Dear [Whomever]

Dear Future,

Do you have to be QUITE so uncertain? You really scare me. Alot.

Please be good to me!
Dear -

I'm sorry for what I did but it was my way of coping.
I hope you can understand.


Dear HNZ

Stop being so awesome!
It's driving me insane!
So many epic things right now... How is one person supposed to fit all those emotions into one head?

-Insanely Happy Person

Dear Larissa

Honestly.. Stop being such an awkward charrie to play!
Please tell me what you plan to do because at the moment you just confuse me.

-Beth, the one in charge.
Dear Hot Topic,

Thank you for having your awesome sale on the one weekend I could go out and spend my birthday money. It was 30 bucks this year, which I was going to get a purse with...but you with your glorious sales. :wub:

2 Tripp jeans, 3 shirts (not graphic tees), and 2 wickedly vivid nail polishes, all for 23 bucks! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!

One very very happy birthday girl
Dear Mr. Spider,

I don't mind that you decided to honor my bathtub with your presence you are certainly not the first spider to do so. I love spiders, I do and think the last time I killed one was by accident when I was about 13 yrs old. Ok so I've set a few of you down the drain but and I stress the but here, they were alive.

Now I was really really really looking forward to a nice long hot soak in my bubbles this evening but I couldn't. If it was just you it wouldn't be a problem but you brought 6 of your 'bigger brothers' with you (ok they could be sisters but the size of them I wasn't going to check :p )
I have pulled the curtain around so I don't have to see you but I am only giving you till morning to get OUT or I will have to go all mafia on you guys.

In Need of a Wash
Dear boys,

Stop confusing me! First I think I like one of you and now I can't get someone else out of my mind, what the heck is this?

A girl who is terrible with understanding her own emotions.
Dear you,

Leave my little sister alone, she shouldn't go through what I did because of you.

Protective older sister.
Dear chemistry,


Not understanding how you change the PV=nRT equation into P/V x K3.

Dear Muse (also the Decemberists)

I loved your show so much. Please please please come back to Australia soon.

Love, Camilla

Dear psychotic ex-boyfriend,

Why do you have to be so melodramatic? I made mistakes, but that was ages ago. Honestly, can't we just move on? Also, what's with treating me like a boomerang? You cast me aside, claiming we can't be friends, then FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER you come back and want to be friends again, thinking I'll happily be your friend. I know I'm a doormat and probably will go back to being friends, but this is unfair. Just make up your mind whether you want to be friends or not.
Oh, and don't go BEHIND MY BACK and coax my best friend in to giving you information about me. And then tell me how you have a crush on her because at least she understands you. Honestly, you disgust me.

Your rather frustrated and angry ex-girlfriend, who will punch you in the face when she sees you next.
Dear (former) best friend and psychotic ex boyfriend,

Oh, you two go and be best buddies. Yeah, go hang outside my workplace for ages and then talk to me for all of 10 seconds. You're all chummy, there's some sort of attraction there, I'm tired and cranky, of course I freak out. I'm sorry I did, and I tried to tell you that, but you're not really listening. Especially you, my so-called-best-friend. I tried to explain why I snapped but you don't seem to be there.
I can't help but be a bit paranoid, though. Don't you think I'd be a little upset if you two got together?
Quite frankly, however, I want you two to get together. I want a reason to be mad.
I don't think I even need either of you in my life anymore.

Tearfully, your former friend.
Dear self,

Stop procrastinating, if you don't get this project done you are done for.

Yours... you
Dear me,
Oh my god. You do know, your life wasn't actually that bad this time a year ago? No matter what you thought about it all? Reading back on all those emails showed you that. So just remember, you may think your life is complete sh*t right now, but I think that it's actually better than it was before. Yeah? You got rid of them jerkarses and you can basically talk to sooo many more people. Who cares if you don't have a best friend inside school at the moment. There are loads of lovely people who are happy to talk to you, so just make the most of it. Just ignore H&K, don't let them ruin your life. You hang out with whoever you want, go sit with Hannah, Catherine and everyone; don't let H&K being there put you off. ^_^

PS. Stop procrastinating. :$
Dear sharp thingy,

Thanks ever so much for cutting my foot open this morning. It felt really swell walking through the halls with that on my foot. Next time stay of my floor...or else. <_<

The owner of that injured foot
Dear best friend,

I had seen goodness in you, I had seen dreams. You where like me in a ream of dreams. You have lived more than me, that's for sure but still you seemed alive. Slowly you started to die. I see the pill, I know they are for your own good but I can't help but be taken back to that time when all I saw was pills. When my father slowly dieing as well needed them to extend his life one more week, one more day, one more hour. Then no pills could help him. Will there come a point when no pills can help you either? I fear for you. No matter what you say I fear for you. I don't want your spirit to die.

truly yours,
A devoted friend
Dear Ke$ha,

I do not like (or buy) your fakeness at all, but your stupid "Tik Tok" song is so damn catchy! <_<
Stop putting Lady Gaga songs in a blender and calling it your album, she does & will always do it better.
And go take a shower.

