top point earner for her own house she had never heard of so he or she must have been a recluse or something. Isabella knew she wasn't even close to being one of the top point earners. There was no way she was going to subdue herself to that much school. The kids who did either had no life and did nothing but study, or were compensating for something. Probably both. 'I would never waste that much time on earning points. Chances are some idiot in my house will just lose them anyways.' Isabella felt like a lot of others in her house were stupid with getting caught with things. Like fighting or pranks. If you were going to do something make sure not to get caught. That was what Isabella honestly felt. The feast began and Isabella snatched a bowl before anyone else could grab it. Yeah this was going to be hers. Isabella stuck her tongue out at the person sitting across from her and put some of the food onto her plate, then she allowed others to have the bowl. Isabella didn't feel like waiting or taking turns when it came to something she wanted. Next year she would be in her third year. Was Isabella excited? It wasn't something she would jump for joy for. But she definitely was excited to go up another year.​
Graduating was not at all what everyone made it to be. Rakas Varius had mixed feelings about leaving the school, and being in the school. For one, he was sort of a loner, with bright red hair, though he would smile at people that one awkward smile that he had. Rakas moved his hair back from his emerald green eyes as he stared down at the empty plates, his stomach grumbling as it craved for something to fill it. There was just so much on his mind, and nothing was going to stop him from doing what he felt like doing. He could be a professional Quidditch player, he could be a rocker, he didn't know what he wanted. Perhaps Quidditch was the best option for him because he didn't know what else he wanted in life. He should have made up something to where he could have been attending the right classes, but instead he didn't bother, and now he didn't know what he was going to do anymore. Rakas actually did not have the heart to do much. His own inner voice telling him that he wasn't worth much except for his brilliantly red hair. Maybe there would be a road that would open up to him. There has to be something that he could do with his life. Rakas didn't want to burden Grezhen anymore, so he was going to take the money he had left over, and he was going to move out on his own. Then maybe Grezhen could be better friends with that Callisto Pisces. Wasn't there a Pisces in the school? Rakas was not entirely sure, but the last name seemed familiar. Well, other than Callisto, there was one.

The Gryffindor boy would think of it later because if he didn't remember, then it did not really matter to him. When the Headmistress came on to speak, his emerald eyes lifted from the empty plates, to the woman before he listened to her speak. He cheered when Gryffindor had won the house cup. At last! Rakas could not have asked for a better year because he had wanted to Gryffindor to win for some time. The top points earned by people, none of them he knew and could care less about because they were all much younger than he. The only thing that he cared about was his food, his final moments in the castle, and of course, Gryffindor winning the house cup. At least he can take home a victory of Quidditch, led by himself and Aphrodite. Damian would have been proud of the win. They had not let Hufflepuff score, not even once. It was a grand victory. If they didn't have many sick people on the team, then they might have scored once, or kept the Quaffle away. At least they had played like a team, and a team would they stay. Rakas looked down and he saw that the food had arrived. Goodness, he wanted something right now, and he wanted meat. Rakas reached for a cooked chicken breast, and filled his plate with a variety of meats and vegetables before digging in. Of course, he didn't think that he was going to have this good quality of food for a long time, because he was not coming back as a professor or anything of the sort. He chowed down, on the bittersweet end of the year feast. Only the seventh years would know of the feeling that Rakas was getting, and he was not really looking forward to what rested ahead in his life, for he knew not what it was.
Justin couldn't believe that it was the end of the year right now, holidays were just around the corner and he couldn't be happier. Exams were an annoying, but nessesary part of schooling, and the Slytherin was grateful that they were over and done with. Sitting boredly at the Slytherin table with his arms folded. It was obvious that Gryffindor won the House cup, and if Drake still attended this school, Justin might have felt some sort of happiness for them, but his twin was no-longer a Gryffindor, which meant that he no-longer cared about the house at all. Justin simply rolled his eyes at the house of idiots, as they started cheering like they'd actually done something meaningful and exciting. Justin was waiting for the food to come up, but nothing happened, and he soon realised that the Headmistress wanted to say more, why she couldn't just say 'good job' and let them eat was beyond the Slytherins understanding, but apparently whatever she had to say must have been pretty important, but Justin doubted it.

