Dueling Match #11

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (56)
@Theodore Nightray vs. @Oswald Brambleheart

Kahurangi was regretting her decision not to sign up for duels this year as she entered the chamber to proctor, but she'd twinged her shoulder at rugby a couple of weeks ago, and wasn't really feeling up to straining it more, just in case. Proctoring was fun anyway, and there'd always be a chance next year to reclaim her title. She took her place on the platform and glanced between the two opponents facing off, curious to see what the students would be bringing to the table this year. "Alright, nice clean fight from both of you, please. On my mark." She stepped back, unable to help a smile as the duelists prepared. "Begin!"

The duel begins now. You have 24 hours from this to post your first reply, or face disqualification. Once both duelists have posted, you will have 24 hours from your opponents post to reply, or be disqualified. Ensure that you use the spell list for guidance on age-appropriate spells, and read over the dueling rules and points system. Please also remember site rules apply, including power/god modding. You can find the site rules here. Duels will run until there is a winner or until 6 IRL days have passed, in which case the winner will be chosen by RNG. If you are knocked out or otherwise disarmed/incapacitated, or if you run out of points, you will lose and the duel will end. Have fun!

As an added note: Spectators are allowed to post in this topic once per competitors post, but are forbidden from directly interfering with the duels.

[b]Current Points:[/b] --
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[b]Point Changes:[/b] --
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Current Points: 150

Theo pretty much knew when he signed up for the duelling tournament what he wanted to do. He was a fair dueller, had to be with the family he was in, but it wasn't something he particularly liked doing. He did see this those as the perfect opportunity to ask for dates. His first opponent was interesting - he'd seen him in a couple of classes but he'd never actually had the opportunity to ask him for a date. He'd been too distracted by cousins, and pretty girls. But the boy in front of him was quite cute. And so while they bowed he decided to shoot his shot. "If I win, go on a date with me," he said with a grin. "Oooor! If you agree to go on a date with me, I'll forfeit!" he said just as he stood straight. "I've never gone with a part-goblin before," he seemed like he would be fun. Goblins were quite known to be grumpy like dear cousin Mikael. His opponent didn't seem to be grumpy.

Action(s) Taken: ask for a date aka flirted
Point Changes: 0
Points Remaining: 150
Current Points: 150

Oz wasn't blind, even if he tended to prefer girls he could admit Theodore Nightray was good looking. The Gryffindor boy was also annoying and shameless. For a moment, he did consider the offer, as a win was a win and it might not have been the worst date ever, but he put that out of his mind the moment he went and added the comment about him being a part-goblin, as though he was some sort of box to check off. He was horrified he even considered agreeing for the win, as that went against his pride as a man. Of course, he didn't want to lose and would feel silly if he did, but at least he'd lose with honour. "Shut up. Langlock." Not the wisest move, but he figured it might keep him quiet.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150

It wasn't surprising to be told to shut up. Nearly everyone did that. The spell to the face wasn't new either and it wasn't anything a quick "Protego," couldn't fix. "Aww! Come on! Just one date! I can't be that bad looking," he whined. Why was it so hard to get a date in this school? Wasn't he supposed to be like a new toy around here? But no one wanted to play and it was just sad. "It'll be great. Picnic by the lake maybe? Chocolates? Couple of sandwiches, maybe sweets. I'll even bring candles!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, still trying to get a date
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 145

