Connar Smithly

Connar Smithly

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Connar Key Smithly
- Birth Date: June 17th, 2009
- Current Age: 11 Years old
- Basic Appearance: Average height with dirty blond hair that comes all the way down to his chin. Either blue or green eyes, they tend to change, sometimes having one of each color.
- Parents: Adam and ADÉLAÏDE (Pronounced: a-day-la-EED) Smithly
- Siblings, if any: Only child
- Pets, if any: Sadly no.
- Area of Residence: Cherbourg-Octeville(commune in Normandy, North-West France)
- Blood status: Muggleborn

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Something of the large cat family, a lion, possible a Bengal tiger.
- What would their Boggart be? Connar has a phobia of needles so something resembling one would be a great fear of his.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) A fondness to birds and their ability to escape would make Connar's animagus form a large bird such as a hawk falcon or eagle. Being able to escape from everything being the main reason.
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? The rest of his family, from the states.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? His one brief meeting with one of his relatives from the states at age 10.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
As it was every evening Connar was staying up late to work out a few equations his mother had set for him to do earlier that night. As his work continued his voice started to echo in the back of his head as his thoughts about this unjustness that was began to form. I wish she wouldn't push me so hard. It's just not right, I am supposed to be on vacation and she is giving me all sorts of math equations to do every night of the week. While muttering silently to himself and working perilously  deeper into the night his eyes started to droop, which in turn caused him to make a mistake. Dammit, that last one was to the sixth power not the ninth. He decided a little food might do him some good so he got out of his bed and stretched while slowly walking towards the door. Reaching to door he turned it and made his way downstairs, careful not to make a sound so as not to wake up his parents. After a bit of foraging he came across some leftovers from last nights supper and wolfed it down. Now that he had settled his hunger problem he started to make his way out of the kitchen to go back to his room but then remembered he would probably need something to drink later that night as he usually wakes up to get something to drink half way through his slumber anyways. So he searched the cupboard for a glass then filled it about half ways with water as he wouldn't need much when he woke up, he then started on his way back to his room.

Shuffling his way sleepily back up the stairs with his glass of water he nearly tripped and fell back down them. As he made it to his room he slowly and silently opened his door then cursed himself when he realized he had turned his only source of light in the room off, his lamp. Walking over to turn it back on he stubbed his toe on a think medical journal laying in the middle of his floor. It hurt just enough for him to curse himself again for his lack of thought with his light, but he stopped cursing himself when he thought he heard a slight rustle on his bed. Shaking his head slightly and thinking it was just lack of sleep playing tricks on his mind he turned on his lamp.

After creeping around in the dark for so long the sudden burst of light from the lamp half blinded him for a few seconds. Setting his glass down on the beside table he started to sit down on his bed until something sharp poked him in the rear and made him jump about a foot. Turning around he saw that it was a owl, a real life owl, sitting on his bed clicking its beak as if threatening him to try and sit on it again. Connar stood there looking at it in amazement for a minute or so, never had he seen a owl up this close and personal. It was a beautiful snowy owl with a few brown speckles across its wing span and back. He reached his hand out to touch the top of its head and it snapped at him nearly biting his fingers. It stuck out its leg towards him, that is when Connar noticed it had a envelope attached to it via a red cloth. Reaching down he untied it, this time the owl did not bite. After the owl was relived of its burden it took off through his open window. After seeing his bedroom window open he thought to himself. Wait a second, why is my window open, it wasn't when I went down to get some food. It's way to cold this time of year for me to open it. Strange. After cocking his head at the thoughts that could be reasons why his window was open and finding none really worked he walked over and shut it.

Settling down on his bed with the envelope he looked it over and found it was addressed to him, but in a manner he had never seen before, rather than just have his house address and his name it, it had his name, his street address, and even upstairs bedroom written in gold ink on the envelope. At least I know its definitely for me since my parents bedroom is downstairs. His fingers trembling slightly, he turned it over to see a very fancy seal embossed upon it. Taking care to keep the seal in tact he opened the envelope and let the contents of it slide out on to his bed, the contents comprised of what seemed to be a letter a list and a few other pieces of paper. As the pieces of paper looked official he doubted he would get any enjoyment out of reading them, and a list is a list so he picked up the letter and started to read it.

After he got done reading the letter Connar just sat there, on his bed, in awe for about half an hour. That letter he just read told him he had been accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand, now he didn't really know exactly what this place was but it had explained in basic what this meant. From what he gathered from the letter there was a whole other world out there, a magical one, and he was accepted into a place that was going to teach him all about it. If this wasn't some kind of joke, which he seriously doubted since no one he knowns has a sense of humor, then he was actually going to have friends, and be away from his parents for awhile. Not being able to contain his excitement at this revelation he jumped out of bed, his foot catching the side of his bedside table right where his glass was located and sent if flying strait into the wall. It made quite a loud noise and he heard his dad shout from down stairs "What in the heck was that!", then a slight pause and "CONNAR!!!". He then heard footsteps coming up the stairs, two sets so that meant both his parents were about to come through his door. Looking at the letter in his hand he realized he would have to have their say in this. Here goes something was his last thought before the door opened and his journey began.
Anybody feel free to review/question this work/character ^_^

Connar has said he's finished with what the form asked for :)
((I'm trying my hand at offering assistance. I hope that's okay with Athene. =)

Bear in mind these questions are OoC for me, but IC for you, so answer them as if it was your character answering. You can RP answering if you want, too. Don't feel obligated to answer, but it will help you develop your character.))