Only half listening to Professor Davershire, Justin looked up in shock when she said his name, and it wasn't to say that he had to be in her office she was actually congratulating him for earning the most points for his house. That was shocking. Considering Justin had found himself in trouble by professors a few times, and lost some points, and neglected to do homework, or actually fully listen in classes, he was amazed that he had actually earnt the most. Slytherin must be doing horribly if Justin was earning the most point for the house, and wasn't even trying. When food was finally put on the table, Justin smirked and filled his plate, and decided to try and enjoy what little time he had at this school.
Kate had finished packing her trunk a while ago.It had been a small bit of a struggle as for some reasons he had more stuff leaving then when she had come to Hogwarts which always seemed to be the case much to her annoyance as she hated packing and trying to squeeze in clothes into her trunk was not how she planned on spending the last day of Hogwarts.In two years this would be Kate's last day of school.It was weird because in some ways it seemed ages away but in others it seemed to be just around the corner.It was amazing how school could actually become your home.Kate loved Hogwarts and she was going to be very upset on her last day.It was more of a home to her then her current one as she had spent more time in Hogwarts then in England.Compared to most years,this year was one of the best so far.Things had improved between herself and Sara she had made two really good friends and other then the beginning of the year and the Rumor Has It magazine it hadn't been too bad.The exams had gone pretty okay,she had done her best and that's all anyone could ask for.She wasn't an all O's student.First of all she wasn't exactly the most motivated student and she was kind of lazy.She was looking forward to going home,it was one of the first years she was.they had to sort the Ryan problem and the family problem in general because things needed to be sorted.

Kate looked up as Professor Davershire began to speak.She clapped when Gryffindor was announced the House Cup winner.She was glad that it had gone to someone else this year.Even though she would have preferred it to be Hufflepuff,Gryffindor must have deserved it.She was still a small bit upset of the outcome of the quidditch match.She was disappointed that they hadn't worked as a team.Only three people seemed to have played that game.She hoped things changed next year because she at least wanted to score next year.She clapped as each person was congratulated for earning the most amount of points.She didn't remember this happening before.Kate would probably never win.She didn't remember how many points she had got this year.She knew some of the people.She looked for Minoas when he was awarded the overall achiever.She was happy for him.Kate hoped next year would be a good year,better then this year and ever other year.She wanted a happy year,one she could remember fondly instead of cringing and being upset.She clapped once more when Professor Davershire finished her speech.When the food came on the table she filled her plate and enjoyed the food.
Sara smiled as she entered the Hall, the last day. The OWLs were over, and she felt like dancing. She saluted a few friends at other tables, and took her seat, waiting for Professor Davershire to speak. It was still weird trying to remember her new name, she still called her Professor Sparkles by accident from time to time. The school was all over the place at the moment, she couldn't wait to see her parents. This year was the first year they'd be announcing indivivual point earners. She was sickened at the thought of Ravenclaw losing the House Cup. four years they'd had it. Four years! What a run! It had been a point of pride for their house, and though Gryffindor had worked hard, she was still a bit disappointed. She applauded all the winners, grinning at Yerik, who was in the year below her. He was a good student. She wouldn't be surprised if he became a prefect, but she wasn't going to think about it. There was no point trying to guess who'd become one, they'd just have to wait. He was a good beater too. She couldn't wait for try-outs next year.

She clapped at the end of Professor Davershire's speech, looking forward to the glorious food she knew was coming. She got herself some roast chicken, potatoe and gravy. No matter how gorgeous other food was, that would always be her favourite meal. She'd be going home in the morning, and she knew they'd be having a quick lunch or something, because they had to get a plane home. She fully intended to stuff herself today. Her thoughts switched to Stefan Archer for a moment, she hoped, wherever he was, he was okay, and Stefan Glass. He'd lost his Father, they'd all lost him, and she hoped he was coping alright.
Aphrodite was somewhat bummed to have seen this year go by so quickly. This year was pretty good. Not only did Aphrodite get promoted to captain and helped secure a win in Quidditch where the other team didn't even have the chance to score. But everything just seemed to go so smoothly for her. In a way Aphrodite was worried that she would return next year and it wouldn't be as good of a year. A lucky year it was indeed. But would it continue on until next year or would it not? 'I really hope that it does. Otherwise I'm going to hate school.' Aphrodite thought to herself. Hopefully next year she had more time to spend with her boyfriend, Isaia. Him studying for the OWL's and her working her tail off to get high marks in just about every class she could just about killed their social life together. If there was any way to make it up to him Aphrodite would most certainly try. But she just wasn't sure if it was possible to make up like she wanted to. Plus she had been hearing rumors from others in her house that he had become all buddy-buddy with some Slytherin. Aphrodite didn't know if it was true or not but it was enough to put her on edge and make her want to avoid him. She didn't even meet him in the hallway before she came into here. It was just that she felt bad for being a bad girlfriend this year, and she got jealous easily. Aphrodite was a spotlight hogger. She knew this. She would love to fix it if she could but there was no way it would seem without being someone who she wasn't. Aphrodite laid her head on the table. Right now she would love to just scream. Scream until her voice was shot. Until her throat felt so constricted that she dared not utter another word. That was just how upset she was feeling about that situation. Aphrodite picked her head back up lazily when the Headmistress began to start her speech. Gryffindor won the house cup. That was one thing to be happy about at least. Aphrodite clapped happily and smiled along with the others who sat at her table. Finally, a year where Ravenclaw didn't win! How exciting!

