Dueling Match #15

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Current Points: 40

Rhiannon saw the crystal shard enlarge to send the spell back again "that was really smart" she said more than a little impressed. All this bounding back and forward was weakening it. "protago" she said and even just that little impact it fizzled out with hardly a splutter "Petrificus Totalus" the same time perseas cast the spell sending the glass rock towards her. she watched her jet of light fly over the rock as she tried to move over the way. unfortunately it was moving far to fast. and that weight of that much very heavy knocking her off her feet, off the stage and into the wall knocking the wind out of her and pinning her there a moment later one of the onlt things that she would hear was the clatter of her wand across the floor and the pounding of the blood in her ears. and she felt a throbbing pain in her left leg and ankle, the part of her body most tightly clamped by the rock. she gasped trying to will it away but didn't say anything. this duel would be over soon and then she could get her wand back and fix her leg.

Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2. hit with a glass rock and lost wand.
Point Changes: -5 -5
Points Remaining: 30
Current Points: 60

Perseas watched as his spontaneous plan worked to his favor. The block of crystal swept her of the arena and for a moment he feared that he might have been too hard on her. This thought evaporated when he saw another jet of light zooming his way. "Repello!" he uttered and her spell u-turned and fizzled out away from him. Perseas wasn't sure what to do next. Was the duel over? He couldn't see Rhiannon from behind that crystal and he was afraid she was hurt. Despite his angst, he didn't reduce in size the crystal and release her. He was still under the influence of his competiveness and something unfamiliar and disturbing glowered in his grey eyes. He pointed his wand at the crystal and a small smirk curled on his lips. Snapping out of the idea of blasting the shard while Rhiannon was trapped by it, he shook his head and pointed at her wand. "Accio Rhiannon's wand." he murmured and summoned her wand in his hand to seal his victory. "I think it's over. She might needs to be taken to the hospital wing." he said to their professor, spooked by his intention to do something so reckless in order to secure his win.
Action(s) Taken: Shot spell x2, hit opponent
Point Changes: -5, -5, -20
Points Remaining: 30
Considering that it was some bizarre tactics, Professor Styx declared the Gryffindor the winner, and then ordered the fourth year to take the Hufflepuff to the Hospital Wing to be treated. After all, McGowan couldn't do a thing without her wand.
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