Closed Different Vibes

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Professor Adorah Zumwalt

Astronomy 1-4 💫 | Freelance Writer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Vine Wand, 12 3/4", Dragon Heartstring Core
26 (03/2037)
Adorah couldn't believe she was attending her very last dance at school. While dances hadn't always been her favorite thing, she had a lot of good, and bad, memories from these events. Having attended the Yull Bale with Noel had been surprisingly fun, and after asking him to the dance, she wondered how much more awkward her rooming situation was going to be. Minnie was with Eric now; she really shouldn't care, right? And they were only kind of dating. Their time at school would be ending soon - who knew if this would really go anywhere. Adorah had committed to just ignoring all their pressures and having a good time. She made her way down to the Great Hall, standing near the entrance to see if she spotted her date.
Noel could not believe the next and last dance was already there again. But he did know he wanted to spend the time with Adorah. He was glad Adorah had asked him, that was what he liked she didn't waited to be asked she just did what she want. As he arrived at the entrance he saw Adorah standing there. She wore an pretty yellow dress which made him happy, he was all black beside her. '' Hey, are you my date tonight?'' He said with an grin and put out his hand for her to take it if she wanted to guide inside.
Adorah looked up at a familiar voice and felt severly underdressed compared to him. Maybe it was just that all black made you look spiffy, but she wished she'd gone a little more formal tonight now. "Wow, you look just... wow," she mustered out, suddenly feeling really dumb. "You look great," she continued after clearing her throat and taking his hand. "I suppose I am." As they glided into the Great Hall, she found herself ignoring all the external noise and just enjoying being with Noel. "I love this song," she said as a semi upbeat piece played. "Wanna dance?"
Noel smiled at Adorah watching her respond. '' Ha-ha thanks. But you look better.'' He than said with an friendly smile. He nodded and took her along inside. As they entered she asked to dance, it was an upbeat song. '' Yeah sure let's go.'' He than said and guided her to the dancefloor.
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