Then there was an announcement on who the top point earners. Aphrodite listened in to see who it was that had managed to do such a difficult task. The blonde was flabbergasted when she heard the point amounts. "Goodness!" They earned even more than she did. Which was odd because Aphrodite had the tendency to be an overachiever. Next year, she would have to try her best to possibly outrank these kids. There was no guarantee since it was her OWL year. But she was hoping. Minoas took the cake too. She knew who he was since he played Quidditch. Well congratulations to him! He was the one that helped the most for Gryffindor's big win! He must really like school then. Aphrodite's eyes widened when the feast began and food appeared right before her eyes. She was never going to get used to that. Aphrodite excused herself when she bumped elbows with the person sitting next to her and went for a nice big slice of pumpkin pie. Alyssa would die if she knew they had pumpkin pie. Anything pumpkin flavored she went nuts over. Aphrodite was just reminded of the fact that she would be returning home soon. To see Vincent and Alyssa. Oh yeah and her little nephew Chacen too. Apparently he had become quite the talker. It was cute. Aphrodite was reminded of Vincent when she looked at him. Aphrodite turned her head to see if she could see Isaia. If he wasn't too mad, and she could get over her insecurity maybe he would like to come over for dinner one of these days. It would be nice to at least ask and see if he was willing to come.
Taking a seat with the Ravenclaws for the final time, Jeremy's blue eyes looked around the room. He was trying to capture this moment in time forever in his mind's eye. The seventeen year old was no longer a student of the school, having graduated and completed all of his NEWTs already. It would be a couple of weeks before he saw his scores, but he was fairly confident that he had done well on most of them, except for Arithmancy. He was certain he'd bombed that particular exam. Bringing his attention to the front of the room, Jeremy listened to the Headmistress as she spoke. He already, sadly, knew her first announcement. For the first time in several years, Ravenclaw had not won the House Cup. Jeremy clapped politely for Briar and her house, though he was disappointed. As the school's Great Hall changed to Gryffindor colors, Jeremy continued to listen. He cheered on the students who had earned the most points for their house. It was an accomplishment.

Turning his attention to the food, Jeremy pulled some pecan pie over to himself. It was his last feast so who said he had to eat food first? Taking a bite, he began to converse with his house mates, some of whom he had befriended over the years and others he only knew by sight. What would come for him in the coming days was unknown even to him, though he was looking forward to enjoying his graduation present - an all expense paid vacation.
Kaia was nearly half asleep. She didn't understand why they had to get up so early for a stupid feast. It should be held later on in the day so certain people could get more sleep. Kaia didn't even like to sleep. But whenever she wanted to make sure she was well rested people prevented her form doing so. It was irritating. Kaia yawned and propped her arm up onto the table so she could rest her weary head onto it. If Zayne was here right now he'd be nudging her and telling her to stay awake. Luckily he was at the Slytherin table so Kaia could fall asleep all she wanted. Normally it wasn't this bad. Lately it seemed that sleep was just escaping her. For hours on end she'd just lay in bed and her body wouldn't fall asleep. It was enough to make her almost want to cry. Humans needed sleep. Kaia needed sleep. When one didn't get his or her sleep they turned into awful human beings. Kaia just wished to understand why some nights she could fall asleep in a heartbeat and other nights she stayed awake for hours on end. Kaia yawned and tried her best to pay attention to what the Professor was saying. The fact that Gryffindor won the house cup kind of annoyed Kaia. She liked the winning streak they were having. Why did the damn lions have to go and mess it up. That brought an idea to Kaia. Next year she wanted to play Quidditch. Zayne could play it so then why couldn't she? Well she would need a lot of practice. Especially since she had trouble just flying on a broom sometimes. Maybe Zayne could teach her. He might know how to help her stay on her broom for more than a minute or so. Then again, with who next year's captain was supposed to be. Maybe not. Kaia didn't want to have any part of that family or their dramatic schemes. Kaia sighed and closed her eyes once again.

