
Courtney was about to say something back to Athene, but noticed Lily had taken a seat beside her. "Reading? Oh, just a book a snuck from Kaela's shelf. What do you have to read?"

Courtney then turned her attention to the squeak of a mouse. What is she doing? Courtney thought, before turning her attention back to Lily and rolling her eyes.
"Just reading one of my quidditch books. Gotta keep up on things for our next game. It is going to be interesting since we will be playing Slytherin. I don't know how it will be to play against my boyfriend and all." She made sure to say this all loud enough to see what kind of reaction she could get out of the Slytherin.
Athene ignored Lilly and Courtney, but smirked as she began to bounce the mouse in the air. Artemis snapped playfully at it every time it neared the ground, and it was then that the mouse squeaked the loudest, it's ringing voice sounding almost deafening in the near-silent tower.

I bet they won't want to stay here and read with this racket, she thought smugly.
Hilary was just randomly walking around the school looking for Lily. Someone had nominated them for inseperable friends, and she thought that they should ACTUALLY spend time together. Then something distracted her as she walked near the north tower. It was a almost deafening sound, maybe just a loud mouse. Turning trying to get away from the sound she surprisingly saw Lily AND Courtney, with a girl she hadn't met. Bouncing over to her excitedly she said in her almost hyper way, "Hi, my names Hilary, I'm a Gryffindor second year, what's your name" She gave a huge smile, not shy at all.
Athene gagged when the girl introduced herself. She immediately despised her sickly happy voice and bouncy nature.
So many people had introduced themselves lately. What was with everyone thinking that she wanted to know them?

"Athene Perthro," said Athene coolly. "And i'd be remembering that name if I were you. You'll be wanting to use it to nark on me after i've cursed you into a million pieces next time you annoy me. Assuming you ever wake wake up."

She laughed, and with a twitch of her wand she flung the mouse into the wall. It hit with a hard 'thump', and was silent. Artemis slithered over with a hiss to examine the mouses crushed body, but Athene lifted it up again with her wand, levitating the little corpse just inches from the snakes snapping fangs.
Courtney tried to hide the disgust on her face when the mouse flung into the wall. Why did I ever think I would want a snake? She glared back at Athene and changed her look of disgust to a look of anger.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Under no circumstances can you threaten another student at this school! Especially under the eye of a prefect or professor. You were disrespectful to me before, and now you're acting disrespectful to one of my friends. I'll let you off this time, but if I catch you again, you may find yourself in detention."
"You'll make a very good teacher one day Courtney" said Athene in disgust, but she doubted Courtney would be able to give her anything too terrible to do in a detention, so she didn't worry.

She wondered if she was frightened of mice.
Hilary felt slightly disgusted at the girl's comments but decided to keep her responses as light as possible, she would let Courtney respond to this one, she was a prefect after all... "Yeah Courtney, have you ever thought of being a teacher?" Hilary gave another big smile "Good idea, Athene was it?" she said wondering if she had heard the name correctly.
Courtney wasn't impressed by Athene's tone, and rolled her eyes at the thought of become a teacher. She gave all three of the girls a smile, "I actually was hoping to have a ministry position. But I guess being a Professor has to be fun too. What about you guys, what do you want to do after Hogwarts?"

Courtney also chose to ignore the mouse for the time being. She felt quite sorry for it.
Lily had been trying not to watch the poor mouse being tortured by Athene and the snake. "I have been thinking of being a teacher myself. Not totally sure what subject I would love to teach yet though. Maybe Potions or DADA or something like that." Lily closed her book and set it next to her. She looked at Athene and decided it was time to see if she could throw her off her game a bit. "So what is your snake's name? My boyfriend has one like that named Isabeau."
Hilary smiled "Yeah me, I think I may want to teach or work as an auror.... I mean we could all do with a little less 'evil' in our lives" She just waited for Athene's response.
Athene smirked at Lilly.
"I know, he offered to show it to me. He keeps her in our common room."
"Oh, that must be nice." Courtney replied. "There aren't many snakes roaming around the Ravenclaw common room." Even though Courtney liked snakes, she wouldn't exactly be comfortable with them living in the common room. "We do have quite a few Pygmy Puffs, though."
Lily noticed the smirk on Athene's face. "That must be a new development. Just yesterday he told me that she was in his dorm. Snakes are cool." She said, turning to look at Courtney and Hilary. "But I do like all of our Pygmy Puffs and my cat too. You know, maybe Blake moved her as he was packing for our trip to his house for the holiday break." She looked at Athene with a bit of a sneer. "So where are you spending your holiday?" Her voice became sugar sweet as she spoke, just to be irritating.
"Dorm, common room, whatever. And it's none of your business what I do or where I go." Athene snapped back.
"You've been into her boyfriend's dorm?" Hilary asked with a smile emphasizing the boyfriend. She only pretended she cared but didn't really worry. Blake was really cool so she knew nothing would happen. "And I also really like Pygmi Puffs... between me and my roommates there are like 12 in our room, color coded in there own little houses. Oh and Lily, are you Pygmi Puffs enjoying their colourful treats I sold you?" She said all this super sweetly, as if this was the most exciting thing in the world.
Athene laughed. She was tempted to say that she had indeed been in Blake's dorm, and see what kind of reaction it would get from Lilly, but she held her tongue. Blake had been the only person so far at Hogwarts that she had managed to have a civil, if not friendly conversation with, and she didn't want to ruin it by lying about him.

"i never said i'd been in his dorm," Athene sneered. "I simply said that he had offered to show me his snake, which just so happens to be there."
"And what would it matter if you had been in his dorm? I fully trust Blake. I am the only girl he wants to be around that way." Lily said, just waiting to see what Athene had to say to that. She then turned to Hilary, "And my Puffs just love their treats! However I think that Marsha likes them better than Jan and Cindy. Or she just tries to hog the spotlight. Not sure which it is!" Lily laughed, just wondering what Athene would say about the Puffs.
Courtney frowned at everyone as the argument persisted over Blake. She didn't want the situation to escalate any further. "Okay girls," Courtney said with a sigh. "I'm sure Blake is thrilled to have you both as friends, but let's not discuss him too much while he isn't around."
"Don't you think you're a little young to be worrying about boys?" Athene asked. She wasn't interested in Blake at all. In fact, she wasn't interested in any boy. She was sure she'd probably marry for convenience over love anyway.
"I mean, you can't be much older than twelve," she added, eying the girl up and down.
"Yes, I am twelve. And so is Blake for that matter. But Courtney is right, he would probably not like being treated like a pawn in a game while he is not around. But just for the record, I am not worried at all. I have full trust in him." Lily looked over at Courtney and Hilary again. "So, did all of your exams go? Mine were outstanding!"
Hilary smiled "Well the exams went great, full marks for the most part although I was sure I had bombed a question on the transfiguration one, how about you Lily?"
"Exams went okay. It was kind of overwhelming taking seven in one week though. I'm looking forward to only having three classes per week now, should be much more manageable." Courtney replied as she pulled out her wand and started twirling it around in her hands.

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