So you live in France? That's cool! Any reason that you're going to Hogwarts in New Zealand, and not Hogwarts Scotland, or Beauxbatons?

Why do you and your parents live in France, and the rest of your family in the States?

I take it your parents drive you very hard. Why do they do this to you?

Have you met your relatives from the States at any other time apart from when you were 10?

What are you most looking forward to about Hogwarts?

Your eyes change colour? That's so cool! Is there any reason for them changing, or do they just do it randomly?

((Sorry, these questions are tricky. I like your sample RP, btw.))
(Not 100% sure on how exactly to do this but all learn through trial and error, looks like today I will be learning quite a bit :). Also thank you for the compliment on my RP)

As the first question passed and Connar's mind started to process an answer he found out he actually had to think about it for a minute before answering with "Yea I live in France and from your question I take it that Beauxbatons is a school closer to France as is Hogwarts Scotland, the second judging by its name of coarse. Truthfully the only reason I can think of for me going out of my way to go to Hogwarts New Zealand is that either those two schools are full or Hogwarts New Zealand called dibs." The last part being said while chuckling slightly.

When asked about the location of family he actually blushed a little when he realized he didn't explain properly the exact situation. "I guess I messed up a bit, not all of my family lives in the states, but the only ones who would even be willing to talk to my mother, father, and I live in the states. You see, my mother and father got married at a young age. My mother being 17 and my father being 18. The only reason they even met is because my dad was here on vacation and fell in love with a 17 year old French beauty, they got married after knowing each other for only three months. My mothers family considered this a insult and basically thought of her as a complete tart and now want nothing to do with her. And my father has yet to really contact his side of the family other then a few letters here and there but I honestly think its because he is frightened of what people will think of mom." He then stopped realizing he was rambling on.

The third question took no thought at all from Connar to form a answer for the sweet girl and he replied with "Easy, they want better for me than they themselves had, even though it is sometimes hard on me I can understand why they do what they do."

A question about his relatives made Connar sport a slight frown as he replied "Other than meeting a distant cousin when I was 10 , no I haven't met any other of my family on my dad's side, and my mother's side wants nothing to do with us."

The next question was one Connar had no problem with just half shouting out, "I just want to meet new people and make as many friends as I possible can." Then he realized he kind of shouted and looked down at his feet for a couple minutes.

When asked about his eyes he smiled and replied "Well they do just change but I think it has something to do with the fact both of my parents have one blue and one green eye each."

He then sat there and smiled at the nice girl giving him a makeshift interview hoping these answers would suffice.
((heeh! I was wrong, you didn't have to RP, but it's pretty cool doing it anyway, as it gives you a chance to practice.))

So, you'll be in one of the four houses at Hogwarts, of course. Out of these traits, which do you think sums you up the most?: Bravery, kindness, intelligence or ambition?

If your mum is French, and your dad is from the States, which language do you speak more, English or French?

Is there something you're especially looking forward to learning at Hogwarts?

((I know I'm bombarding you with questions, but hey. I'm really liking your character, you've got a pretty solid grounding =D))
((Saying I need practice or something there :p ))

The first question puzzled him for a moment as he sat there deep in thought before slowly replying with "I think, intellect is the most prominent trait in my arsenal." Then the second question made him smile as he replied with "I speak English much more then French, but if need be I could answer all of these questions in fluent French." Then the last one made him frown as he looked down and replied, "Since I have no idea what there is to even learn, not yet."
((well, that's my questioning done. and I'm not saying you need to practice =P. I just didn't have the chance to practice RPing before I started in actual classes. and ooh, a Ravenclaw, huh? c'est bonne!))
Hi and welcome to hnz.
So what house do you think you'll be in?
Do you have any friends currently in hogwarts, or maybe who are going to be?
((Sorry about how long it has taken me to reply, busy busy life what with school starting up soon))

As another question was imposed upon Connar, this one being about what house he personally thought he would wind up becoming part of, of which the answer was rather simple, as he had quite a few talks about what house valued what to what extent in terms of qualities, so he answered with his voice trailing off towards the end of his slight speech, even though it was not intended to sound so long winded, "Well, with what I have heard about the four houses, I think I will more then likely end up in Ravenclaw, because of my fondness to knowledge and learning, but Hufflepuff, or Gryffindor could be where I end up as I have qualities from both from what I have heard, just not as many, never know for sure though, until it happens."

Then the girl posed a question about if he had any friends attending, or going to attend Hogwarts New Zealand, of which the answer was short, and somewhat bitter because of what it entailed. He promptly said, "No, as I lead a very sheltered life at home I have no friends, and as of yet, I have yet to really make any."

(Next :p)
((Don't worry school here in hartford is starting up soon also...thanks for answering))
:D Hi Connar, and welcome to HNZ.

You said Connar has eyes that change between blue and green- Is there a reason his eyes are this way?

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