Open Dancing Always

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Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora had loved the yuleball, it had been such a special and fun night for her and Rosie and their friends and Aurora was so excited for them to be able to do that all over again. Aurora had gotten a nice summery dress on, she knew that other girls wore proper ball gowns, but Aurora liked wearing little summer dresses because it was summer, she didn't think wearing anything fancier would suit her really. Aurora arrived at the great hall, holding her sister's hand and then walked into the great hall. The song playing was an exciting one and she immediately began dragging Rosie out to the dancefloor to dance, easily finding a spot for them and began dancing to the music.
Rosie Archer had really enjoyed the last yuleball, she'd danced for most of the night with her friends and her sister and it was an occasion for her to just have a good time and forget all about the troubles of the semester, though apart from her issues with transfiguration there were none. She just liked it. She'd gotten a nice dress for the occasion, a little less summery than her sister's but still a rather nice dress for her. She was holding Aurora's hand and then glanced around the room, already trying to spot her friends in amongst, people like Xinyi or Kiara. She was sure that they would have a whole lot of fun. She let her sister drag her out to the fance floor and began dancing with her. "Do you think Xinyi will come to the ball?" she asked her sister, happily trying to spot him as she dancded. Perhaps he was here with someone again.
Soren had nearly run over Xinyi on his way in, and not one to be deterred, he'd quickly dragged the older boy along with him in his search for the girls. They were a group now, and Xinyi needed to tag along, even if only on the off chance Rosie might feel lonely with Sorens' attention more on Aurora. He smirked as he pulled the boy up behind the girls, using his weight to toss Xinyi at Rosie before sidling up next to Aurora and trying to lay an arm around her shoulders. "To, yes, but I dragged him in the door," He teased with a wink.
Xinyi would be lying if he said he hadn't considered skipping the dance. But he'd remembered his conversation with Rosie and had gotten himself dressed up. He hadn't quite worked up the courage to go inside, but that proved to be a moot point as Soren grabbed hold of him and dragged him into the dance. He yelped, but didn't put up much fight, knowing he was getting to where he wanted to be- even if it was a bit more abruptly than he'd wanted. He stumbled into place next to Rosie, barely keeping his balance. He straightened, his face flushed, and tugged his jacket back into place. "You don't need to be so rough, Ren," He chided, running a hand through his hair.
Aurora was dancing quite easily to the music. She rolled eyes a little at her sister but before she could nod and tell her yes probably the boy would come along and they'd have fun dancing all together as they had in the previous year. She smiled as they appeared, and Soren had his arm around her shoulders. She motioned to them, "We're dancing," she encouraged them both as they were dancing. She just liked to dance at these things and do little else.
Rosie was glad when Soren arrived with Xinyi in tow, and immediately as he stumbled reached out to help hold him into place, hopefully to prevent him falling over. She smiled at him and apused in her dancing. "You okay?" she asked over the music, she could take a moment to check in with Xinyi and make sure he was okay before getting back to the dancing that they were doing.
Soren chuckled. "Sure, and you don't need to be so hesitant, Xinyi," Soren countered, before reaching for Aurora and trying to spin her. "You girls look divine," He complimented them, starting to sway and dance to the music with them.
Xinyi blushed when Rosie steadied him, giving the girl a shy smile. "I'm good," He promised, offering his hands out to her. "Dance with me?" He asked, ignoring Soren's comment.
Aurora gave a little nod, she knew that Xinyi was more nervous than she, her sister or Soren were, but had figured she'd be used to them by now to feel a little more at ease. He was most at ease with Rosie, but still. "Thanks Soren, you both look dashing too," Aurora told them both feeling like they were all dressed pretty nicely. It was nice to be so dressed up and having fun with her friends.
Rosie took Xinyi's hands and began to dance with him. "Yes, always!" she assured him excitedly, she was always happy to dance with him. "You do look very fancy," she told him happily, since he wasn't listening to Soren and Aurora, probably, but she thought it was worth making sure he heard it, since she did think he was dressed nicely.
Soren stuck his tongue out at Xinyi before trying to grab for Aurora's hands. "Yes, yes, we're all fabulous, now lets dance," He laughed, wanting to pull her close, twirl her, just have a good time with it.
Xinyi smiled shyly. "Thank you," he told her, starting to sway to the music. This was nice, he always liked being able to be here with her and the others. Though honestly, it was mostly her. He kept his eyes on Rosie, smiling warmly. "Are you having fun?" He asked her softly.
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