I went to see HP 7.2 last night, and I enjoyed the movie. I really liked the pacing of this one. There were no moments that I thought dragged on forever, though there were a few that I wished would have been longer. I wished the Molly/Bellatrix scene could have been interspersed between many other battle scenes, with Molly finally getting her in the end. I still enjoyed seeing Bellatrix get what was coming to her
I didn't think that Dumbledore came across as cruel...more like calculating, so it didn't bother me much, though I would have liked to have Aberforth to explain more to everyone. I went with my people who only know of Potter through the movies, and that was one of the big things they didn't understand.
What I really loved about this movie was that they did Neville justice. Neville, in my eyes, is the underdog Gryffindor, which is why he has always had a place in my heart. But in book seven, he finally gets his chance to shine. A few movies ago, I was concerned that Neville would be cut out of killing Nagini. I was oh so glad he was not
. I also enjoyed the part when Neville was trash-talking the men attempting to cross the bridge and the ensuing chase scene
and McGonagall referring to Seamus when she asked them to blow the bridge up
. And yes, the awkward Voldy hug was super funny!
Overall, I really liked the movie. The special effects were amazing as usual and it moved at a nice pace, getting everything done and some of my favorite lines in before ending.