Open Buttercup

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Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie had often just put together a costume for halloween, but she'd decided since she was no longer under her parents watch that she could get a costume. She knew her costume would be better suited to a set with two other girls but Minnie would never be able to ask other to dress up with her, Halloween was so pointless really. She'd suggest Eric could come too but hadn't asked him specifically to go with her, she knew this really wasn't his sort of thing. So she'd come solo, and dress as one third of the powerpuff girls. It had been a costume she'd seen be done before and it had been one of the few things Minnie had watched growing up. It had made her want sisters...which she'd now sort of gotten just not in any way that she wanted. The ravenclaw adjusted the green skirt and her hair as she headed into the great hall. She hoped Eric might come but she wasn't pinning all her enjoyment of this on him. She felt a little self-concsious as she spotted the other people and their costumes. She got herself a drink and just tried to enjoy herself.
Emma was eager to enjoy the Halloween Feast. It was probably her favorite party at Hogwarts. She was looking for Issac, but was happy to hang out with anyone familiar. Emma was buzzing with energy, eager to enjoy the night. So when she spotted Minnie Calida hanging out by herself, Emma bounced over after a moment. "Hey Minnie, cool costume!" She said, though she wasn't sure what the girl was dressed at. She had been Lars' friend, but Emma knew her well enough to talk to her. At least, she thought so. It helped that they had won the Quidditch match. She knew that if Minnie had won, Emma might have left her standing there by herself.
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Minnie tried her best to not feel too out of place, she was dressing how she wanted for this halloween. Her parents had always been against halloween so every costume was a bit of rubbing it in the their faces without saying anything, but she'd always done politer costume. She was greeted by an excitable Emma, who complimented her costume. She wasn't too sure she knew exactly who Emma was dressed as but she gave her a little smile. "Thanks Emma," she said with sincerety, "I like your hair," she didn't know the costume and wasn't sure about it to fully return the compliment. "How are you?" she had always been better friends with Lars because of quidditch and knew iris better just by the fact they shared a house.
Emma beamed when the girl complimented her hair. She reached up to adjust one of her ponytails. "Thanks!" She said brightly. "I kind of like the blonde look." She added, though she knew she was unlikely to change her red hair. "I'm good! How are you? I hope you're not too torn up about the match." She said, then winced. That was the sort of thing Iris would scold her for. "I mean, you guys did pretty well, even though you lost." She said with a shrug. Surely that helped a bit, right?
Minnie nodded, "it looks nice," she agreed but she also did really like Emma and Iris' natural red hair, it was nice. Though she did think she suited blonde. She felt herself wince a little at Emma's words about the game, and tried to not let it show too much on her face, especially as she was reminded of the loss. In her head she was telling herself to say calm, that Emma was Lars sister and she had to be nice to her. "Yeah....the team has been playing really well, I was disappointed that I couldn't bring them the victory they were working really hard for," Minnie said, doing her best to keep her voice even, praise the team, put herself down. "I don't really want to talk about the game really...hows Lars doing?" she was trying to move on from the topic of the game as quickly as she could.
Emma nodded when Minnie said she didn't want to talk about the game. She probably shouldn't have brought it up, Iris wouldn't have. But Quidditch was one of the few things she and Minnie had in common. But when Minnie talked about Lars instead, Emma was glad to go along with the change of subject. "He's doing good, I think. You know how he is. He's happily painting and doing his thing." She said with a shrug. "Blake joined a Quidditch team, so he doesn't see him as much as he'd like."
Kas had decided awhile ago he'd only ever dress up for stuff like this ironically, he just hoped other people realized he was being facetious. Michael probably would have gotten it, but Kas was pointedly avoiding his ex tonight, checking around for literally anyone else.

Minnie had been pretty easy to spot in her bright green get up and Kas headed over to her, checking over his shoulder as he started speaking. "Hey, Minnie, is Eric with you- Oh. Hi Emma," he said, barely suppressing the groan when he spotted Emma. He hadn't immediately recognized her without the red hair, but he'd have to at least have a minimal interaction with her and Minnie before slipping away again. Especially since it didn't seem like Eric was anywhere in sight.
Minnie smiled as Emma told her about Lars and too about Blake. She'd noted that he'd joined a team, so she had to imagine he was doing pretty well, was pretty happy. She was happy for them, she knew the pair deserved the good fortune. She glanced as Kasim spoke to her. She knew him via Eric, he was an odd but nice enough boy and if Eric liked him, that helped her like him too. She wasn't aware however that he knew Emma. "He's not, I don't think I managed to convince him to come along," Minnie said with a little smile, knowing she should answer his question.
Emma looked up when someone else approached her, but her smile turned into a scowl at the sight of Kas. He was so frustrating, and the camping trip over break with him and Lysander had only cemented that in her mind. Emma crossed her arms as he greeted her, not even wanting to pretend to be friendly to him. "Obviously he's not." She told him. "So maybe you should go away, go look for him." She added, frowning at him.
Kas rolled his eyes when Minnie mentioned Eric probably not coming out tonight, unsurprised to hear as much. “Shame, you guys would have rocked the matching outfits,” he said wanly, resisting the sudden temptation to rub it in Minnie’s face that Eric had dressed up with Kas last year. It was stupid, Kas had pretty much buried any remnants of his crush for Eric after last year, and he generally wanted to like Minnie, but he still couldn’t help but feel petty about it apparently. Maybe it was just Emma’s proximity he thought, giving her an exasperated look. “Oh gee, what a shame, where ever will I find another obnoxious Gryffindor to hang out with,” he said dryly at Emma’s comment, more inspired to hang around now that Emma clearly wanted him gone.
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