She was sort of excited to go home. But with Etoile and Hades being home one had to tread carefully. Especially now that there was a new baby in the house. Kaia wondered if Hades was excited to go home. Or if he was going to miss his new little friend too much. It would be cuter if she disliked Mylie less and didn't have to watch her brother be like he was. Kaia didn't understand the feelings he felt. That was why and only why. The top point earners didn't really interest Kaia. For the most part they were mostly younger. Except one that she thought was in her year. But Kaia didn't know them, nor did she care about points. Being the top point earner didn't earn you anything special except recognition possibly. Then again, who knew. If it made them proud earning all those points that was more than fine with her. The feast appeared behind her and Kaia blinked. She wasn't too hungry right now either. Kaia did take a piece of meat and chewed a little bit on that. But it lasted only minutes before she was too tired to care about the food anymore. Gosh she just wanted a nap!
Auden thought next year was surely going to be an interesting year indeed. This one had been boring for the most part. That was, until she was bombarded by Troxa. Whom apparently felt really bad about bullying her like he did. Auden still had her suspicions which kept her from completely trusting him. But at the same time, he was being genuinely nice to her. So it was hard for her to figure out what to do when it came to Troxa. Did she trust him and risk there being a chance that this was all some trick. Or did she shut him out when he could possibly truly mean it? Auden figured that if she was given more time then she might possibly be able to decide what she should do. Either way Auden didn't know if she was making the best decision or not. Auden was hungry. Really hungry. She wanted the feast to begin soon but she knew she had to wait until the Headmistress gave her speech and the winner of the House cup was announced. Hufflepuff had done really well this year, better than they have in years. So even if they didn't win Auden wasn't too bummed about all of it. Gryffindor was announced to be the winner and the hall was immediately decorated in the colors of said house. Auden wished it were Hufflepuff colors instead but oh well. Auden clapped along with everyone else congratulating the members of that house. They deserved it. Auden also made sure to clap loudly for the high point earners. They definitely deserved it! Some of them earned twice as much as Auden had! Auden would like to be one of them. But this year she hadn't tried her hardest. Mostly because she was scared to do much. So lessons weren't on her mind like they should have been. But maybe, all of that would change now.

Auden grinned when the Feast began. Food appeared upon the table and decorated it deliciously. Auden's stomach gurgled loudly, practically demanding that she eat some of the food. Auden didn't hesitate either. Oh she was so hungry. Auden piled her plate high with food. All sorts of food. Things like vegetables, plenty of roast beef. She would eat good tonight. Once she got home she would be sure to spend as much time with her father as possible. "I'm eating like a pig." Auden admitted sourly as she noticed a few of her classmates sitting next to her. But she was so hungry right now. If they didn't like it then they didn't have to look at her. Auden wondered if Troxa was enjoying the feast. She didn't want to turn and try to find him because he might find it weird if she was searching for him when they didn't really know one another.
Athena sat at the Slytherin table with a smile on her face. Anyone who saw her might have guessed that she was pleased to be at the feast and was ready to engage with the other students. Anyone who knew her knew that she was merely glad to be on her way home. Athena was ready for an entire summer of lounging around her backyard, visiting with Ariah and Leviathan and finding things to occupy her time that were not related to education. Sure, her little siblings would be there but when they bothered her too much she would just lock her room door or threaten to curse them. She wasn't sure if they knew that she wasn't yet allowed to use magic during vacations, and if they didn't, she surely wasn't going to be the one to tell them.

Only paying slight attention to the Headmistress as she spoke, she heard that Gryffindor had won the House Cup. At least Slytherin hadn't been in the cellar this year, though third place wasn't much better. Athena had worked harder this year than she ever had but she knew that she wasn't one of the top points leaders. Her grades were great by her standards but probably only ok by other people's standards. Still, she was eager to show her father her grades, hoping he would be pleased. Pulling over some stew, Athena quickly served herself after the Headmistress had finished and began to eat. Her silver eyes paid attention mostly to her plate, though she did glance up on occasion when she was spoken to.

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