Oz narrowed his eyes. Sure, school dueling wasn't that serious really, but Oz still wanted to give the tournament and his opponent due respect. He felt a bit like he wasn't getting it in return, and so he exhaled a frustrated sigh and moved back into his stance. He opened his mouth, paused as he considered what to say (perhaps something along the lines of only wanting to date people who could meet him on the field of battle - no, that was way too lame), and then just shook his head. "...you gonna actually duel me or not?" There wasn't much point in running his mouth too much in the middle of a duel. He fired off a hot air charm, blowing it into Theodore's face. He figured it was appropriate for all the hot air coming out of his mouth. It wasn't exactly a useful spell for winning a duel, but it amused Oz in the moment.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell, did not flirt back
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 140

edited: i misread the spell description and edited the rp accordingly after realising lol
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Mania was upset she couldn't take part in the duels, she hadn't even joined the club yet because she thought it felt pointless, however that did not stop the first year from joining in the chamber to watch those older of her duel. Currently she was watching Theo, the guy who taught her to eavesdrop better. "Go Theo! Show him how its done!" She yelled in encouragement, admiring the older lion.
Current Points: 145

Theo looked at Oz, thinking a little. "I mean, I could?" he said with a shrug. He just didn't care much for dueling. "I mean I'd just rather go on a date with you? Will you go on a date with me if I duel you then?" he said with a grin, only for hot air to blast into him. It was hella uncomfortable, because it felt both dry and humid, and that was just awful. But hey, wind-blown aesthetics for free was hard to come by, so why not? "Ooooh how about a library date? You can read, I'll sneak us some snacks and we could just cuddle, I'm a good cuddler."
Action(s) Taken: enjoyed the hot air, tried one more time
Point Changes: +15
Points Remaining: 160
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Current Points: 140

Oz was just annoyed at this point, it felt like another way he wasn't being taken seriously. He supposed it was better than being seen as a child, but he wasn't sure it was that much better. He knew deep down that it was just that he'd touched a nerve that he probably didn't even know was a nerve, but Oz wasn't about to sit him down and explain. He flashed @Professor Kahurangi Josephs a quick pleading look as though to say 'are you seeing this s**t, Professor?' and fired back an Incarcerous. "I hate cuddling," he added. Not really the killer one liner he might have liked.
Action(s) Taken: spell hit, cast spell, was extremely stubborn
Point Changes: -20, -5
Points Remaining: 115
Current Points: 160

"Naughty," Theo commented at the ropes that were making their way towards him to which he cast a quiet, "Incendio," and he just sighed. It was a shame he didn't like cuddling. Theo liked cuddles. "A dance then? Heard you guys have one for Valentine's. I'll bring flowers, be a perfect gentleman." Why was it so hard to get a date? He missed Hogwarts Scotland.
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, asked Oz out for Valentine's
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 155
Current Points: 110

Oz only belatedly realised how that looked and the pointed tips of his ears reddened in embarrassment. He felt really stupid for getting so worked up, but asking a sixteen year old boy to be rational was like asking the sun to stop rising. "I'm not going! Quit making fun of me!" he exclaimed, a little too petulantly, before following up with a non-verbal Stupefy. He was still getting his head around non verbal spells but he at least felt confident enough with that one.
Action(s) Taken: threw a tantrum, cast spell
Point Changes: -5 (-50 maturity)
Points Remaining: 105
Current Points: 155

Theo thought Oz should really stop firing spells at him. It was getting incredibly hard to think of how to ask him when there would be a spell flying his way every single time. He blocked another one which Oz cast silently - quite impressive. "You have got to stop firing spells at me. And what do you mean quit making fun of you, I'm asking you out," he wondered if he'd gotten all his vocabularies mixed up, but no Theodore spoke English all his life so he was pretty sure at least he should be getting the right message out. He fired a Jelly-Fingers Curse because that was the most harmless spell he could think of to get Oz to quit firing spells at him. "Maybe Brightstone's more your thing then? Or the mall place, their dinette had awesome waffles."
Action(s) Taken: Cast 2 spells, on his last few legs for date ideas
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 145
hugo didnt have many people who he considered actual friends but Oz was one of them. he was currently sitting in the audience watching his friends duel tryng very hard not to think about his duel and oponent coming up. as the duel started it seemed like it would be a good one to watch a little banter and some spells but it wasnt long before it was clear the spells werent coming and the banter was getting less and less whitty and steadily more preditory. he wasnt sure what to do. he knew oz could stand up for himself, and didnt like people standing up for him, and usually that was fine by hugo as he was not particulally confrontive. but this was getting rediculous it reminded him of what stories he had heard from his mum as men had tried to hit on her. what would his mums and sister do in that situation. he glanced over at violet where she sat watching thinking of what she would do. "shut up theo he is clearly not interested" he said standing up. "and if you dont respect the concept of no i feel sorry for all the people in your life. Go Oz. show him what your made of" he said in the banter he said beofe sitting down again sightly self consious of is actions
Current Points: 105

