Drage Herrogard 4

Sophia was a bit taken aback by Valcan's blunt response and blinked her golden eyes a few times. "Larkana seemed very nice. Hard to believe someone like you was close to someone like her." Sophia wanted to smirk but successfully kept her expression blank as she waited for a response.
Valcan's eyes narrowed, wanting to reprimand the girl for her smart mouth, but deciding to hold back. She appeared too much like his sister at the moment, who could be catty at times.

He kept his voice level, replying, "You could not honestly say that I have been indecent." He measured up the girl with his golden eyes, smirking, "Although I had no idea that someone like you would actually have a sense of humor." Two can play at the insulting game, he thought to himself.
Sophia could not help but smirk at this. "I suppose you could say I am more than meets the eye. But I am sure this is true of you as well. No, I cannot say you have been indecent. In fact, I can say I now know precisely why Father acts the way he does."
Valcan smirked at Sophia, commenting dryly, "I do not know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult."
"Well, if you are proud of my father you should take it as a compliment, and if you are ashamed of him it is an insult. I for one am not a fan of his choice and actions, and now know that I have you to thank for that." Without waiting for a response Sophia turned on her heel, her long black hair whipping around behind her, and began towards the door.
Valcan smirked at Sophia's haughtiness, replying simply to her turned back, "The funny thing, is, though, you channel him almost exactly. And you cannot say that the way you were raised was entirely wrong."

His golden eyes glinted in amusement, wondering if he had set himself up for an argument.
Sophia stopped in her tracks as she heard Valcan's words, turning again on her heel to face Valcan. "I channel him? No, I channel his anger and his temper and show it through my golden eyes that he gave me. But believe me when I say that you know nothing about me and that I am nothing like my father."

Sophia could feel herself getting emotional and she turned and began to walk out once more, wondering if Valcan would have another snappy comment.
Valcan smirked at Sophia, leaning back in his chair. "Well, you are entitled to believe whatever you want; I of course cannot dictate what goes on in your mind." He laced his fingers together, his golden eyes reflecting intense amusement.
No longer wanting to argue with Valcan Sophia merely rolled her golden eyes and continued on her way out. She definitely did not like him now, even though she now had an idea of why he was the way he was.

Making her way to the Dining Room she sat down and huffed. "Persephone," she said softly, and the little house elf appeared immediately. "Could I please have some soup? Any kind will do. And some pumpkin juice." Persephone disappeared and Sophia began to wonder where Estrella was. She was sure Estrella was upset, but she wanted to at least speak with her.
Estrella soon became bored with reading a book, a bit frustrated of reading books these days. She was immensely curious as to what Valcan and Sophia were talking about, but she decided that she had pushed the older man's buttons quite enough today, and thus steered clear of his study.

Will you ever shut up? she thought her stomach as it grumbled loudly, wondering why she was always so hungry. She loved food, and was not ashamed to admit it.

"Persephone?" she called out quietly.

The house elf, just having gotten done informing the other house elves of what Sophia wanted, appeared in front of Estrella, looking quite tired. Bowing low, she inquired, "You require my assistance, Miss Estrella?" She had indeed betrayed the girl's location in the hallway to Valcan, but in any case, her first loyalty was the Master of the Herrogard.

"Could you get me something to eat? I won't be picky, I promise," Estrella said, giving Persephone a disconcerted grin.

"Of course, Miss Estrella. If you'll go out to the dining room, I'll bring it right up to you," Persephone said, and without another word disapparated to the lower levels.

Estrella, a solemn look spreading across her face, fought the tempation to slide down the railing of the balcony in the library, instead moving down the steps quickly. She nearly ran into the dining room, eager to get something to eat.

She frowned a bit as she noticed that Sophia was there, but decided not to back away, instead taking a seat on the far end of the table. This was just as much her place as it was Sophia's, and she wasn't going to be deterred from satisfying her stomach.
Sophia turned her head as she heard someone enter the Dining Room and was not altogether surprised to see Estrella. She sighed and turned, staring down at the table. For a few minutes she considered whether or not to speak and finally decided to say something.

"They were twins," Sophia said suddenly, her gaze still locked on the table.
Estrella was surprised to be even addressed by Sophia, considering the cold way they regarded each other nowadays. She in turn gazed at a portrait of a warrior, whom she recognized now as Valbrand, one of the Drage ancestors, watching his portrait as it simply stood there, brandishing a broadsword and seeming to be prepared for battle.

Her eyes staying glued to the portrait, she replied, "Oh. That's cool." Her voice was distant, pretty sure that Sophia would not want to engage in actual conversation with her, yet wondering if she was going to.

After a moment's silence, she added, "She was really pretty, you know. She looks a lot like you."

Her eyes widened as she didn't believe she had just complimented Sophia- She never commented on anyone's physical features.
Sophia looked up at Estrella, quite surprised by her comment. "Thank you. She was beautiful. I cannot believe that she and Valcan were twins." Sophia seemed a bit sad. Her normal coldness was gone and replaced with complete blankness.
Estrella shrugged a bit, replying, "Stuff like that doesn't surprise me anymore. I suppose he could have been different then. People change as they get old, you know?"

A little bit shocked that she was talking more than a sentence, she added quietly, "I still haven't decided whether he's one of them or not."
Sophia sighed. "I definitely do not trust him. The way I was brought here is more than questionable." Sophia shuddered and looked back down at the table, wondering how long it took to make soup.
"Trust him, no," Estrella agreed, although she had in no way been brought in the same way as Sophia had. She had been more than willing to come here.

She shifted in her chair, sighing. "It hasn't been too terrible for me- At least he hasn't acted indecent. I don't know about you, but I don't feel all that restrained."
"Of course you do not feel restrained," Sophia said, looking back to Estrella. "He has offered you false freedom. You can go wherever you want, just do not go outside or you may die. You are free, within this place. The Herrogard is large so it feels like a lot of freedom, but you cannot leave here on your own. This feeling is all too familiar to me."
Estrella shrugged, knowing that Sophia's words held a lot of truth, but unwilling to admit it, wondering where her food was. "I did not grow up in such luxury," she commented curtly, as almost to remind Sophia that she had not been placed in the same situations as she had.
"You call this luxury?" Sophia asked in disbelief. "Just because a house is large and a family rich does not mean their life is luxurious."

Standing Sophia looked coldly at Estrella. "I am no longer hungry." Turning on her heel, her long black hair whipping around behind her, she began to leave the Dining Room.
Estrella shrugged, commenting quietly, "Your loss." Her voice was tinged with bitterness, any connection she might have had with Sophia a few moments ago now weakened considerably. "I for one, am starving."

She did not particularly care what Sophia had to say about being rich- She would call this place luxurious if she felt like it.

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