dusk walking

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
Elvera liked summer, it was late in the evening and the sun was just setting she had felt restless for most of the day so she had decided to go out for a walk. she was just skirting the edge of the forest, deciding wether r not she should go in when she head something behind her. she looked around and saw nothing except the lake which she had just walked around, she carried on walking. as the sun set she felt prickles of the night air tickling her skin. a soft breeze whispered from the tree tops above her tantalizing her. she looked behind her once more and then slipped into a gap between the trees. the usual calm of forests hit her as soon as she passed the first row of trees, walking slower now she tried to identify as many of the plants as she could, however many were different from the ones at home. suddenly she heard a crack from behind her she stopped suddenly her breath rattling in her ears, there it came again the crack of twigs, she was already quite far into the foods and it was got dark quickly under the canopy of the trees. the noise came again nearer now. she inhaled and ran dodging between the trees and jumping over logs. after a while when she was sure she had lost the thing behind her she stopped, and bent over clutching a stitch in her side.
Aurora had been walking in the forest, rather arrogently infact, why she had even gone to deep she wasn't sure. But she surely needed to get out before dark. She started to walk back, coming across a small patch, which would be perfect for star gazing one night, she passed it by. Suddenly, she heard rushing through the bushes, she turned around to see a girl clutching her side as if hurt. She rushed over to see if she was ok. "Oh my goodness, are you ok?" she asked.
At the sound of a voice Elvera looked up yet she was still bent over. she saw the outline of a figure walking towards her, when the figure walked out of the shadows into a patch of evening sunlight she recognized one of the professors, but she didn't think that he had ever hat her, the astronomy professor Merrythought, elvera thought although she could not be sure. slowly she eased herself up hoping that her stitch didn't come back. "Yes professor, I'm fine, i just had a bit of a fright." Elvera replied. Elvera looked around and realized that she didn't recognize which part of the forest she was in. but she didn't say anything about that.
"Oh dear. It's nearly nightfall" she gasped, looking around. It certainly didn't seem to appealing to stick around here waiting for night to come. "Come on, let's see how far we can make it out of here." She pronounced. Brushing down her dress and flicking her hair back behind her shoulders. "If your wondering, I was out looking for a good stargazing spot, and not to mention my evening walks" Aurora smiled. "What about yourself, what makes you come here?" she asked, expecting the girl to walk along with her.
(( I hope you don't mind? ))

Thearus as always was walking through the forest. It was getting dark and the few student's that entered it had left. Even they weren't as daft as to stay after the light left this place.. The wolves were out tonight. He could hear them prowling through the tree's. But they would not disturb him. He heard in the distance voices.. Human.. Voices. Maybe some where foolish enough to enter. Moving closer to the voices he noted that one was an adult. And professor at the school no doubt while the other seemed to be a student. "I trust you were to be heading back to the castle now?" His mystical voice making his words dance and entwine. together in an enchanting way. "For the wolves are about tonight and I trust you don't want to come across them?".
((thats fine))
Elvera smiled at the professor as she explained why she was here. and then started to follow as the professor walked towards the edge of the clearing as she didn't want to be left alone in the depths of the forest. "I went for a walk around the grounds to relax. well anyway i was just heading back near the forbidden forest, when i heard someone behind me. i got scared and slipped behind the front row of trees and carried on. but the footsteps continued and seemed to be getting closer. so i ran. i didn't know which way i was going. and then i stopped here" she sighed, not knowing which way was out. suddenly behind her she heard another twig snap and she jumped, a second later a centaur came out of the shadows, he was taller and looked older than the only other centaur she had seen. his voice was beautiful and silky. but at the mention of wolves she became a little scared. "Wolves" she gasped. "i didn't know that there were wolves here" she looked around the clearing expecting to see eyes looking out at her, thankfully there wasn't, "which way is out?" she asked the centaur, forgetting her self pride.
Aurora turned behind her, she stepped infront of Elvera, in an act of protection. Her duty was to protect students at all costs. "I can assure you wolves do not scare me, now run along... centaur" she stated, ushering him with her hands. She then went back over to Elvera, lets try and get out of here, the astronomy professor grabbing her wrist.
Elvera was surprised when professor merrythought blocked her from the centaur and showed it, she had felt safer with the creatures strength near her. elvera tried to slip around professor merrythought to say goodbye to the centaur before he left but before she had chance she felt the professors strong grip around her wrist. pulling her, although elvera presumed not deliberately, away from the clearing and towards what elvera presumed the forests edge heading towards the castle.

