Developing my characters

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Kaia Rosemary Grimm

former 'claw • seeking balance
OOC First Name
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Pure Blood
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08/04/2030 (21)
Hey guys so I know I have a lot of plots with many of you, but some of my characters haven't been developed properly yet (although it takes time until a character's fully developed) and I've got 4 characters that are already in third year.

Kaia Rosemary

1st Year Ravenclaw.
Kaia's an adventurous one, pretty witty and sarcastic and loves to have fun. Kaia doesn't mind being in big groups and she's often looking to talk to other people she hasn't yet had the chance to come across. Kaia is loyal and protective and likely to be friendly with anyone she finds to be nice :p

Amy Rosemary

3rd Year Hufflepuff.
Amy is optimistic and loyal, she's always found to be with her brother Daniel and both of them love exploring. Amy and Dan are Kaia's older twin cousins and they have a knack for exploring and mischief (when together). Personally for Amy I'd love to have some flings/love interests, preferably RPing with them a bit first would be better, maybe an OSW type of RP, but I'm open for suggestions.

Daniel Rosemary

3rd Year Slytherin.
Dan is very protective over his twin and would do anything to prevent her from getting hurt. He's mischievous and sly and believes he has so-called charms. He loves attention, having lots of friends, and if you get to know him he's sweet (not many people see this side of him so if you do you're lucky :r ). I'd like for him to have crushes or love interests too, either is fine and a final hasn't been decided Never mind :r

Alessio Benivieni

3rd Year Hufflepuff.
Okay so Al is very shy, doesn't mind it if you start a conversation with him though he's likely to talk to you as long as there aren't many people at one time. He's sweet and hard-working, mostly keeps to himself. Friends is what I need for him the most, while for my others more than friends xD Alessio hasn't interacted with a lot of people and it would definitely be good for him to have a few close friends.

Isabelle Marie

3rd Year Ravenclaw.
Izzy has had a rough background during the last couple of years. She has her head in the clouds sometimes and is very book-driven. Isabelle likes to be right so it's kinda hard for people to like her immediately. She can also be bossy but she doesn't like that trait much. Izzy observes others well. She's sweet if she likes you so there's always a chance of that :p Mainly, I need friends for her who will support her as she's having a hard time accepting her home conditions now that her life's changing. Isabelle will probably get along better with boys than girls, I'm still open for either gender as friends for my Ravenclaw. Really, I don't mind. Also, she's likely to be bisexual later on, so any love interests and flings are always welcome! I'll need her to RP with either/both genders in the meantime so she can discover that she is actually bi :r

Leo Benivieni

Finally, there's little Leo! 2nd Year Gryff.
Traits: friendly, open-minded, kind, mischievous, adventurous, stubborn, confident...all of those Gryffindor traits. Leo doesn't like studying at all, he'd much rather be doing something (anything) else and he loves meeting new people. Fair warning, Leo loves to talk. He'll take a good sense of humour any day, really.

So that's it.
None of my characters have finals (except for Daniel) so if you have suggestions, go ahead and say 'em, I'm open for discussion. If you'd rather PM me that's perfectly fine too, let me know what you have in mind. Plots are always appreciated :wub:

As usual, I'm perfectly fine with lots of RPs, short plots, whatever, even one-time things, so go ahead if you have any ^_^
~ Clara ~

So like I want to throw so many plots at you but I know I'll get overwhelmed xD so I will just suggest two for now! And that is Reuben Lagowski as a potential very short fling with Amy. He's getting to that sort of age where he'd like to kiss a girl just to have kissed a girl :r although I think he might find it a bit underwhelming. That could trigger him to question his sexuality, which I want to happen anyway!! For dramaa you could totally add Dan into it. How would he feel if he saw his twin kissing someone? :teehee:
Ooooh, I love it! Let's have a closed rp with them three :p Dan will probably be so pissed! Where do you think it'll be likely to happen? Also, should we just pretend they've already talked to each other a few times, to not make it awkward? :r
Yess let's do that :teehee: I'm pretty sure as same year puffs they'd at least be well acquainted! :D hmmh Reuben isn't like publicly affectionate so probably somewhere private (or so they think) like the gardens? :p would you like to start it or shall I? I'm good either way!!
May you please start it? I'm kinda swamped :r
Sure thing! ^_^ I will post it here when it's up.
Time to make some action on my transfer xD

Hey, Clara

I have Peyton here a third year transfer from Koldovstoretz, though, she isn't Russian. Her parents have high standards so she end up at that school. But she moved because her little brother has a pick on whichever school he wanted to go. Being the eldest, she always looses from her brother. That made her resent HNZ and would do her best to rebel. Peyton is obnoxiously smart and will correct you if you're wrong, grammar & academic wise, she'll also straight up tell you what's wrong with you and won't regret it and she's very protective of her brother too.

I guess that's it for Peyton but I don't know which IC you have that fits for her though. I guess everyone? Lol just maybe the third years.
Hey! ^_^

I think the best ones for Peyton would be the twins, Amy and Dan Rosemary, a little more Dan though. I'd love for the three of them to RP, or we can have just Peyton and Daniel interact and see how that goes? :) Knowing Dan, he will most likely appreciate her tendency to rebel.
The three of them would be awesome and maybe just the two of them afterwards? A separate rp? I don't mind, really. Would you want to start or shall I?
How about I start the one with the three of them and you start the one with just Peyton and Daniel? ^_^
Sure, I'll PM the link to Daniel
Hey Clara!

So I know we've spoke about plotting Amy/Maddie and Archie/Dan/Izzie. But I have two other characters: Aaron Walden and Bryony Woods that I can offer.