The smart thing to do would have just been to shut down the conversation clearly and precisely, however Oz had the unfortunate liability of being a sixteen year old boy. One who was trying to focus on winning a duel. "It'a a...-ing duel," he said as an explanation, cutting off the foul language that threatened to escape his lips and scrambling to block the spell, almost not expecting one to be cast at this point. He was a little embarrassed at Hugo's outburst, but relieved, and he just hoped his friend didn't get in trouble for it. Wanting to push the duel to just end already, he cast a swift Everte Statum. It was a pretty basic spell, but that just meant he could put a bit of oomph in it.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 95
Current Points: 145

Theo... had honestly forgot that they were supposed to be duelling. Which wasn't Oz's fault, Theo just had different sort of priorities, and well, the tournament was really more about... opportunities. "Riiiight," he said as he snapped his fingers. "Sorry about that," he said right before an impassioned speech came from the crowd - Theo spotting another cute boy doing so - one that also happened to be in his year as far as he knew. Well, he was most certainly right. Oz had already turned down all the date ideas that Theo had presented - very much a shame. "Heeey, would you- Protego," he was cut off, blocking another spell from Oz. "I'm asking someone out here, would it kill you to give me two seconds? Impedimentia," he cast for good measure as exasperated as he was. "Go on a date with me!" he called out to the boy in the crowd.
Action(s) Taken: Cast two spells, found a new target
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135

@Hugo Stark-West
hugo hoped that he hadnt embariessed oz too much. but theodore was really out of control, and he was a prefect so surly standing up to mysogany and just general ickyness was a good thing. unfortunately while his call had saved oz from the remarks the attention had been turned to him. he didn't need this not right before his first duel against one of the zefaravich twins. He couldn't remember which one. he rolled his eyes when he was asked out. honestly he had not been asked out before, or asked anyone out. but when he had pictured it it hadn't been like this. "hmm will i go out with you when you spen the last ten minutes asking out one of my best friends. hmm tough choice. i will let you know after the match today. ao you had better behave" he said though he did know that his answer would be a resounding no whatter Theo had been up to.
Current Points: 95

Oz was mildly relieved that Theodore had taken his attention elsewhere, but that relief was short lived because now he was just annoyed on Hugo's behalf. Annoyed that Theodore wasn't taking the duel seriously and that he hadn't just been kicked out yet, and yet still seemed to be taking it seriously enough to block his spells. He swiftly and silently blocked the spell that was sent back. Oz was mostly just trying to end it by throwing decisive spells at this point, but his annoyance on his friend's behalf bubbled over and the spell that came out of his mouth, before realising it, was the slug-vomiting curse.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 85
Current Points: 135

"Me? Behave? I always do hun," Theo called out before he heard the spell that was thrown at him that had him throw up a shield so fast - pun intended. "D@mn love, that is nasty," he shrugged, tongue out gagging in disgust. "Really?" he said, unimpressed, as he sent a stinging hex right back because that felt well-deserved if it hit. And then he got another bright idea. "Oh I got an idea. Why don't you both join me for Brightstone? We can visit Mrs. K, beautiful woman, and she'll love to meet new people and Honeyduke's has the best sweets, and again, Mrs. K, absolutely gorgeous. We might have to pay for the sweets though because I don't think she's gonna give me them for free this time." Maybe they'd be more open to the idea if they could come together since they were best friends. Theo's gone on dates with multiple before, so it wasn't a bad idea. Besides couldn't hurt to visit his best friend's mum after he'd just left so abruptly during the holidays. He was sure she'd appreciate the customers.
Action(s) Taken: Cast 2 spells, becoming more unhinged
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 125
Current Points: 95

