Dueling Match #6

Professor Edward Pirrip

Work hard, play harder | Teddy's dad | Limps
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
@Ten Layton-King x @Oskar Strom

Edward had never supervised an underage dueling tournament before and he was interested to see how this tournament would play out. With his wand at the ready, he signaled for the next two opponents to step forward and take their positions. He addressed both fifth years with firm encouragement. “Welcome to your first duel of the tournament. I expect to see good sportsmanship from both of you. When I give the signal, you will bow to one another and begin. Wands at the ready.” He looked between both of them before nodding. “You may begin.”

OOCOut of Character:
The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels. Duelers cannot cast spells at the spectators or face disqualification.

[b]Current Points:[/b] --
[hr]RP content[hr]
[b]Action(s) Taken:[/b] --
[b]Point Changes:[/b] --
[b]Points Remaining:[/b] --
Current Points: 150

Oskar hadn't done particularly well in the tournament last year. But after dropping quidditch after his first year here he was desperately clinging to someone he was before he came to Hogwarts. Or at least someone he had pretended to be. He gripped his wand tightly as he faced his first appointment and bowed quickly. He didn't know the girl well and this probably wasn't the right time to try. With a quick wave of his wand he fired off the first spell, a simply jelly fingers jinx.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

Ten hadn't participated in duels before. In truth she hadn't participated in much at all, but with only a few years left at Hogwarts it was probably best to try before it was too late. She bowed to the Slytherin, reading herself for the first move. Her opponent however got their first, but Ten was quick to fire up a shield spell to stop the jinx from hitting her. She may not have been in a duel before, but she'd fought Felix and Ned enough to protect herself. "Obscuro!" Ten hoped that if Oskar couldn't see anything, she'd get an instant win.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 140
Current Points: 145

Oskar knew he had no shot winning in the first exchange of spells and of course she blocked it. But he was ready too. He raised his wand to cast a shield charm as the spell came at him fast. Quickly he waved his wand again to send one back. "Silencio!"

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 140

Ten chuckled when Oskar tried to silence her. That hadn't worked for anyone yet, why did he think it would work for him? How was she supposed to win this beyond a simple too and frow between them? Surely this Slytherin had a weakness. It was too bad Ten had kept to herself all year, because it meant she literally knew nothing about him. "Incendio," she called out, trying to see if fire would scare him.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 130
Current Points: 135

Oskar could feel a sweat break out across his forehead as a fire blast came right at him. He managed to cast a shield charm in time but it forced him to take a step back. Taking a deep breath he gathered himself enough to cast his next spell. "Confundo!"

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 130

Ten could have sworn she’d seen the hint of nerves on the boys face at the fire, so as soon as she’d blocked his spell, she tried it again. She’d taken a few steps closer this time however, the fire pointed straight at his robes.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 125

Oskar swallowed as fire came at him again. He waved his want to cast another shield charm but he was a bit slower this time and for a moment he feared he could smell the edges of his robes smoldering. He tired to think of another spell to cast but he could only think of fire so he sent some back. "Incendio!"

Action(s) Taken: spell cast x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 120

As Oskar tried to retaliate by turning up the heat on their duel even more, Ten was quick to block it so that she wouldn't turn herself in a crisp. "That was my idea," she frowned, but there was a smile on her face. She took a step back, considering her next move for a moment. Wouldn't it be harder for the Slytherin to hit her if he couldn't see her? "Evanesco," she said, doing her best to point her wand at herself. Nothing happened. "Evanesco!" Apparently volume wasn't the problem, as the spell failed to turn her invisible.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, tried to cast spell but failed
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 110
Current Points: 115

Oskar wasn't sure how to react when Ten complained about his spell choice. He raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. It wasn't like she could lay claim to a spell, not really. He got ready to fend of her next spell and half expected fire to come at him once more, but he was startled to see her aim her wand at herself. His mouth gaped open for a moment but it seemed her spell wouldn't take. He saw an opening and cast a simple disarming spell, hoping to catch her off guard.

Action(s) Taken: spell cast
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 110
Current Points: 110

Ten wasn’t ready when another spell came her way, she was too focused on trying to turn herself invisible. Luckily she managed to step out of the way instead, although she wobbled on the edge of stage, heart stopping for a moment when she wasn’t sure if she was about to fall. Regaining her balance, Ten was quick to send another stunning spell to Oskar.

Action(s) Taken: dodge spell, cast spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 95
Current Points: 110

Oskar felt a little bad when he cast another spell while Ten was vulnerable. He winced a little as she had to dodge. He watched as she righted herself but some how missed the flick of her wrist as she cast a spell back at him. In the moment of hesitation, he was too slow to get a shield up in time as he felt his body stiffen before falling over.

Action(s) Taken: died
Point Changes:
Points Remaining: 0
Edward had been keeping an eye on the duel when a stunning spell hit and Oskar. He was on him immediately with a counter the spell and confirming that he definitely was not dead, “Alright, up you get,” He offered Oskar a hand to pull him up. “Go get checked out by the nurse before you leave.” Then he turned to the other student, "Congratulations, Ten Layton-King is the winner."

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