Open Chaser's Rose

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Yellow for @Noel Waldgrave, open after

Elliot recognized Noel's name from Quidditch, hoping to catch the younger boy about after Gryffindor's practice. He was a little envious of the teams that were getting to play in the final match, though at least catching the snitch in their last game had made Elliot feel like he wasn't a totally hopeless player. "Hey, you're Noel, right?" He said, jogging over to the other boy when as he crossed the lawn. He was pretty sure he had the right Gryffindor, but it was a little hard to recognize faces when he was busy flying.
Noel was going outside to get a break from the studying and have some fresh air. And when he walked at the great lawn he heard a voice calling him and looked at a boy who seemed familliar. Noel figured he played in quidditch as well. He smiled to the boy and nodded. '' Hey. Yes I am!'' The brown haired boy said. And than looked at him. '' You play Quidditch right? A seeker?'' He than asked the boy in return.
Elliot was relived that he'd managed to recognize Noel, gratefully handing over the yellow rose and note. "Oh great, here, Happy Valentines," He said as he passed them over. "Yeah, I do," Elliot answered Noel sheepishly, still quietly pleased when people knew he was on the team. "That's how I recognized you actually, you're one of Gryffindor's chasers, right?"


Thanks for being a good friend to me. Happy Valentines day

Noel took the yellow rose from the boy. Glad he got one, it wasn't like he liked flowers that much but it was a sweet gesture and he liked those things. Things like this were positive and he liked to spread around positivity. He hadn't been chosing to send roses though, he just forgot it from all the studying. That was stupid he thought, things like this were important. He would make up to the people who send him a rose. '' Oh wow thanks! You too. '' Noel than said with a smile. He took the note added to it and read it. A smile appeared on his face. It was from Minnie! A bit of a blush as well, a girl send him a rose. A yellow one, a friendship one but it was special. And Minnie seemed so closed at first but now this. Noel was glad she saw him as her friend.

The boy was indeed the seeker from Hufflepuff he now remembered and the boy said it himself he played quidditch. He was glad that he knew it. That was exactly how the boy remembered him and Noel was kind of pleased. He liked it when people knew him, and now being on the Quidditch team people could know him more of that. Ofcourse in the game there was competition but Noel was always kind still to the people. '' That's right yeah. I'm Noel nice to meet you.'' Noel than put out his hand to the boy. '' Didn't had that much luck with the games so far. The seekers are so good.'Didn't even touched a quaffle that much.'' Noel than said with a grin, the boy was a seeker himself ofcourse. But in the game against Hufflepuff their seeker catched it so quickly. So that wasn't nice for this boy for sure.
Elliot was glad Noel seemed to be happy with the note he'd gotten, though he tried to pointedly look away just in case Noel thought he was being nosy. Despite how tiring or nerve-wracking roses could be, Elliot was always happy when people seemed to enjoy getting them.

"I'm Elliot," Elliot said, shaking Noel's hand and smiling. It was nice to get to know the other Quidditch players outside of the games themselves. If only because it made the other teams seem less intimidating. "Yeah, I know what you mean about bad luck in games," Elliot said with a seld-depreciating smile. His Quidditch season was over, which was sad, but he was glad he'd managed to help 'Puff beat Ravenclaw at least. "Good luck with your next game though," He added sincerely.

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