DA meeting two

Courtney Potter

Well-Known Member
Best wand ever!
((Sorry for lateness))

Courtney made her way to the forbidden forest, stopping at the entrance, taking note that she was the only one who had arrived. She looked down at her watch and decided to give everyone 10 minutes to join her before she would start the meeting with Liz. She paced around, looking through papers as she waited.
Kiera walked to the edge of the forbidded forest. She had been told of the meeting and looked for other members. She finally found Courtney. "Hey Courtney! Is this the meeting spot?" she asked with a smile.
Liz grinned as she approached Courtney. "Hey, I've got my gear." Liz was dressed in sweatpants and carrying a huge bag, with the end of her beater's bat sticking out.
Courtney smiled at Kiera and Liz, each respectively as they approached her. "Yes, Kiera, this is the meeting spot. And Liz, you're scaring me, I did not bring my bat." Winking, she added, "I suppose I could summon it if need be."

Glancing at her watch, she frowned. "I really do hope more people show up."
Naomi slowly walked to the edge of the Forbidden Forest her nerves were clearly shown on her face. I am sure they call them frobidden for a reason. She thought to herself.

She picked up her speed once she saw a group of girls from DA.

"Hey guys" she said "Sorry I was so late to the first meeting. I hope I didn't disturb anything." she added a apologeticly.
Sam slowly meandered towards the group, her eyes half-closed, a lazy air about her. She was tired. Her nightmares had become more frequent, and it was harder and harder for her to sleep. She gave a tremendous yawn as she met them at the edge of the forest. She seemed oblivious to the large, terrifying trees looming over her. She looked around, and gave them all a lazy, but strangely friendly, salute.

"Hey, there," she said, giving them a crooked smile.
Courtney grinned at Naomi and Samantha. "Okay, well, we've waited long enough for everyone, lets head in the forest. But remember, we have to stick together."
"Alright..." Naomi said weakly as she looked around at all the omnious trees.

She turned to the Gryfindor girl she hadn't met before and decided to introduce herself to take her mind off of the spookyness of the forest.

"Hi I don't believe we met. My name is Naomi." she said.
Sam started slightly when Naomi talked to her. She smiled her gentle, crooked smile, and gave a small laugh.

"Nope, we haven't. I'm Sam. You?" She seemed to be completely oblivious of the surrounding woods, and the fact that everything was growing darker as they traveled further and further into the Forest. In fact, she looked completely at ease.
Courtney stopped walking when she decided they were far enough in the forest. The area was clear from trees, thus, a perfect spot to have their meeting. She sat on the dirt and looked around at the others. "Are you guys ready to try some muggle self defence?"
Sam tilted her head to one side, and put her hand behind her head, her expression quizzical. "What, you mean like punching and kicking?" She felt a sense of a strange pride swell up within her. She knew all about this kind of thing. Living off of the streets for most of her life had made her tough.
"Nice to meet you Sam. My name is Naomi" she replied.

Naomi managed to smile when Courtney said that they were doing muggle self-defence. That was something she was fimilar with.

"What are you going to show us first?" she asked Courtney earnestly.
Courtney giggled. "Okay guys, partner up. Somebody can be partners with me. Muggle self defense will help you when your wands are lost or stolen! We'll demonstate once the partners are chosen."
Sam looked between Naomi and Kiera, looking utterly lost. Finally, she said, still looking a little confused, "Maybe we could be a threesome? Seeing there is an odd number..."
"Sam, I said that one of you guys were going to have to pair up with me. I mean, that isn't such a terrible thing, is it?" Courtney replied to Samantha, winking in the process.
Liz bit her lip as she suddenly realized something.

"You guys... I'm sorry, but I've got to run." She smiled apologetically, and turned to leave. After a moment, she turned around, hugged Courtney, and left. Her eyes were a bit wet as she bolted out of the forest.

((Sorry about that :p You'll seeeee ))
Courtney stared at Liz as she ran off, she didn't know how to respond. "Liz....?" She called, knowing that she wouldn't be heard. She smiled at the others, because she did not want to look weak in front of them during their second meeting.

"Okay Kiera! So Sam and Naomi will parter up as well. We're going to cover some basic defensive moves. The first one will be not so pleasant for any male member of the population," Courtney said, winking afterwards.
Bruin crept slowly into the Forbidden Forest and hid behind a tree listening with interest as the female members of DA prepared to engage in what appeared hand-to-hand combat. Bruin could never resist an opportunity to stick his two-cents in, but after hearing Courtney's comment he decided it would be safer to watch from a distance, sensing what might be coming.

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