🌹 Rose Giving Captain Yellow

Aaliyah Chun

Pianist-Soprano; Bright; Friendly
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Following Nicole's advice, Liya went outside and made her way to the pitch. With any luck, she'd be able to deliver roses to both Lysander and Branson. Looking around, he easily spotted their house team captain. She approached her and waved hello. "Lysander, I'm here on a delivery mission.", she jokingly said.

Yellow for @Lysander Summers
Lysander had been enjoying his solo practice. He'd already been visited at the pitch once, and he wasn't too surprised to be visited again. "A mission!" He emphasized with a chuckle. It sounded way more exciting than just saying a delivery. "You found me, mission accomplished."
Aaliyah giggled. "Yes, a mission.", she echoed. "It's a two-part mission.", she said in a serious voice. She took the rose and the note. "First part is finding you, the second part is giving you these.", she added, handing the rose and the note to him.
Lysander gave an exaggerated gasp at the revelation that this was a two-part mission. "Woah, that's even better than a regular mission." He said with a chuckle. He took the yellow rose and the note. "Let's see who it's from, huh?" He said, flipping it over to have a read.​
Aaliyah chuckled at Lysander's reaction. It was cool that he got along with her jokes. At his next words, she eagerly nodded.


I don't want to inflate your ego any larger or you may topple over. but thank you for being a great mate. it is fun working with you in the menagery and i am going to miss you next year


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