Dueling: Reboot

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
As per suggestion, we need to revive Dueling. If there are many people interested in it, we can get started so that the excitement isn't just limited to Quidditch and RPs. The dueling system works a little like the old Quidditch system did, and is very easy to follow. If you have a character that wants to beat another, this is the place for you. You can cast spells on each other without any consequences from the professors.
I am working on this as Styx, as he was an expert duelist back in his day (might be now, but let's not have someone challenge him :r ).
The rules are crystal clear as is the point system. Professor Styx will be leading this, and if there are too many students, I am sure he is willing to help out. Now, if you really want to be in this, we can get started on it right away. Below are my list of students who'd want to be part of the dueling tournament. Just post your interest, and I will add you to the chart. Also, add your students to SDA if you haven't already! (That includes me ahaha)
Sign Up said:
[li]Victoire Fontaine: Second Year</LI>
[li]Ellington Hayes
[li]Maya Corby: Second Year
[li]Ivaylo Zhefarovich-Dolohov: Second Year
[li]Lucien Snow: Second Year
[li]Francesca Grimm: Second Year
[li]Esme Lancaster: Second Year
[li]Joanna Dragonov: Second Year
[li]Belladonna Metzger: Third Year
[li]Skye Taylor: Third Year
[li]Lowan Kickett: Third Year
[li]Graeme Fergusson: Third Year
[li]Mathew Cosgrove: Third Year
[li]Pandora Matthias: Third Year
[li]Vladimir Zhefarovich: Third Year
[li]Tomas Hayes: Third Year
[li]Lux Hamilton: Third Year
[li]Casey Daniels: Third Year
[li]Zechariah Powell: Third Year
[li]Dominque Grimm: Fourth Year
[li]Perseas Stratis: Fourth Year
[li]Rhiannon McGowan: Fourth Year
[li]Willow Jaye Hydran: Fourth Year
[li]Dexter Lesley: Fourth Year
[li]Aaren Nightray: Fifth Year
[li]Hanna Mitchelle Freecss: Fifth Year
[li]Sage Ottavi: Fifth Year
[li]Tybalt Archer: Sixth Year
[li]Kelsey Ariyah Boneheart: Sixth Year
[li]Rosie Reilly: Sixth Year
[li]Sergei Zhefarovich: Sixth Year
[li]Killua Freecss: Sixth Year
<LI>[li]Abel Smith: Sixth Year[/li][/ol]
Are first years allowed? Either way I'd be interested in participating with: Rosie Reilly, Belladonna Metzger, and Pandora Matthias.
First years are allowed, but not really recommended for the amount of spells they would know.
All of my SDA students would be willing, so Kelsey, Willow and Maya, but I don't really want to put in my first years xD and my second year is probably a bit silly too. I'll jump Taylor in as well.
I'm throwing in Killua Freecss (Sixth Year) and Hanna Mitchelle Freecss (Fifth Year).. I'll pass on having my firsties in duelling.. xD
:woot: Good to see this starting.
I'll add Abel Smith, sixth year. Dexter Lesley, fourth year. Dominique Grimm, fourth year. Tomas Hayes, third year. Francesca Grimm, second year.
I don't think I will add my first year. ^_^
Happy to get on board with this, and would add, Tybalt Archer (6th year), Sage Ottavi (5th year), Graeme Fergusson (3rd year) and Victoire Fontaine (2nd year)
The rest are first years, and Avie shouldn't be anywhere near duelling.
Perseas Stratis 4th Year
I'll throw in my third years for good measure. Skye Taylor, Casey Daniels and Mathew Cosgrove.
I'll add you all to the list in the morning, and start pairing off people on Tuesday, which is the deadline for sign ups!
Rhiannon McGowan will have a shot (even if it really is just to prove to others *cough*perseas*cough* that she isn't all books). She is 4th year hufflepuff.

And whilst we are here if you are short people. I have Lowan kickett third year gryffindor who is always up for a fight.
I'll also be adding Ellington Hayes: Second Year Gryffindor.
I'll put in Esme Lancaster, second year.
Just in time, Pat. ^_^
How I am going to start it is that I will be matching everyone up via random number generator in the same year, to make it fair based on knowledge. I will have five matches, one per year. I will not let one person fight in more than two duels. I'll post the list up once it is ready, and start the dueling threads as well.

The matches are as followed...
Second Year: Lucien Snow versus Esme Lancaster. The match is here
Third Year: Mathew Cosgrove versus Lowan Kickett. The match is here
Fourth Year: Dexter Lesley versus Perseas Stratis. The match is here
Fifth Year: Sage Ottavi versus Aaren Nightray. The match is here
Sixth Year: Killua Freecss versus Rosie Reilly. The match is here

The winners will receive 25 house points, and as soon as one match ends, I'll set up another one to keep it going. I hope I didn't pair off anyone that would duel themselves. Unless any of you want to.

I had to make some edits to the ones who are dueling now.
If you are not on the SDA list, you will not be in this tournament.
And, to answer Emzies' side note, you can cast and dodge. xD You can also cast an offensive and a defensive spell (defensive being a shield spell).
You just don't cast two offensive spells in the same post. Or throw punches. Or banish cupcakes into the audience.
Thanks Kaitlyn!
It has been a while since I did any duelling, I should read up a little more.
Banishing cupcakes is Sergei's thing, not Sage's :r
Somebody should try sending a cupcake towards Styx.. :p Just sayin'
"You may only cast spells on items that are on the duelling platform."

Are there any items on or around the dueling platform that can utilized for extra creativity?

Can we use some (reasonable) objects that could be there? (like tables, chairs, armors etc)?
I'll add Kris Turner my first year, hopefully he'll have no partner so he can play with Styx. XD
and Riley Lawrence my New Fifth year! if it's not to late
OOCOut of Character:
Never mind, too late XD

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