But How...?

Steve looked from Caley to his dad-who was towering over him. "P!ss Off Dad." Steve stood up. "I'm Fed Up Of You Treating Everyone Like poop. You Can't Keep Doing It. The Babies Are Going To Die Soon If You Keep Going. You're Stressing Mum Out Like There's No Tomorrow." Steve didn't know where his voice suddenly came from. He'd never stood up to Dervish like that before.
Dervish grabbed his son by the neck and slammed him against the wall, causing him to hit his head-very hard. "Don't Speak To Me Like I'm A Kid. I Know Your Mother's Conditions And I Am Helping Her Through It Which Is More Than I Can Say For You. Instead Of Staying Home And Helping Her, You've Decided It's More Fun To Come Here And Have Fun With Your Pathetic Little Girlfriend." Dervish yelled into Steve's face to mak sure he got the picture
`stop it now...`she yelled hoping someone would come home and help her.`please...`she heard him say that she was pathetic and reacted badly with it `leave him alone...leavee us alone have you ever thought about wether he wants you...no wait he want to live his life with me`she said breaking down into tears `please stop it`
Steve couldn't believe how much Caley was standing up for him. He loved her for it but didn't want her to end up in the same mess he was in. Through loss of breath he said "Caley, you gotta get out of here. Now." He didn't know if she heard him or not but he hoped she did. He was speaking in little more than a whisper. He couldn't take a breath in because Dervish's hand was clasped so tight round his neck.
`but..i got to help you`despite what she said she turned and ran towards the door running into all her sisters and brother who had been listening in for sometime.she had tears flowwing down her cheeks as she ran.
`Alexis you have to help me...please...i cant let him get hurt by him.`she said to her sister`can you do anything to help me...`she said still crying.
Steve could feel pain spread through his body but he was glad that Caley wasn't in there any more. He just wanted her away from his dad so she wouldn't get hurt. "Yes I do." Steve said it as loud as he could but it was still barely a whisper. "I love her and I don't care what you think about it."
Alexis burst into the room just as the man punched steve but she was unnotticed with the pie in hand.`oh no he isnt`she said but as he turned she lobbed the frozen pie at his facee thus hitting and giving steve some time to escape.
Dervish pulled his wand out and cleaned the pie off his face. He rounded on the girl who looked older than the others. "You're seriously trying to fight a wizard with a pie??" He let go of Steve so his son fell to the floor, coughing and spluttering. He walked towards the girl and slapped her face.
Steve fell to the floor heavily. He coughed when he found he could breath. His breathing was heavy and out of control. Steve looked up to see his dad hit Alexis. "Dad. Stop it." He couldn't stand to see Dervish hit innocent people.
Alexis wasnt one to feel pain and didnt then either`steve go now i can deal with it...`she said as she kicked the man hard causing him to keel over.
Steve couldn't find the energy to get up. He leant against the wall, still coughing. His face hurt like hell. Even if he could get up, he wouldn't have run. He would have gone to help Alexis.
alexis put her thumb up as he dug his kneee into her bringing richard her cousin in as he was strong and could help with anything. in behind him along with caley who ran over to steve instantly trying to help him move out of the room.
`are you ok`she whispered as she ran over to steve. `please we have to move`she said wrapping her arm around his waist helping him up and very slowly wallking out of the room with him.
Steve started trying to walk in the other direction as Caley led him out of the room. "No. I have to stop him."
Dervish pushed past the boy and the girl and past the two younger kids so he could get to his son. "You are such a b@st@rd. I can't even call you my son anymore." He grabbed Steve's hair and dragged him along the hall befor shoving him down the stairs and disapparating, leaving his son at the bottom of the stairs
caley ran down the stairs to where steve was lying he was unconcius when she got there after such a big fall.oh help she thought to herself.she knelt over him`alexis help me please....its steve`she shouted trying to wake him up
alexis ran down the stairs and knelt down next to her sister and her unconcius boyfriend.she started by constantly saying his name to see if he could hear or respond to anything.
Steve could hear his name being called. He opened his eyes and say Caley and Alexis looking down on him. "Cr@p that hurt." He put his hand on the back of his head and could feel it swelling where he hit it. "Where is he??"
`oh thank god your ok`she smiled have crying.`hes gone honey just lye there untill we are sure that you are ok .`dont worry about him ok..`
Steve could see the tears flowing down Caley's face. He sat up and put his arm round her. "I'm fine. You don't need to cry over me." He kissed her on the head and felt a pain go down his still bare back. "Do I have a cut on my back or something because it hurts."

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