Open Courtyard Sunshine Studying

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel didn't mind revising, it was just something he had to do and it wasn't something he minded. Not in the slightest. He had spent a lot of time with his parents who worked in places where revising was very much the norm, where his parents considered revising just further learning and given that this was the first semester of his schooling, he thought it was very important for him to focus on his studies and focus on his revision. However, since the weather was nice and he had come outside to the courtyard, going any further out and he'd have to travel too far to get back to his books and the library, but allowed him to sit in the sunshine of the day. Something he was always pleased for. New Zealand was not as warm as what he'd been used to in Nigeria, but he'd take any warmth he could. Emmanuel sat down on a bench and began to revise.
Lilly had been slacking a bit. She had been so overwhelmed by the castle and everything around it that studying kind of went to the back of things. Time went faster than she had expected and she was actually having fun. Lillian decided to grab a couple of books and go to the Courtyard to study. She needed the fresh air. She still wasn't used to how high up the Ravenclaw Common room actually was. The library was okay, but she had always preferred the outside over being locked up somewhere. When she finally managed to find the right hallway that led her outside. She looked around to find a spot to study. It was pretty busy and the only person she knew was sitting on a bench. She was still terribly shy, but she knew she needed to open up some day. Lillian shuffled over to him and sat down on the grass that was next to the bench. ''Hello.'' she mumbled almost silently.
Emmanuel glanced up from his work as he heard someone approaching and they greeted him. He looked at the girl and gave a little smile. If he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and ignoring somewhat the work he was supposed to be doing, he wouldn't have heard the hello the girl gave as she'd sat down next to where he was. He smiled at her, and knew her from his house, the classes that they shared but her name wasn't one he knew very well. "Hi," he replied warmly. "I'm happy to share the bench if you'd like," he told her with a smile.
Lillian didn't mind sitting in the grass, but the bench was probably better. ''Thanks'' She mumbled and then she stood up and took a seat next to the boy. ''For what exam are you studying?'' Lillian said softly. She opened the transfiguration book and looked over her notes herself. ''I am Lillian..'' she added after her first question, not wanting to be overly weird.
Emmanuel glanced down at his notes, though he didn't need to, "Astronomy," he said with a little smile, "it's proving a bit pointless right now because of," and he motioned to the fact it was day time and he wasn't able to see any of the stars, but he didn't think he needed to be seeing the stars to revise, it just might occasionally be nice. "I'm Emmanuel," he then held out his hand to her. "It's nice to meet you properly Lillian, because we've obviously spent a lot of time with each other in classes," he told her, since he had seen her about the place and though hadn't known her name he did know her face a little.
Lillian shuffled in her seat and looked at Emmanuel. ''Astronomy is quiet difficult without the presence of any celestial bodies in the sky.'' Lillian muttered ''Well there is the sun which is technically a star'' She said. ''And there was a lot of rather boring theory that is readable during the day.'' If Lily was honest she wasn't very font of astronomy. It was just so much information and the information wasn't exactly usable. Like why did she need to know how hot the temperature on certain planets could get. ''Likewise'' Lilly responded to him. ''I wonder what spell we have to preform at the transfiguration exam'' she said softly.
Emmanuel gave a keen nod as she spoke, having to lean in slightly to be sure that he heard her. He gave a little smile at the end, and then pointed up to the sun, "You also shouldn't look directly at the sun...which...makes it even more difficult," he considered what she said about astronomy's theory, "Not a fan?" he asked. Perhaps it was just that she didn't like theory rather than her disliking the subject entirely. He gave a little nod, "Hmm, perhaps it will be all of them?" he said, he wasn't sure if they would do one spell or more than one. "That wouldn't even be too many spells," he added, since they had done a lot of theory in transfiguration.
Lily knew she spoke very quietly most of the times, but her shyness won every time. What if the other person didn't like her or thought she was weird. Lillian shrugged and looked at Emmanuel. ''That is a fact'' Lily giggled softly. ''Not really, I cant find a connection to what we need astronomy for in our regular lives.'' She said to him. ''The stars and planets move on their own, its not like we can do anything about it except witnessing it'' She knew there were various theories that the sun gave magic, yada yada yada, but that wasn't enough to peek her interest. "'Guess you are right, they aren't going to make it easy for us.'' Lillian said.
Emmanuel smiled lightly as he'd appeared to make Lillian laugh, it was a nice thing to be able to do. He thought her reasoning for not enjoying it was interesting, he'd never considered it that way at all. It was difficult to connect astronomy theory to the every day they faced, that might was very true. He wondered if it extended to other things, if she felt the same about other theory that she equally had no connection to. "I've never thought about it that way," he told her honestly, "We can only experience the stars, and have no influence, but that could be true of other things, like history," he knew it was exactly the same, since history had happened, had been influenced, but they there on that bench, learning about it could not influence it. "Maybe they will though, we are first years after all," emmanuel did add, not wanting to make it more stressful to study. "The last one we learnt is most likely to come up, because it was learnt last,"

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