((i hopei am not godmoding, if i am then forget the last sentence))
(( sorry for not posting in some time.. got a tad caught up ))

The professor went into protective mode of the child and then said something that in his mind. Was just simply... the wrong..thing.. to say. At least to a centaur. If it had been Mist or someone else. She would find herself with a sword or arrow to her neck. Thearus himself disliked violence towards humans.. even arrogant ones.. Still, he couldn't help but be annoyed. "Run Along?!" He looked at her incredulously . "Well you obviously have no idea how to talk to a centaur do you?" He called after her as they once more started heading....in the wrong direction. He sighed and walked after a moment before saying in his usual calm mystical voice, "I know I should be 'running along'... But I believe.. the last time I checked... That the castle was in that direction" He motioned his hand off into the trees. "Unless you've managed to move the castle for some reason a simple centaur couldn't comprehend?" He raised an eyebrow slowly.
As they neared the cover of the trees she heard the centaur spoke up and say that they were going in the wrong direction, Elvera wanted to laughed, she let out a titter but she wasn't sure wether it was because it was funny or wether she was just nervous. she stopped and then walked in then started in the opposite direction, dragging the professor behind her. topping briefly she asked "which way should i go to get out?" as she didn't want to go the wrong way again and she wanted to get out before all of the light was gone.
"Yes, run along. Sorry, I can't translate that into centaur, but to be quite frank I couldn't care less about you and your... posse" she smirked. "Come on Elvera, lets leave this god foresaken being, and get back to the castle" following her.
[can edit if you do not wish for me to join but found this quite interesting]

Claphore galloped headlong into a small clearing coming up behind two female humans and Thearus into the bargain. Was he honestly consorting with infernal humans? Disgusted he stomped the ground with his huge hooves and took out the large broad sword that was strapped to his back.
"What goes it here?" the old female was intent on being rude and though Claphore was no more than a teenager himself he was not about to let the filthy creature speak like that to one of his tribe.
The broad sword glinted in the half light through the forest trees, the howling of wolves were echoing but they were some distance away. There was no full moon so the creature that the humans hid at the school was at bay as well. He glared at the two females, noticing the strange colours of the younger ones eyes.
"Witches should be stirring their cauldrons not frolicking about in the forest. Go back to your own little patch of land and leave us be humans".

He was extremely intolerant for someone so young.
"How dare you! Filthy half breed. My duty is to protect students of this school, you are a threat" she bellowed, her american accent coming through strongly. "And if need be I must use physical attack on, I can tell you now, I am not afraid to" she stated, turning around.
Claphore threw his head back and roared with laughter.
"You are beyond amusing scum, now take the brat and flee while we still allow you to breath" he turned to look at the youngling and with a wicked glint in his eye leaned a little lower.
"Boo! fancied yourself a centaur did you?" he laughed having seen the way she had been looking at Thearus, "Do not put airs on yourself little thing, he would eat you for breakfast".

He stomped harder on the ground as the sound of the distant wolves seemed to be getting closer to more to their encampment than to where these sickly humans were. Claphore raised his sword high and with it rose up on his hind quarters, his front hooves pawed the air as he buckled to take off in the hunt. Twisting and turning restlessly, as if undecided whether he should stay or go, Claphore could no longer deny the battle inside him to race off and slay some wolf. Glaring at the old hag he smirked.
"You are lucky witch, the next time you may not be so fortunate" with that he swerved past them coming dangerously close as if he would run them down, he snorted at Thearus as he past him. If he wanted to stay with the witches let him, there was hunting to be done and he would not miss out.
Elvera Was shocked by the professors responce, "professor!" she exclaimed, "please! be nice". just as elvera finnished speaking she head hooves and felt another presence in the clearing. Turningaroud she saw that annother younger centor had entered the clearing. "Hello, how are you this eavening" she greated him. after he spoke saying that witched should be sturing theie culdren she replied. "I know we should be back in the castle, we got lost and were just heading back."
Elvera hoped that this would calm the cnetor down but this was unsucsessful, in fact he seemed more angry, this may have been because of what professor Merrythought had said. maybe she wants to get us lost or maybe killed, Elvera thought, yet didn't say anything. a couple of moments later she was abruptly bulled out of her thoughts by the new centaur who said boo right into her face. "who would eat me for breakfast?" she asked, not in a mean way but in a curious one. suddenly the centaur turned and ran out of the clearing. by this point it was almost dark. "come on professor we have to go." and then to the centaur "which way did you say it was ,and then we will be leaving you. it has been a pleasure meeting you" She smiled yet inside she was shaking wether with the cold or fear she didn't know.

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