Drage Herrogard 2

"No, I was quite well taken care of prior to arriving." Sophia shot Thanatos a dirty look before returning her defiant gaze to Valcan. She suddenly noticed this his eyes were golden, but refused to ease up on him. Sophia was done trusting easily, and this man was no exception whether he was related to her or not.
"Hush," Valcan snapped at Thanatos, turning back to Sophia and noticing the dirty look that she gave the man. Turning around and his eyes boring into the Perthro, he snarled, "Did something go on that I need to be aware of, Perthro?"

"What do you mean?" Thanatos asked the Head Death Eater innocently. "How about I tell you the whole story, after you give me back my wand?" He tried to hold Valcan's golden eyed gaze, but found himself blinking. Still, he didn't look away like he normally would have done. This man may have given him his dark mark... but it was just plain cruel to take away someones wand like that after they had brought the dinner to the table.
Valcan smirked at the man, twirling the wand around in his fingers. "Did there happen to be something problematic about Thanatos' bringing you here, Sophia?" he inquired, ignoring Thanatos' attempt at a barter and turning to his granddaughter. It was quite amusing to mess with Perthro.
"Perthro?! Your last name is Perthro!" Sophia yelled, looking angrily at Thanatos. She huffed, now absolutely loathing Thanatos as she turned back to Valcan. "I do not want to speak about it with you," she said stubbornly.

Thanatos narrowed his eyes. He hadn't expected Valcan to question how he had gotten Sophia there... in fact, he had just been expecting to drop her off and be let go. Possibly even to have been thanked for managing such a tricky job. And indeed, tricky it had been. He eyed Sophia, but didn't let the worry show in his eyes. Surely she would be too embarrassed to admit it?

He had to stop himself from letting out a sigh of relief when Sophia refused to tell Valcan,but cringed when she screamed his last name. It looked like his dear niece had been tarnishing the Perthro name a little. He'd have to have a word with her when she visited him in the Leaky in a few weeks time. If he survived that long.
"Alright then," Valcan replied, having enough of her stubborness. "Feel free to leave the Herrogard, Sophia- The doors are not closed. You have your wand, you can owl anyone you want. I can't assure your safety outside of the place, however." He did not mention that the island itself was in the middle of the ocean, and her chances of even getting away from it alive were slim to none. He threw the wand back to Thanatos, not caring if he caught it, saying, "Wipe that look off your face, Perthro; you should consider yourself lucky that I did not burn down that whole lovely little pub of yours. I can see that something has indeed transpired again, although since Sophia does not wish to speak of it, I cannot condemn you for anything."

His gaze barely passed over Josh and Estrella, wondering for a moment what they were thinking but then passing it off.

Thanatos caught the wand with a satisfied smirk. He was very tempted to point out exactly how useful his 'lovely little pub' and him running it was too the Death Eaters, and how Sophia would probably not be here now if it wasn't for him, but he remained silent, valuing his life.
Sophia's mood did not lighten with Valcan's words. She had absolutely no idea where she was, so it was not as if leaving would do her any good. She had no money, no nothing except the clothes on her back and her wand, which she could not use.

"What is the Herrogard?" she asked, seeming more angry than confused.
"Drage Herrogard," Valcan replied, feeling the need to add on the name, smirking at Sophia and holding his large hand up to the ceiling for a moment to indicate the location, "The whole of the fortress and most of the land we are on. If you want to know the location, we are located about fifty miles from Svalbard, in the Arctic Ocean, as it has been called, although the ocean has had many names before that." He decided to take a seat, considerably amused. "I must tell you, the cabinet with all of the broomsticks is in the West Wing, so if you prefer to leave by broomstick that's fine by me. I only wish you well in your travels and hope you arrive wherever you wish to go in one piece."
Estrella watched the exchange between Valcan and Sophia, whom she was still trying to accept as her cousin. She had still not gotten over her fight with Sophia, and couldn't bring herself to look at her. She wasn't going to give her the time of day unless she was approached. Crossing her arms, she gave Josh a sideways glance, wondering when this was going to be over- She really wanted to go to bed.
Sophia rolled her golden eyes. She did not recognize the location at all, so leaving was obviously not in her best interest. Despite making it seem like she was free, she was in fact trapped here. She very much wished she could wipe the smirk off the older man's face as she stared moodily at him.

