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Ilija Olaf

New Dad | UL Editor 📚 Psychologist (in training)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 inch Larch wand with Hippogryff Feather
4/2035 (28)
Ilija was quieter than normal during graduation, if that was possible. For the last few years he'd had his sisters to turn to for questions or advice or company, but both were now graduation at once and it felt like a double whammy. He was naturally closer to Mhairi who seemed to understand him a little better, not to mention they'd shared the same house too which was a comfort, but now he was about to be left with no one. The Hufflepuff had a couple of friends but his fifth year had been incredibly stressful, and next year he didn't have anyone else to turn to, not really. He sat with his mum and hoped that not too many people would bother her. She was the one who'd just written the article for the Daily Prophet about the woman and a werewolf, although hopefully not many people would be able to put a name to the face. His mum never really noticed Ilija though and this was nothing new. She was much too focused on the twins, Mhairi especially, watching his older sister receive her diploma and seeing how far she'd come. The blonde had gotten a lot of the attention of their family, and Ilija sort of knew how Lina felt when she was cast out of decisions, but what could they do? The fifth year clapped for both his sisters, feeling a little reminiscent of the time they'd had together, and scared to see how it was all about to change. Once the twins had come back to them, he did his best to smile at Mhairi to show that he didn't really mind what was happening, "Well done," he added, although the confidence wasn't really there in his voice.
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Aaliyah hadn't been in his building for almost thirty years. She'd not attended Hogwarts herself, but Durmstrang, although during her time at school she'd come to Hogwarts with other members of her class to compete against the school. It was a strange moment to see her daughters graduating. When Li had done so herself she was already engaged to her future husband, and while she knew both girls had a difference of opinion when it came to what they wanted to do next, neither of them had the same ideas she'd had when she was a teenager. The journalist was sat with her son, waiting for the girls to join them, and while Ilija had always been a shy boy, keeping himself to himself, he seemed more recluse now that he had over the summer. She wasn't too concerned though, it wasn't like it was completely unexpected given the circumstances. "Congratulations girls," Aaliyah hugged both of them in turn, proud to see that they would be soon on their way to doing what they enjoyed most. She would be seeing much more of Mhairi given that the Hufflepuff wanted to work with the animals and crops in their hometown, although for Lina who planned to go to University it was a different story. Li couldn't understand why the Slytherin had such a love for the muggle world, not when it was far from what they'd been brought up with, but the blonde was just glad they were happy.
After the ceremony, Alice was curious to see what would happen between Diana and Cole, as it seemed like her sister was meeting her boyfriend's mother. Alice couldn't help being a bit nosy, and while Phoebe was distracted with Charlie, she sneaked off to see how her other sister was doing. But as she moved through the small groups of graduates and guests chatting, she realized she was moving past Ilija, and stopped in her tracks to greet him. "Oh, hi Ilija." She said brightly, her gaze moving to the women he was standing with. "Hello," she said, greeting his sisters with a wave. She mostly knew Mhairi from Wild Patch, but knew the other girl was her twin. She also gave his mother a polite smile. "Congratulations on your graduation." She then said, looking at the two older girls again.
Ilija didn't move but he felt like he was outcast once again as his mum focus her attention on the twins. It wasn't entirely unexpected given that they were the stars of the show after all, although Ilija had to wonder whether anyone would notice if he'd slipped out and gone back to his dorm. He was thrown from his thoughts when he heard his name though, cheeks flushing the second he realised it was Alice that was stood beside him and he swallowed nervously, trying to find the words to say. Before he could say anything she was talking to his family. How could everyone make this look so easy? Was he supposed to introduce them? Did the twins already know who Alice was? He tried to think about why Alice would have been with if not just because she was a prefect. Was one of her sisters graduating? Ilija felt stupid for not knowing, although maybe she was just here to support someone else or because she was a prefect. "That's my mum," he said eventually to the Hufflepuff, "she works for the Prophet." Ilija felt like he was clutching at straws here, but what else was there to say?
Mhairi was more emotional about graduating that she'd expected to be, and seeing her brother made it even harder. She knew he'd struggled recently and leaving him for the last two years was going to be as hard as leaving him for the two years she'd been at school before he'd joined. She hugged Ilija before turning to their mum, glad that she'd been able to get the time off to come to their graduation. The Queen of the Flowers spotted another girl coming over to them before Ilija did, and sent her brother a knowing grin. Mhairi knew exactly who Alice was, as well as how Ilija felt, or at least used to feel about her. She'd not forgotten that day on the train when he'd turned the colour of a beetroot in her presence although apparently the expression still stood. "Thank you," she turned to her sister, raising her eyebrows at Lina as though they'd be able to divert a little of the attention.
Lina hadn't thought it necessary for their mum to come all this way just to see them get given a piece of paper, but there you go. If she had it her way, Lina would have spent the last remaining moments of her time talking to people she wasn't about to see for years to come, but it seemed only fair that she at least attempt to bond with her family given she was about to be off on another adventure soon. "Yeah, thanks," she gave half a smile to the random prefect that seemed to have tagged onto their little gathering although she wasn't quite sure of the meaning behind it. Catching Mhairi's glance, she had to resist an eye roll, "This is Alice Holland, prefect." she told their mum, because apparently Ilija was too shy to introduce his own friend. Lina knew Ilija struggled at times, but she would have thought that if one of her own friends had come to see her family, she would have made the effort to at least try and break the tension. It wasn't everyday someone's family came to visit after all.
Li would have preferred it if Yakov could have come too, but alas her husband had to work, and at least Li's job meant she could do things remotely if she had to. She was proud of her daughters achievements, even if she wasn't able to express in the way most could. Li had had an unusual upbringing of her own and she wanted to make sure her own children had a normal life as possible, but that wasn't without its challenges. She turned to see a fourth student in the vicinity and smiled at the brunette as she spoke to her daughters. Li wasn't sure of who she was until Zhaklina eventually let her in on it, although she raised her eyebrows upon hearing the girls name. Aaliyah knew the Minister had daughters at Hogwarts, but she'd never expected to meet one, nor had she any idea that Ilija spoke to them. "Yes, Aaliyah Olaf, Journalist for the Daily Prophet, not that it's important" she smiled to the younger girl. Li wasn't someone who believed that a career necessarily made a person after all. It was just a job. "Are you graduating too?" she asked, curious to know her connection to her children.
Alice smiled as Ilija pointed out his mother, giving the woman a polite smile and nod. "Nice to meet you." She said quickly. "Apologies if I'm interrupting anything." The twin Alice knew the least introduced her to their mother, and Alice nodded. She was a little surprised the older Slytherin knew who she was, but glad that she was introduced. "That's a very interesting job, though." She said as the woman said it wasn't important. At the question if she was graduating, Alice laughed and quickly shook her head. "No, not yet. I'm in Ilija's year." She said, smiling at the Hufflepuff boy. "I'm here because I'm a prefect, and was just looking for my sister. She's here because her boyfriend is graduating." She explained.
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