I think Aaron Walden would get on really well with Kaia as they are both quite similar. Aaron loves collecting stories which means he's up for all kinds of adventures and meeting all kinds of people!

Also, I could potentially offer Archie Villiers as a fling but I don't know if he's a bit too quiet for Amy? He could also be a friend for Alessio? They're both pretty quiet and shy so they could get on, we'd have to see :p

Equally, Madeline Walden could be an interesting love interest for Dan, although, that might be a bit too close for home for Dan since she's one of Amy's friends and all :p

Bryony Woods and Leo could be interesting, she's kind of like the opposite to him but opposites attract right? xD She's drawn to louder people because they help her to come out of her shell a little bit but once you get to know her she becomes more open and more confident.

So yeah, that's a to be getting on with so if you're interested in any (or all) then let me know! ^_^
Hey Lauren! xD All of them sound really good! For Archie/Dan/Izzy should we start a new one or carry on with that old one we had at the end of last year?

Aaron and Kaia: He does sound like someone who could potentially lift Kaia's spirits if (and when) she might be feeling down. We could always have something like Kaia trying to sneak up on her cousins and prank them or something (a small prank though just for laughs) and Aaron notice g and wanting to join the fun? Kaia's not usually into pranks, but when it comes to her family members she would do it any day :p

Alessio and Archie: We can randomly throw them into an RP together. Maybe they might become enemies or not friends at all, but we can try.
Archie and Amy: Amy doesn't mind quiet people, she usually wouldn't go for loud, noisy students so I think Archie could work as a fling, especially considering Archie's one of Dan's friends and Daniel is probable to approve the two of them, at least for a little while while they date (the time length is completely up to you, him being just a fling is fine as well, I really don't mind :) ).

Maddie and Dan: If she's a love interest it'll have to be either a quick thing or otherwise soon, maybe second semester/start of fourth year (anytime before fifth) however I'm not too sure how Amy would react to this. She'd be a little freaked out, if I'm honest but we can always have Maddie become friends with Daniel as well. That way it would be much less awkward for Amy xD

Bryony and Leo: Omg it would be really interesting! We can have the two of them RP and if Bryony's not that talkative Leo will be the one to talk most because he's just that person that will do anything to make a situation not awkward. Would you suggest them being friends or more than friends? Maybe they could date in at least one or two IC years?

I'm loving these ideas though, thanks! ^_^
Aaron and Kaia: That sounds brilliant! Aaron would definitely get in on that! Aaron can help out with the prank :D

Alessio and Archie: The two of them could be interesting, they could go either way I think.
Archie and Amy: Okay, those two as a fling could be a good idea then (if Dan isn't weirded out by it too much :p ). We could plot more about the length of time they are together and stuff like that.

Dan and Maddie: Maybe they should just be friends then xD Do you think that they would get on quite well? It would be nice to have an RP between Maddie/Amy/Dan and figure our their dynamic?

Bry and Leo: I already love them together xD I am completely up for them to become more than friends for however long really. I do not have anything planned for Bry in regards to future relationships an stuff so I'm open to anything! :D
Woah sorry for the late reply guys, I've been extremely busy the past few weeks. @Claire no worries! As you can see we're all busy :r

Aaron/Kaia: Perfect! I can start it really soon!
Alessio/Archie: Yeah, probs. Would you like to start an RP?
Archie/Amy: Dan will have to deal :p Besides, it's Amy's choice so if she wants to have a fling with Archie she won't ask for permission from Dan lol xD It will be a rather interesting interaction though if Dan finds out.
Dan/Maddie:Oh, yes definitely! I can start this one with Amy and then you come in with Maddie, and then I'll post with Dan? How does that sound? :)
Bryony/Leo: Yeah, they'd be really good for each other I agree xD I don't have anything planned for Leo either for future relationships so I honestly don't mind them dating for a long while if that's how it works out ^_^ If they really like each other, they could maybe date until they're almost HNZ graduates, or something? We can see how it goes :)

I'll reply to the RP ASAP, sorry Claire xD
Sorry this reply is so late Clara!

Alessio x Archie: I can start the RP with Alessio and Archie, any particular preference on where they should meet?

Archie x Amy: oooh okay that's great then! We should probably RP them meeting or something because at the moment they don't know each other xD Do you want me to start this one too?

Dan x Maddie: That sounds perfect to me :D

Bryony x Leo: Okay yeah great, that sounds really good. Would you like to start this one?
Alessio/Archie: Maybe somewhere outside on the grounds or anywhere inside where there are few to almost no people? Based on their personalities they both seem like quiet, reserved people.

Archie/Amy: Yes please, I'm extremely busy right now xD Thanks so much!

Dan/Maddie: I'll start it soon, I promise! As for the other RP between Aaron and Kaia I'll start that sometime this weekend as well, whenever I have the chance :)

Bryony/Leo: Sure. I'll either post the link here or PM it to you.
Hey Clara we need many things.

So theres things we need to plan like IzzyxZach (not dating get your minds out the gutters people) and of course AmyxJames (I do mourn for their epic relationship that could have been) but I do think they need to date so we need to find an opening.

Now for new stuff. Kaia is interesting and I'd like to pair her with my (future) womanising first year Lucas Woodlock. He's the young cousin of Professor Woodlock and walks around with a (false) sense of untouchability. I'd like them to be friends at least, maybe try them dating at some point, once he grows into his womanising ways he's the kind of character her cousins might warn her off. But maybe she sees a different side of him, he is a kind and sweet guy but he hides it well.

Now, I also thing James and Dan should be friends. (Because he doesn't have any) I'd like to do this in a way he doesn't end up hating him after he dates Amy. So let me know what you think.


I'll start mine ASAP and PM you the links so its easier ^_^ and no worries, take your time :D
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