"I have no clothes, none of my books, nothing except what I am wearing and my wand."
Valcan shrugged his shoulders, and he replied, "Clothes are already provided, I can assure you that the library has all of the books, and much more at that, and I can assure you that whatever you have bought material wise, the Herrogard probably has a variation or the exact same thing." He was very glad that Estrella was not acting up, as he did not know if he would handle the situation well. He had dealt with Tristan in the past, of course, but hadn't had trouble from any of his children- Especially Sammael. He had come to understand that she was the more well mannered of the two granddaughters, but that was not being exhibited here.

"And did I mention," he replied, "You wouldn't have much aid with your gift at school, either?" He hoped that this would snag Sophia's attention.
Estrella's ears perked up a bit as she listened to Valcan, and he mentioned gifts. She gasped a bit, but not loudly enough for him to notice. She kept her eyes trained on Valcan, and she suddenly knew that she had been right about her and Sophia being connected. He had been talking about her ability to light things on fire, she was sure, and that also could mean that she might learn more about hers too.
Josh sat silent through the whole exchange. He figured that the scene between Valcan and Sammael was planned, but did not react as such having not been told about it. He kept hold of the cat, not allowing it to wander off, and continued to pet it. It was quiet as he was, simply observing what was happening. He stole some sideways glances at Estrella, realizing by her demeanor, she was not completely buying what was going on.
Valcan had indeed heard Estrella's gasp, thinking, Hmph, she's finally starting to figure it out. He noticed Josh trying to assess the situation, and Thanatos seemed to be a block of stone. He brought his eyes back to Sophia, waiting upon her reply.
Sophia merely glared at Valcan, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. She was in too foul a mood to care about her gift or the fact that she and Estrella were somewhat related. So what? That was not what mattered at the moment to Sophia. As far as she was concerned she was just as much a prisoner here as she would have been at her father's, despite Estrella's calm demeanor. Estrella was far too trusting of a person. Sophia had decided when she and Bruin fought that she would trust easily ever again, and even though she and Bruin had made up she was still not willing to trust this man who called himself her grandfather. To her, he was simply another Death Eater.
Valcan's eyes narrowed, and he inquired of Sophia, "Do you wish me to give you a tour of the place so you can get accustomed to it or do you simply wish to go to your room? Either is fine by me." His tone was a bit more harsh, although his golden eyes were still soft and semi friendly.
"I would prefer to simply go to my room right now," Sophia said coldly, still staring at the older man. Her day had been absolutely horrid and she just wanted to go to bed. It seemed funny to her though that she was the one being defiant and Estrella was sitting quietly.
Valcan returned the stare, although his was considerably softer and more understanding. He hoped that Sophia's attitude would improve over the break, because his patience was cut very short. Acknowledging the girl with a simple nod, he made a motion to follow him out of the dining room and down the corridor of the East Wing, finding the silence as they walked somewhat unnerving. He had assumed that she had followed him, of course.

He led her to the room that was a few away from Estrella's, opening the door to reveal a rather exquisite room that was very similar to his other granddaughters, containing a restroom, a balcony, and a giant closet filled with clothes.


"Do you find everything in order?" he inquired curtly, having had enough of attitudes for one night. He wouldn't mind going to sleep himself. "If you need anything, call upon the house elf, Persephone. If you go back down that corridor you will eventually go to the dining room, and the library and study are nearby. Feel free to explore, although I don't advise venturing outside alone or going behind any locked doors."