NOT a fan

Dear Skittles,

Why must you make my stomach hurt so much? I've had a stomach ache all night because of you. :(

A Reeses Pieces Lover

Dear Photoshop,

Stop being sucky! You're making this task a whooole lot longer than it needs to be, and I promised someone I'd have it done before I went to bed, that's in 2 hours so hurry up and respond!


Dear Self,

You are so awesome at Solitaire! (Vegas style, three-card draw, oh yeah!) Is it skill or just luck? Can someone actually be good at Solitaire? If so, you're definitely the Queen! Now work on your Freecell skills, they're surprisingly shaping up! (But don't kid yourself, you'll never be better than Louie at that game...unless!)

Dear You,

Oh NOW you request to be my friend again?! Now that you and your girlfriend are broken up and you're "allowed" to talk to me again?! You used to be my best friend, and now I bet we can't even post anything on each others walls without people going bat poop crazy. I don't want to say this to you, which is why I'm writing it in this letter but: I TOLD YOU SO.

What's going to happen if you two get back together? Are you going to ignore me all over again and delete me again? What's the point then! I know she used to be my best friend, but that's why I knew what she was like, that's why I warned you, I warned you something bad would come of that, and it did, it ruined our friendship. You sacrificed our friendship to be with her. I 'did the right thing' by trying to be unselfish and let her have you, but that cost me my friend instead. Too much has happened and now you'll never be able to have us both anymore, and it's your fault.

Your best friend only when you two are broken up and someone you have to ignore based on orders from my ex-best friend/your girlfriend

Dear Amazon,

Thank you for the invention of the Kindle! It's brilliant and pretty and useful and soooo worth the $260!! I can't put mine down!<3

Dear Drama King,
You still haven't called? What happened to hanging out these holidays? What happened to my birthday present? What happened to the movies? I know you work and I didn't want to ring only to be made a fool of because you never have free time for me. The last time I called, you couldn't see me because you had to deal with little miss fake. So I spent my birthday alone because you were too wrapped up in her. Like you always are. Why can't you see her like everyone else does? She's not worth it! But I guess you think no ones good enough for you now, don't you? Your so up yourself you think you can use people whenever you want and however you want. I can't believe I fell for it. For you. I can't believe I did it again. Even now, I'm so mad, but I can't help the jealousy whenever I see pictures of you with other people and you haven't even bothered to invite me. They're my friends too. Why aren't I included? Do I seriously mean nothing? Ugh, karma will come back to bite you soon. I hope I don't have to wait too long for that day to come.
I'm sick of you making me feel like this. It's happened to me too many times before. You know it has and you know how much it hurt me those other times. I had just hoped you were different. That you weren't lying when you said it felt right. Wrong again, Taylor.
Drama Queen.

Dear Weasley,
Why are you meowing? :erm: Surely you can't want more food?! I just fed you! =)) I've tried petting you, but you still meow. I let you sit on my head, but you haven't stopped complaining. xD You slobber all over my blankets. :doh: Sigh. Your lucky your so darn cute. :wub: I know deep down you're just an attention seeker, so stop pretending you didn't just cuddle up to me. :shifty:
Dear Camp,

Right now I'm so mad at you! I called Lindsay a week or two ago and I thought she was too busy to answer, no! She quit! You should get your stupid application process fixed because now I get to miss out on something I've been waiting for three years! It has completely turned me off of the whole thing but I still want to go! Great! Thanks stupid camp. I even got my life guarding license because of it, do you know how much time I could have spent doing something else? Or what I could have done with that money? (From that and from the thousands of dollars I spend at your camp!)

PO'd wanna-be Counsellor-In-Training!
Dear You ,

Why do you have to be just as perfect as him? Why can't you just leave me alone, and why can't I leave you alone? Please, just move schools or something; because my friends want to hurt you, and seeing that is hurting me; and I know you don't care I'm Hurting... Please at least stop being so childish and forgive me for the mistakes I made; because I am beating myself up enough for them right now, I don't need your attacks too.

That shy girl from the library.

Dear Present you,
Thanks for being there for me so much; unlike him. But, I wish that we could see each other more; please don't think I'm some creepy stalker because I call once a week to check in, and get worried when you don't return my calls (especially that one time when you smelled something burning)... Just slow down a bit, let me talk to you; and tell my friends how happy you make me. And don't ever read the above Letter ;). Oh and P.S. Don't be mad; but I told me two closet friends about you... sorry.

That girl who had loved you in 6th grade...
Dear Doof,

Thank you! Thank you for finally growing up and becoming a decent person. I know we didn't like each other in High School, heck I could dare say we probably hated each other. As we so fondly love to reminise and laugh about now, the day we went to get our Basic Food Hygiene Certificate and we got in a fight and you threw a chair at me xD God I hated you so much after that day and the best part is neither of us can remember what the fight was about now. But the fact we can laugh and joke about that now is great.

