But How...?

`are you sure....you had a large fall`she looked at his back`yeah its not too large though`she said standing up and getting some ice out of the freezer and placing it on the cut.
"Wow. That's cold." Steve laughed when he realised what he'd just said. "God, I hate my dad so much." He looked up at Alexis. "Thanks for the help Alexis. I'm sorry for what he did to you."
`you can stay here until your strong enough to find somewhere else...im sorry steve but its better you hear this from me than him...he said that he cant even call you his son anymore..im so sorry but you needed to know.`she hugged him carefully.
"I can't." Steve's hands were slightly shaky. "I have to go and make sure Jasper and Nick are ok. I don't care what dad says. They're my friends and I'm worried about them."
`no you cant,...he will kill you`she said looking down remembering that she still didnt have her top on `ill get tom to go and make sure that they are ok.`it will be ok.she said holding his hands
"No. I wont let an eleven year old go in there by himself. It's bad enough that Jerrod, Lily and Nick are stuck there. Tom can't go." Steve sighed with frustration. He didn't know what to do.
`well im not letting you go there ill get you someway of contacting them`she said almost shouting.`i love you too much to let you`
Steve whiped a tear off Caley's face and stroked her cheek with his hand. "I can't sit here when they could be in so much pain. I need to see them."
`NO... i cant let you hes there you could get so much more hurt you wont go not on your own.`she said crying freely she hated seeing people in pain especially steve.
"I need to see them some way or another." Steve couldn't handle Caley crying. He didn't want to see her like this. He put his arm round her back and hugged her tight.
`i love you to much to let you go theere ill get them to come here?anything but you. go there`she said wiping away the last of her tears
Steve held Caley close to him. He couldn't bare to lose her. "How are you going to do that??" He couldn't see any way of getting them here without his dad knowing.
`i dont know but i will`she thuought of how his father had gotten here in the first place.`i dont feel safe in this house anymore he knows i am here...he could come any time we are together and look for us.`she said showing little worry
"That's how everyone feels at my house." Steve said sympathetically. "We know that someone is going to get beat up during the day. We never know who or why but we know that it's one of us." Steve decided he had to get up. He started to push himself off the floor, feeling dizzy the whole time.
as steve started to move she grabbed him and helpened him up slowly walking to the neerest seeat. and helping him t o ley e down she kissed him and went out to the kitchen to get him a glass of water.
"I can't stay still." Steve sat down on the sofa. "I'm too nervous. I need to see them." He took the glass of water from Caley. "Thanks." Steve could feel the cold trickle down his throat and felt comforted by it.
she wrapped his arms around him and kissed him once he had drunk domething. she sat next to him hugging him trying to comfort him.
"So, how are we going to do this??" Steve looked at Caley. "Who's the fastest?? We could have them run up to Jasper's room as fast as they can and then Paul can apparate them out." It was the only idea Steve had.
`well i would say tom is... that idea may work but only if dervish isnt in jaspers room...`she said thinking about there plan.`but its worth a try`she said hugging him gently.
"He wont be." Steve shook his head. "He's probably having his alone time. He's going to be sat in the living room reading a book and drinking 'tea'."
`ok...but as long as your sure.`she said looking into his eyes.`i dont think he would be reading or drinking`tea`in the state he was in earlier.
"He wil be." Steve kissed Caley's head. "He does it every night. Once he's finished beating everyone up, he sits down and relaxes."
`ok then....`she said laughing `when shall we put it into action?`she asked as she kissed him.
"Right away." Steve got up-almost falling over in the process and walked towards the door.
`ok then`she said `TOM we need your help`she said walking up staris to find her brother and also get her top. as she came back downstairs putting it on and handing steve his.`comeon then`.

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