Old School Week Chatting with Old Friends

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
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Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
Poppy had always loved the garden. It was a peaceful place where she could surround herself with beautiful things. There was nothing better in her opinion. "You all look lovely today." she said to the hydrangea bush before sitting down next to a patch of wild flowers. "And you too of course." she added, not wanting them to fell left out. She knew it was childish to keep up her habit of talking to the plants but they were much better listeners than people.
Finn knew some people thought it was a bit silly to mess around with crystals and things when you could cast spells with a wand, but crystals were a lot more fun he thought. He had come outside to find some lavender to tie to an amethyst and see what it did to the crystal, but he stopped when he saw a girl talking to plants. "Are they talking back?" He asked, wondering if she had some kind of talking to plants magic.
Poppy looked up quickly when she heard another voice but grinned when she vaguely recognized a fellow Ravenclaw. "No. Or at least not yet." she added playfully.
Finn raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her answer. "Do you think you can make them talk?"
Poppy chewed on her lip as she thought. "I don't think I'd make them do anything." she said finally before reaching out and picking a small white flower and twirled in between her fingers. "But if they felt like sharing I would listen."
"I bet the flowers here could tell interesting stories."
Poppy considered his statement. "Maybe." she said. "But they do stay in one place don't they? Maybe they have a really good imagination." she said thoughtfully. At first she thought being a plant, stuck in a garden might be a sad fate. But she also realized they got to be in nature all the time. Free from responsibilities...like NEWTs.
Finn nodded. "They would have seen all sorts of things happen in this garden."
Blue popped up from where she's been lying on her stomach in a flower bed. "The bugs spread the gossip all around the garden, so the flowers know everything." she said with conviction.
Poppy hummed as she considered what he said. If any garden had it's share of stories it would be this one. How many deep conversations and love confessions had it heard over the years? She hadn't noticed when a younger student joined them but she smiled and was glad for the company. Poppy nodded. "I think bees would be the biggest gossips. Always buzzing around." she mused.
Finn looked up when another girl joined them, smiling slightly. "They've probably seen all sorts of things around here."

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