You have really changed and I love the new you, when we are at the Youth Club together we laugh and joke and it's great. I'm actually surprised about some of the stuff you've told me that can I dare say are things you would only tell a friend? :o But ever since we left high school I've noticed this change in you, and I think it mainly started when you invited me to your 18th birthday ^_^ I was so surprised to find out that you don't drink unlike all the other ones you hang about with. There's so much I didn't know about you.

Well I know now that you are a really great person and nothing like you acted in High School. Sure you aren't still the most academic person but the work and effort you put into your Youth Service work is just great. You are so dedicated to it and it's really nice to see you having a positive effect on the younger generation in our town because God knows they need all the guidance they can get while their young :tut:

Oh can I also say how much I love how you seem happy/excited when I say that I'd be going on the same residential/training course as you. It's really nice to know that you feel that way about me know. Never in all our years of High School together did I think that we could share a room for a weekend and get along as well as we had xD Oh the memories. Also the way you reacted when I said I might be going to America with you and Niamh last night was completely unexpected, but still really nice ^_^ Here's hoping we get enough fund-raising done ;)

So once more, thank you for growing up and becoming a better person and showing me that people can change ^_^

- Pat
spider saga pt II

Dear Mr. Spider,

thank you for getting out in time, I really didn't feel like killing the lot of you

fresh at last

Dear Jared,

when you and your amazing band come to Dublin next month please notice me in the crowd, I'll be the 3,765th screaming girl to the left but the cute one. We can run away together and make incredible music :wub:

your biggest fan :wub: *insert kathy bates from misery here*
Dear Juniors

I have been training you for the past few months, and why can't you all even command properly during morning assembly in school. How many times must I tell you to shout using your diaphragm ?!? And because I'm the president of the prefectorial board, do you know the teachers come to me when you all don't do your commands right? Please, shout as loud as you can ! I've been watching you all from the back of the hall every morning for the pass few days, and I can't even hear the commands. And girls who are doing the pledge, how many times must I tell you to not have short skirts on the stage ? We are the student leaders of the school, and I can't have my prefects have short skirts on stage -.-

President of prefectorial board.
Dear Photo Shop/Computer

As much as I have loved you in the past and how we have worked together to do some amazing things, I'm afraid you have let me down once too often. I hate you and while I know those are strong words your lack of functioning is causing me undue stress and lots of lost time. I will have to find some other way to create and enjoy my work. Good luck in the future Photo Shop, you'll need it.

Alexa - frustrated advertising gal.
Dear boys,
You should write a book translating all the mad things you say so girls can understand them.
Seriously, you think we're bad. :oy:
A girl who is seriously confused by all your shenanigans
Dear my wildly successful topic,

So happy that you took off and made me a star in my own little way. I knew it was a great idea, and although I was gone when you were deleted... or whatever happened, I'm happy to know that it was continued and you shall still be here whenever I want to rant.

Me, the star.
Dear Friends,
I am sorry that I am still holding a grudge against you for this, but that joke was NOT funny at all. So Lucy is part German and I'm Jewish. You saying we should hate each other? That isn't funny. That's just mean. Of course, my religion didn't do anything wrong, the Germans attacked my ancestors, but still. Lucy wasn't happy at all. I'm fine with it, I just want to make sure you never make a joke like that again. Or.... I shall turn you in to bananas! Actually, you guys have read at least one of the Percy Jackson books. If you do something horrible, you will get sewn on to Hades' underwear. That would be ugly, you don' t want that to happen.
Agent Waffle/Agent Ketchup
Dear boys,
You should write a book translating all the mad things you say so girls can understand them.
Seriously, you think we're bad.
A girl who is seriously confused by all your shenanigans
<FONT font="Georgia"><COLOR color="#5a70b3">

This is so true.
Dear myself,

Why do you do this to him? Or to yourself for that matter? Isn't it enough that you have someone who loves you more than you love them? Is it because I am young, or am I just that free with my affections?

I liked "B" and then when he left I was crushed, and now "J?" You have someone, someone you will be spending the rest of your life with, why did you get jealous and annoyed when J was talking to that girl? It isn't right, and getting over this stupid crush is my main priority right now.

The bookseller that is to free with her feelings.
You suck. :glare:
The Ruler Of Awesomeness Who Would Never Go Near You Because You Will Never Be Awesome At All
Go bring people down because of their acting and singing. Go ahead. It won't work, because you're just as horrible as you say they are, when they're way more better than you. You suck, all bullies do. Go fall in love with an animal that is half gorilla, half sheep. :glare:
That Girl Who Is An Awesome Singer And Thinks You Sound Like A Dying Seal
Dear Elizabeth,
Our status has been changed from "Hate" to "Mortal Enemies". You act like you're superior to everyone. Well, you need a newsflash. You're not even close. Go kiss your butt.
Your Mortal Enemy
P.S. You suck. :glare:

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