Dare to be Daring

"Hush Alex" she would glare at him with such sharp intense her honey optics, trying so hard to become cold towards him. After a few seconds of staring she would look back at Libby. "What I want you to do is go to the great hall, while everyone eating, I want you to spread peanut butter all around your face. Than I want you to bellow out, 'I'm a little teapot', you will have to do this, I say until lunch is over" she said now smirking at Libby.
Alex laughed as she stared back at him coldly. He smiled before laughing at what she had to do. 'Good luck with that,'he said patting her one on the back. 'But we've got 20 minutes till lunch. Who's up for a game?'he asked them.
Libby laughed and looked at the floor. "Bad choice libby. I knew i should have chosen Truth" she looked back up and grinned, "alright i'll do it though" she said. This was not going to be nice. "Yeah alright" she said in reply to Alex, and tried to ignore the fact in 20 mins she would be sitting in the great hall all sticky.
Maddiie smiled in satisfaction now looking at Alex. "What you have in mind than?" she would say
Alex smied. 'Great'he said grabbing the school broom back off the hook. He grabbed a quaffle as well and heard Maddiie's question as he was walking out the door way. 'Well, Maddie'he said looking at her blankly and shakign his head jokingly. 'We are on a quiddtch pitch'he said before smiling. 'Silly'he joked and he mounted his broom and kicked off.
Libby bent her head and laughed again, although this time tried not to but couldn't help it. She got her broom out the cupboard and mounted it. "C'mon" she said to Maddiie before flying up into the air. She wondered if she should try out the move she had done with Arisa, and test if she got the same reaction.
"Oye!" she woulld shout grabbing her Nimbus from hiding, as she mounted her broom flying up in the air. Its been a while since she played quidditch, well really play never. She laughed a bit as she smoothly glided around the pitch with flowing speed, looking at her other house mate. Somehow these two, was sort of like her, she smiled thinking if the friendship will even last? She had remebered her best friend Ginny how they always did things together, how she mad missed her so much at this point. The memories would flah in her mind so clear now, they really did alot togther inculding the time they had swimmed in the lake, and found that hidden spot. Maybe she could take these to one day, maybe?...
Libby flew a couple of laps around the pitch watching Maddiie joining them. Her dark brown hair flew behind her through the air. "Who's going to start?" she called out. How would they play this? Two against one. Had to be. One keeper maybe. She swerved and can to a slowly hover in mid-air to see how the game was going to run.
"I normally play beater, so I don't really have control of the ball" Maddiie said as she whizzed by them, heading towards the east side of the pitch. "Best bet is everyone for themself, and we have to block the other player so they won't score" she shouted thinking of the alternatives to mix it up a little.
Libby nodded and set straight to work. She flew fast behind Alex and hit the quaffle out his hands and flew off with it before he could get it back. Doing a U-Turn she flew directly back and then to the side, heading for the hoops.
Maddiie swifted her nimbus as it turns heading towards the hoop with a fast pace. As she attempst to block Libby from scoring by putting her right hand out and her body slightly blocking the hoop. She hoped the game would pick up soon, knowing with these two, the speed will be the main point of this game.
Libby saw Maddiie try to block the hoop, so served around it a few times in circles trying to confuse her. She smiled and laughed. Leaning forward she flew to the complete opposite hoop and threw the ball as hard as she could, so even if one of them managed to catch they would have to get there pretty quickly.

(has alex gone offline?)
Maddiie laughed, as she see Libby turning around, and placing the ball against another hoop. She would swooped down, as Libby scored catching the quaffle as it lands in he rright arm. She would glide around the pitch with a quickness, as she attemps to score the next score by throwing inside the loops.

((Yes I think so))
(damn comp. crashed when i was about to post. <_< )

Alex smiled not really hearing what they were saying. he was just flying about for the sake of it, getting the feel of the broom. He still didn't like flying but he was doing it now. He suddenly elt no quaffle in his hand and quickly stopped looking down to see if he had dropped it. he looked back up only to see Libby scoring with it at Maddie. 'Oh, we're playing?'he asked to himself before laughing. He had been looloo land obviously. He saw Maddiie start to fly to the hoops and just kept gliding in that direction before putting a spurt on as she threw it at the goal. He reached his hand out and batted the quaffle down rather than catching it. He swung and dived down after it before catching it and flying back up. Sticking his tongue out at Maddie on the way, he flew to the same hoops again and threw it at the middle hoop with speed.
Libby laughed but didn't stop. When she saw Alex aiming for the middle hoop, she flew right through it form the other side, catchinh it neatly. "Thank you" she called grinning before turning round and scoring it for herself.
Alex smiled. 'No problem maam'he said bowing on his broom, which didn't go to well, as he ended up doing a somersault for the first time on it. He compossed his face of horror quickly and relaxed again before laughing at himself. He noticed no one had grabbed the ball and he quickly caught it gently before he started to fly to the other side, dodging the rest. He didn't stop when he got to the hoops and flew straight over them while he dropped the ball underneath. 'Goal'he said enthusiastically, raising his hands above his head dramatically. He flew for another couple of seconds before realizing he wasn't holding on. 'Whoops'he thought quickly holding back on and flying.
Libby was watching and laughing as twice Alex nearly fell off his broom. She wouldn't let him get away with a goal, and shot over to catch it after the latest score. Libby glanced to Maddiie, checking where she was, and that maybe she should try out her trick. She flew extra high again, and keeping one hand firmly on her broom and the other around the quaffle, she jumped off.

In the time it took for her to fall to the needed height of the center goal post, Libby had used her broom to wack it in, and mounted it before hitting the ground. She flew up and wondered how they would react. "I scored" she said sticking out her tongue.
Alex zig zaged acroos the pitch as Libby went to score another goal. He didn't expect her to fall off her broom though. 'Libby'he called quickly flying in her direction. He stopped as she remounted her broom though. Glaring at her annoyed he hmphed, and started to fly in the oposite direction to the next hoops, rolling his eyes at her. 'Show off'he mumbled as he zig zagged in random directions.
(yep. :p -_- sleep time. )
Maddiie would catch the quaffle as Libby scored, with a quick fluent movement she would fly towards the other Post and with great blunt force she would score the quaffle in the hoop. "Finally" she brag, as she flew around the pitch spotting Alex, as she flew next to him nudging for him to fall off his broom. "So you are the accident prune" she would laugh, than stick her tongue to Libby flying passed them even more.
Alex smiled before seeing Maddiie score in the other goal. He flew and caught the quaffle. He began to fly to the other hoops, not really caring about much, since he wasn't going that fast. He felt Maddiie nudge him and Alex slipped. He grabed hold of the broom with both his hands. 'No'he replied, noticing he'd dropped the quaffle. 'Oh well'he said smiling.
She would swoop down catching the quaffle tossing back into the hoop "Score another for Maddiie" she would raise her hand than flies closeto the ground. Doing a little dance as she hits the ground, than quickley mounts her broom wondering when lunch will happen.

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