Oz blinked a few times, taking a second to take a deep breath and right himself as he silently blocked the hex coming his way. He was at least getting some practice in with non-verbal spells, even if he really only felt comfortable with a couple of basic first year spells in that regard. If second years could duel with those, though, so could Oz. While he was seemingly distracted plotting out some kind of triple date (and while Oz liked Hugo, he couldn't say he liked him like that as such - and after this he definitely didn't want to go on a date with Theodore) Oz gave a small wave of his wand and cast a silent Expelliarmus. Immediately as the cast finished, he piped up to hopefully distract him a little. "...can you not take a hint?" he grumbled, with a slightly exaggurated eyeroll. "Not interested. You'll have to find someone else to check 'goblin' off your list."
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 85
Current Points: 125

Theo had had to block another spell coming his way and wow Oz was getting really good at this. “No, not really,” Theo said without missing a beat, because Thea always said that he’s been slapped and hit on the head one too many times to take a hint and still it would never be enough. He had such a loving twin. What list?” he asked most confused, because what was even Oz talking about. “Oh, I get it. Not interested in boys. Perfect,” he said with a clap because he just had the most perfect idea. “I have a twin. Very pretty, maybe a little violent, lots of love to go around. And she’s free!” he said rather merrily before frowning. “No, wait don’t tell her that. I meant single because let me tell you she is one expensive b****.”
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, has completely lost it
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 120
Watching some duels was more enjoyable than others, for certain, but Kahurangi didn't think she had ever been quite so deeply unimpressed in her life. She made a mental note to talk to James about the conduct of his students as she watched things go from bad to worse, never quite reaching a level she could justify a disqualification over. Time was running short though, and she cleared her throat, enunciating clearly. "Theodore, that's more than enough. If you're not going to engage with the duel and behave appropriately, you'll be disqualified."
Current Points: 85

Oz was silently extremely grateful to Professor Josephs and made a mental reminder to thank her after. For now, though, he had to focus on the duel. He kind of hated that people like this never seemed to get at all bothered by anything, for he himself was red faced, sweaty, and slightly puffed. Not exhausted, but definitely stretched physically and mentally. He didn't want to waste any more of his energy to see this duel through. "Impedimentia," he cast - it wasn't a spell he could cast silently, but he kind of just wanted Theodore to stop.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 80
Current Points: 120

With the proctor's announcement, Theodore couldn't help but look at the woman all too innocently. "Why proctor! Such accusations!" he said a hand to his heart, before looking back at the professor. "Surely New Zealand students know more than one way to duel than just flicking spells about. And I hardly said anything inappropriate. Otherwise, I would be in detention by now surely," he said with a grin as he smoothly dodged the spell coming his way. "And besides, I have been engaging. I threw spells. And blocked," he said, blinking innocently at the professor. "Confringo," he cast, "I'd say I've been dueling an opponent pretty well," he said as he grinned at Oz, who'd been so worked up and sweaty and stretched. Whoever said you had to fling spells to tire your opponent out?
Action(s) Taken: Dodged, cast a spell
Point Changes: -15
Points Remaining: 105
Current Points: 80

Oz had never wanted to punch someone as much as he did right now, but he couldn't start swinging because that would result in his own disqualification. He wondered if Professor Josephs would be too upset if he kicked Theodore in the shins a few times after the duel. She probably wouldn't disapprove, but he supposed she probably wouldn't exactly approve either. The spell he cast was pretty brutal, as well. Oz was half tempted to let it hit to explode and change the trajectory of Theodore's life. However, he decided against it and blocked. He responded with a canary transfiguration hex, appropriate for the way he was chirping on and on.
Action(s) Taken: cast spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 70

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