Ello, Amigas!!!

Madeline Dela Merced

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony wood 14 1/2 inches essence of sakura blossoms
Hello, I'm Diana and I love Harry Potter so much. I saw this website on yahoo search, I'm not new into role playing and I think i will enjoy here.

:D Diana
Hi Diana! :) I'm Nick, one of the admin here.
Welcome to HNZ! ^_^ I hope you do enjoy your time here. =]
To read about the site see our Documentation Page. If you have any additional questions or concerns - feel free to send me a PM.
Hello, Diana!
Welcome to the site :woot:
I'm Beth. I've been on the site for over two years and it is brilliant.
Hope to see you around the site :D
I'm Jessye and I've been here a little bit over two and a half years! You'll have a really fun time here, I guarantee it! Hope to see you around the board!

♥ Jessye
Also: I'm hurt that you only said hello to the "amigas" and not us "amigos". :(
Gracias everyone for welcoming me, I feel loved already :D and Nick, I'm sorry, of course all the boy as well :) *pats head*
Bienvenidos a HNZ, Diana. I hope you like it here. :D Feel free to call me Amanda. ^_^
Hey, Amanda and Mimi. Your names are pretty, I like them and thank you for welcoming again :D I should start reading the site doc before I begin with my thinking on what to do with my character xD
Hey Diana :D

Welcome to HNZ (i know its all already been said but im sure you will love it here :D )

Anyway, i hope to see you around the board :D

Kate :hug:

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