Closed Date Night

Professor Adorah Zumwalt

Astronomy 1-4 💫 | Freelance Writer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Vine Wand, 12 3/4", Dragon Heartstring Core
26 (03/2037)
Things had been going well for Adorah recently. Her spurt as a temporary professor at Hogwarts had allowed for some generous offers regarding a few astronomy fellowships she had applied to during the last month of her job. There was one in particular that she had ended up accepting, allowing her to be one of the first studying three new moons and their very unique lunar phases. Thankfully, it also allowed her a decent worklife balance, meaning she could spend time with Noel more, especially as he was working for the Minister. It felt odd to think about how she had gone from being abandoned at a nunnery to being successful and with someone also successful so young. And while there was plenty of time for things to fall apart, she was pretty content.

As she finished washing up some dishes, Adorah wiped her hands before grabbing a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge. Noel was due to arrive soon, and she wasn't sure if there was really any plan. She'd be find hanging out on the couch and watching a movie, as she figured they'd both had a long week. Pouring the water in a glass, she made her way over to the couch after turning on the radio at a low volume.
Noel was kind of happy with his life at the moment. He enjoyed working for the Minister and got along with her pretty well. But that seemed never to be an big issue. He was feeling more comfertable with the tasks each day and thought being at the Ministry and close to important stuff was interesting. And for now his life could be like that. He was glad things were well with Adorah too as she seemed to find her passion too. Noel enjoyed seeing people happy and especially the woman he loved. So after an long day of work he figured to bring something for her to appreciate her and some attention. As he opened the door of their appartment he put the bouqet of flowers behind his back. '' Hey I'm home.'' He than yelled. She could heard that as well, but it was just safe to say. He sometimes worried about the people he loved and didn't want to think of something happening to them. But sometimes these thoughts went through his head. As he showed his face around the corner he noticed Adorah sitting on the couch and smiled. Walking over to her putting an hand before her eyes. '' I have an suprise.'' He than said exciting. And couldn't wait to show her the flowers he bought. And hoped she liked them.
Adorah heard Noel come through the door but kept herself on the couch, hoping he would come to her. She was surprised when he came up behind her, covering her eyes. She placed her hands on his, noting how much smaller hers were and left them there for a moment. "Is it a puppy? Because they're cute and all but I think we have our work cut out for us at the moment," she joked before moving his hand that then allowed her to see the flowers. She grinned and took them from Noel. "My favorite," she sang, taking in the irises before giving her boyfriend a big hug. "You're too good for me," Adorah joked, walking towards the kitchen cabinet to grab a vase. "How was work today?"
As Adorah tried to guess what he had he grinned. How much he liked animals himself, they were both busy and had no time for it. But as he removed his hands and showed her the flowers and her reaction was like he wished it would be he smiled bright. He knew ofcourse what she liked, they knew eachother now for a long time. And dated for some time as well.
'' I know right?'' He joked back. And he accepted the hug and smiled at her. He went sitting down on the couch as she returned with the vase. He sighted for a moment. '' It was good. I'm getting used to the Ministry. I feel like I now know half of the departments and some of the names.'' Noel smiled. The Ministry was very big and he together with the Minister met a lot of people. He figured most of them would not remember his name, but he tried his best to keep up. '' What about you, my love?'' He than asked her sweet.

sorry it took forever, but like to continue
Adorah pulled out the vase, filling it with water as Noel illustrated his day. It felt odd that so many people their age were able to work at the Ministry, but many of them were aurors or aurors in training, which made more sense to her since you wanted healthy and strong people. At the same time, so many of them were inexperienced at life, something that was creeping up on Adorah daily. But Noel was there as a constant, and she didn't loop him in with the rest of folks their age, seeing as much smarter and maturer than they were, or at least, in her eyes. "I can imagine it's hard to keep track of. There are so many departments that I didn't even know about until you told me. Like the Muggle Worthy Excuse Committee? I didn't even know it would be a thing. Maybe it's because I grew up with muggles," she continued drifting off as the flowers found themselves on the counter and she found her way back to the couch.

"Work was fine. I mostly did documentation for everyone who made observations last night so I can get used to how they keep track of things before I start my own studying of the phases. It's nice to have such an informative training, but I'm reading to start looking back at the sky for things." Adorah would be moved soon from desk duty to the telescopes, but she knew she had to get everything just right before the would allow her to do so. She took a drink of the sprakling water and pulled her feet up under her. "It's just nice to be working in the field I like, though."
Noel nodded in agreement with Adorah. He still learned from it, and lost his way. But thankfully he usually walked along with the Minister who knew her way around. Or with the other Personal Assistent of the Deputy. Noel wasn't shy, so he would be social to other employees as well. He had even runned into Gabriella, who he hadn't spoken to in a long time. She seemed to work there not so long too. And it was good speaking to her again, and that she seemed to be changed as well. Being more open to the family again. '' I am still learning each day. So don't worry.'' Noel than said and smiled at her. If he knew someone who knew a lot it was Adorah. So people who were still old fashioned and judging about how someone was raised he could become very angry about. He put his arm around her as she sat down next to him on the couch. And listened to her explaining about her work day. They were both really busy at the moment and it seemed like Adorah would have an new job soon, so they would spend a lot of time away from eachother. But he was proud of her. She was ambitious like him too and he found that really attractive.

He smiled at her. '' I'm proud of you my love.'' He than said as he gave her an kiss on the cheek. He than agreed with her. '' I understand you. I'm mostly busy after an desk as well and following the Minister is very interesting.'' Noel than explained. He was glad with the job, but he didn't saw himself doing this for five more years. '' I feel like this is just another step in career. But lately I've been doubting which way to go... looking ahead of the future.'' He than explained to her. Just like Adorah he had been studying too before this job, expanding his knowledge. The goal of an auror, was just not what he wanted anymore he came to an conclusion. He needed to sacrifice a lot of time also, and he wanted to invest in his relationship with Adorah as well. So quidditch was something he liked doing back at Hogwarts as well, but didn't felt like was enough. So he had to see where the path would lead him.

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