🌹 Rose Giving Chasing Red

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Moving on to deliver the rest of her roses Chloë had made her way back into the castle. She had felt quite lucky to have so many students on her list this year that she knew. She might not know the students personally, but she knew who the names belonged to so hopefully it wouldn't be too hard to find them. It didn't take to long for her to spot one of them, quickly making her way over to the boy. "Hey Jasper!" She waved at him from a little distance, hoping he'd notice her.
Jasper had seen the rose deliverers wandering around all day, and he had been waiting for his own name to be called. There was just one rose he really wanted to get, and he wasn't even sure if it was on its way. Had he misread the situation with Nell? Jasper looked up as someone called his name as he passed through the entrance hall, turning to see who had called him. It was Chloë, one of the Gryffindor chasers. "Uh, hey." Jasper said in return, holding up his hand in a wave.
Chloë quickly made her way over to Jasper when he had stopped walking. "Hi." She said again once she reached him. "Just a sec." She added as she looked at the notes to get the right rose out of her bunch, which ended up not being that difficult since it was the only red one inbetween a bunch of yellow ones. "Right, this one's for you!" She smiled, holding the red rose out for him to take.

[Written entirely in crayon]

Dear Jasper
Do U Like Me?
[ ] Yes
[ ] Also Yes
Love, Nell

P.S. I like U
Jasper had noticed the red rose in Chloë's bunch, but he hadn't really dared to hope it would be for him. Once she grabbed it, Jasper felt his heart speed up. He forced himself to grin. "Cool, thanks." He said, attempting to sound casual as he took the red rose from the Gryffindor. He opened the note quickly, his face flushing at the message he saw. He grinned widely, then laughed when he read the options Nell had given him more closely. He also noticed she had written it in crayon, which he guessed was a throwback to their first real conversation. He could still remember the argument they'd had so clearly. He completely forgot Chloë was standing there, he was just staring at the note with a goofy grin on his face.
Chloë amusedly watched Jasper's reaction as he read the note attached to the rose she had just given him. She didn't really know the boy other than the fact that she had to admit he was a solid chaser, but most of the time getting a red rose had to mean something. "So it's a good one, huh?" She asked. She had wondered for a second whether she should just walk off and leave him be to enjoy whatever the note said, but battles like that were eventually always won by her curiousity. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry or whatever." Chloë quickly added, although it seemed like the rose had put him in a good mood so she doubted he'd get annoyed by it.
Jasper was trying to think of a funny way to answer this and give it back to Nell, when Chloë reminded him she was there. He flushed, but the grin didn't go away. "Yeah, pretty good." He admitted. "It's fine, I'm the one who kept on staring at the note like a weirdo." He said, grinning at it again for a moment. "You don't happen to have a pen or pencil or something on you, do you?"
Chloë smiled when Jasper admitted it was a pretty good rose. Those were definitely the best ones to deliver. "I figure I'd do the same." She chuckled at his response. She had only received one rose so far and it hadn't been from Sully, so she was sure she'd probably grin at the note when that rose came like he was doing now. "I do!" She nodded excitedly, her curiousity for what was on the note growing even more at his question. Since roses were always chaos she had come prepared though, figuring having a pencil around would always prove to be useful. If only to cross names off of her own list. "Here." She happily handed the pencil over to him.
Jasper smiled at the girl, glad she was so nice and understanding. If the roles were reversed, Jasper knew he would be teasing the other person a whole lot more. "Thanks!" He said, taking the pencil from her and neatly checking both of the boxes Nell had given him. Then he handed it back to her. "I gotta go now, good luck with the rest." He said.

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