


She decided since she had about 45 minutes, she wanted to just look at the stars. She just wanted to look. She had had a little of a rough day. Pez, Blake, Cris.... What more could she take.
Lily had been coming back from the library when she saw a girl staring out the window in the tower. She was wearing a Ravenclaw uniform, and the more Lily looked, the more familiar she looked to her. I think that is Lilian, Blake's friend. She looks upset. Lily made her way over to her, hoping to be of some help.

"Hey. Lilian, right? Are you okay? You look upset." Lily said kindly, a look of concern on her face.
"How much more is enough?" She said.. slowly.. She also said, "How much more can I recieve before I break..?"
Lily walked closer and put her hand on the girl's back. "Do you want to talk about it? I am a pretty good listener." She really didn't know her that well, but Lily was always one to try to help. And if she was a friend of Blake's, well, she wanted to help out even more. Blake ment the world to her and she trusted his judgement fully.
"I am to gullible." She looked at lily, looked around, to make sure no one was looking, then look at lily again. She the pulled her sleeve up to reveal a blue, black, and purple bruise from about 3 mights ago... "This is what my stupidity results in."
"That looks horrible! Are you okay? Did you have the nurse look at it?" Lily was concerned since the bruise she saw looked very painful. She then whispered to Lilian, "Who did this to you?"
"I just met you... But, I trust you.. Because I know that you are dating Blake. Uhm. It was my boyfriend.... And Idk what to do."
Lily's eyes opened wide in surprise. "Your boyfriend?" she asked quietly. "That is not cool at all. How did it happen? I mean, was it intentional or an accident?" Lily was concerned that Lilian's boyfriend might be abusive, but then again, she has had friends that have bruised her by accident when they were goofing around and this might be the case. Lily wanted to have the facts before jumping to conclusions.
She started crying... "I know he didn't mean to." She said.... "He was very upset, and wasn't thinking..."
Lily watched as Lilian started to cry. She put her bag down on the floor and pulled her into a hug. "It will all be okay. What is meant to happen will happen. Has he appologized to you at all?" she asked gently.
She laughed sarcasticlly, "A million times. But, still don't change the facts, right." She still had a few tears streaming, but she had dried it up a little.
"Kinda." Lily replied, glad to see that she was no longer crying, well, for the most part. "I mean, if he really seems to be sorry and not just appologizing to look good. I would not really be alone with him for a while, just to give him some time to prove himself again. You know, build up trust."
She looked at her," Yea... I will." SHe smiled, "Thank you. I just. Everyone I tell, they go off about it."
"Really? Why? What's done is done and there is no changing that fact. The important thing is to be there to support you and whatever you decide to do about the situation. If you choose to accept him back, then it is your decision in the end. Your friends need to be there to back your decision, no matter what their personal feelings are about the situation." Lily replied with a shrug. "Have you decided if you are taking him back at all?"
Athene was wondering the North Tower. She couldn't sleep. She was still stressing about her poor performance in her exams.
Ahead she could see two girls huddled together talking. At first she paid no attention, until she recognized Lilly Potter, the girl from the quill shop. She still wasn't sure if she was related to the famous Harry Potter or not.
Not that it matters, she told herself firmly.
Lily was talking with Lilian when she noticed the Slytherin girl that had been so rude to her at work. I wonder what she is doing, wandering around up here. She looked over and decided she would be the bigger person and be polite. "Hello." she said, her voice kind of neutral.
Athene scowled and didn't reply. The girl Lilly was with was crying. Athene had seen her around, but didn't think she'd ever spoken to her. She wondered if the girl had done as bad in her Exams as she had, and if that was the reason why she was crying.
She almost felt sorry for her.

"Think you failed your exams - eh?" She nearly said, 'think you failed your exams too?' but stopped herself just in time. She didn't want these girls knowing that. The question was directed at the tearful girl. She ignored Lilly.
Lily heard the annoying Slytherin asking about exams and rolled her eyes. She knew that all she ever seemed to want to do was start trouble. Lily was not about to get into trouble when it was almost Holiday Break, and the Yule Ball. She looked at Lilian and asked, "Want to go back to our common room and talk? Seems to be getting crowded here."
"No, as a matter of fact I didn't." She looked toward Lily, "Yes, I think it may be getting there."
Athene smirked. Perfect. She could have the peace and quiet she had been trying to get on the sixth floor, before being disturbed by that group of girls and the ghost.
"have fun." She went and leant against the wall next to the two girls, smiling horribly down at them. "Toodles."
Lily looked at Lilian. "Okay, let's go." She started to walk away, but then stopped and turned back. "What is your issue anyways?" she said to Athene. She was getting annoyed with the way she was so mean to everyone.
Lil had already had enough of this rather rude girl that was basiclly trying to push her out of the tower where she had first been here, not the girl. "I'll have you to know, if I wanted to stay here I would, but why would anyone, anyone at all, want to be around such a crude, horrid, and egotistical girl?" She looked at the girl, not very sorry for what she had said to her.
Athene twiddled her wand in her fingers and eyed the two girls coldly.
*I thought you were going?"
"Really. Why should we let some bitter girl chase us from where we were at to start with?" Lily said, almost daring the girl to try to fight with them.

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