He did not try to be overly friendly anymore, his lips pulled up in a small smirk.
Sophia followed the man out of the dining room, doing her best to keep up with him as he walked. Although Sophia was tall for her age she was still only fourteen and was dwarfed by Valcan. She walked in silence, not having anything to say to her supposed grandfather.

When the door was opened to reveal her bedroom Sophia was not entirely surprised by its grandness. Stark Manor had been a rather rich place to grow up, so she expected the home her father had grown up in to be on the very least on par if not even more exquisite.

"Yes, everything looks fine, thank you," Sophia said in the most polite tone she had used with him thus far. She stored the name Persephone into her mind so that she could call on her if need be and did her best to remember the directions he had given her to the Dining Room, although she could always ask a house elf if she forgot.

Without offering any sort of valediction Sophia attempted to close the door, hoping that this would be the last she saw of the man tonight.
Valcan replied quietly, "You're welcome," and letting the door be shut in his face, he smirked. Sophia might get away with this kind of attitude at the moment, but in the long run it would not be tolerated.

With a sigh he made his way back down the corridor, arriving at the Dining Room in no time with his long gait. Everyone still seemed to be situated there, and with a weary expression, he inquired, "Is anyone hungry? I will instruct Persephone to make you whatever you wish."

He took his seat at the head of the table, turning to look at Estrella. He didn't know what she thought of the situation, and hopefully she her attitude wouldn't be as bad as Sophia's had been.

Thanatos was a little impatient to get going. Actually, a little impatient was very much an understatement. Stuck in a house with Valcan Drage, knowing that he was more than a little pissed at him, fun? I think not. Thanatos had no intention of staying for dinner. He wanted to get the hell out of there, before Valcan had the chance to skin him alive.

Where was the older Stark... Sammael? Hadn't he wanted to 'talk'? Thanatos crossed his arms over and frowned slightly. If he had realized that he'd be stuck on this stupid island too, he would have left Sophia to the rain.
Estrella had watched as Sophia was brought to her room, her expression quite drawn and blank. She was at the same time both bewildered and relieved. She was quite glad that the tensions had seemed to leave the room, although she was not sure where she stood on this whole situation. She knew that she should be feeling what Sophia was feeling at the moment, but that wasn't the case. At Malfoy Manor, her old home, and Stark Manor, she had felt quite the prisoner; but right now, oddly, she did not feel as if she were being held anywhere against her will.

It's just like a summer vacation with family, she told herself. Valcan hadn't restrained her in any way- She still had her wand, and her capability to owl anyone that she wanted. Plus, she could wander where she pleased, and didnt' have an oppressive guard barring her from going anywhere or following her wherever she went. In fact, it seemed that she was being encouraged to move around and make use of her summer, albeit the fact that she really didn't have any friends to hang out with. Would getting to know her extended family hurt? Probably not. In any case, she would be going back to Hogwarts New Zealand, and did not have much of a reason to complain.

She surprised herself with her own calmness as she replied, "I wouldn't mind food, but I'm not too picky- I can have what's already made," she replied to Valcan, her dark eyes slowly moving to Josh and Thanatos. Josh seemed indifferent, Thanatos not in such a great mood.
Valcan turned to smile at Estrella, and then his eyes moved to Thanatos, who looked uncomfortable in the least. His anger having simmered down for the moment, he said, "You may leave, Perthro, and thank you for your aid today- however offensive it may have been, of course," without any words of parting, of course. After a moment, he added, "I am not entirely sure if Sammael actually wished to speak with you or if that was all part of his act."

He very wished to have Perthro expelled from his presence and out of his house. After the man's episode with serving his granddaughter alcohol and somehow making Sophia's temper escalate, he was not inclined to like him in the slightest. However, he had to be a mite respectful, for in the long run, flies were more attracted to honey than they were vinegar.

He turned to the other man, saying pleasantly in his deep voice, "Joshua, would you like anything to eat? Or drink perhaps?"

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