Dueling Match #19

Current Points: 80

Maggie was getting a little tired, and her tiredness made it so she didn't block Lilith's similar spell, watching as the light came towards her and hit her. Still on her kness, Maggie caught herself as she fell forward a little, still gripping her wand. The most disgusting feeling happened and then Maggie saw a slug appear on the floor in front of her. Before another came out, she decided to send another spell. She wasn't going to let this stop her. Not this far. "Expelliarmus! Bleeeeeeech," she said, another slug landing in front of her knees.

Action(s) Taken: Hit by spell, cast spell
Point Changes: +15, -5
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 40

Lilith grimaced as her spell hit, she almost felt bad but hey it was duels and she definitely didn't feel bad enough to give up. When she saw Maggie still raising her wand to try and disarm her, because of the slugs coming out of her mouth it gave Lilith a second to react herself. Throwing up a shield she cast a sell, hoping her dormmate would be too distracted with the slugs to shield. "Petrificus Totalus!"

Action(s) Taken: Successful hit, Cast spell 2x
Point Changes: -20 -10
Points Remaining: 10
Current Points: 90

Maggie threw up another slug and really hated everything in that moment. She looked up in between vomits and saw another spell coming her way. "Protego!", she said, making sure to focus with all her might before throwing up something else. She wasn't sure how long she could do all of this and took another spare moment to vomit another slug before looking up at Lilith. "Stupefy," she said because it was short, sweet, and she still had to vomit again.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell x2, Vomited 3 slugs
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 80
In 24 hours if no winner, this duel will be decided by RNG.
Now that Demi and Lilith seemed to at least be on civil ground, the second year had snuck over to watch her duel. Both she and Maggie were girls she shared a room with, very evenly matched, so it was interesting how this would play out. The game went on for what felt like forever, although by the time Maggie was on her knees throwing up slugs Demi couldn’t help but grimace. So disgusting. By now Demi had squeezed through the crowd, head darting between both girls. It looked like Maggie was done for, but she kept holding it together through the slugs that came flying out her mouth. “She looks like she’s gonna pass out,” Demi said out loud to no one in particular. She’d never been on the receiving end of that spell, but at this point Maggie was looking quite unwell.
Current Points: 10

Lilith's focus was on Maggie who still put up a fight which was fair enough. Managing to shield the latest spell Lilith raised her own wand to send a spell when she heard another her roommates say something. The one roommate she least expected to see anywhere near her duel, as she looked sideways to Demi completely forgetting to cast anything at Maggie. Honestly the duel had already ran on for far too long, was it never going to end.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, get distracted by Demi showing up and miss the chance to cast back
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 5
Current Points: 80

Maggie vomited up two more slugs and wiped her mouth, looking up Lilith. She didn't care that there was such a slim chance at her winning at this point. Lilith was going to have to take her down because she did not want this to the last image her classmates had of her, vomiting slugs on her knees PLUS LOSING. She was fighting hard as her roommate blocked the spell and then again, seem to be distracted. What was with Lilith? She didn't know her well, but Maggie was fighting through slugs and Lilith was the one being distracted? Maggie vomited up a little slug family before sending another stunning spell. It was short and the only thing she could manage to get out before the final member of the slug family appeared - a tiny baby slug.

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, threw up slug family and their cousin
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 75
Through RNG, Magdalene Grey is the winner.

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