But How...?

`hi im tom...caleys brother`he said`um steve said that you could get me out of here?so can you`he said
"Oh, hi Tom. Yeah, sure I'll get you out." Paul walked over to Tom and apparated him out. He could see Steve and Caley not far away.
`yeah thanks`he said as paul apparated them out of the place.
`is everyone ok there tom`she asked as he apperead`is jasper ok?`she asked hugging steve.
Steve ran over to Paul and Tom. "Are they ok?? Did they get injured??" He hoped they didn't look too bad.
Paul put his hand on Steve's shoulder to take a look at him. "Steve, you look terrible." He was known for being frank and honest. "Nick is fine-he only has a few bruises. Jasper is in bed asleep but he's fine. Mostly."
`hun,you better tell him what happened`she said looking at him`thanks tom you can go now...`she said watching her brother leave.
Steve rubbed the back of his head where there was now a huge lump. "Dad strangled me then chucked me down the stairs." He shrugged. "It's no big deal but Caley doesn't want me to go back because she's worried so I'm going to stay with her." He explained to Paul.
`hey its not just me saying that its alexis too.who knows what could happen...`she said`its better for all of you`than having to worry when and if i come here what he may do.`she said leaning up and kissing him on the chheek
Steve held Caley close to him. "Even if I stay with you, he could decide that he wants me home and take me himself. He knows where you live and he knows that's where I'll be when I don't get home."
caley started to walk as she spoke`but i dont want anything to happen to you.you know that right.`she said he wont i can try my hardest to prevent him getting in whatever it takes to keep you sdafe she said as she turned still walking the same way but back wards so she could see him.
Steve shrugged. "That's what I'm worried about. I don't want you to have to fight him out of your house because of me. I want you to be able to sleep without fear that he'll walk in and kill someone." Steve pulled her in tight and stopped walking as he kissed her.
`nothing i do will be because of you, i do it to help you.`she said as he kissed her.`if i had to i would move to be with you and he wouldnt know where we were.`she said giggling.`id do anything for you.`
"I wouldn't let you." Steve's arms wrapped the whole way round Caley's tiny body. "If he found out, he'd kill you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened."
`well he wouldnt find out`she laughed `and anyway i was only joking.`she laughed `oh wouldnt you ...well you couldnt stop it..`
"I'd find a way to stop you." He laughed as he started walking again. "He would find out. He finds out about everything in one way or another. He's already found out about you."
`oh would you`she laughed and walked with him`and thats why i would do anything to prevent him finding us or finding out.`
Steve walked Caley to the front door of her house and opened it for her to walk in. "You can't. I expect Lily's sh!tting herself. She's kept her boyfriend a secret so far."
`why not...`she asked `are you going to come in or not....?why whats wronmg with lily?~she asked leaning against the wall.
Steve walked in and sat on the sofa. "Dad doesn't like us getting into relationships. It's why he came here when he found out I'm going out with you."
`why not its all part of life `she laughed `but how did he know i lived here?`she asked as she sat down next to him`thats why i cant stay here.`she said knowing that he now knew where she lived.
"I don't know." Steve shrugged. "Like I said; he finds out about everything. And he doesn't like relationships because they split the family up."
`do you want a drink?`she asked making her way into the kitchen.well maybe he sould just learn to deal with it`she said.
"No thanks. I can't drink anything. My stomach hates me." Steve slouched on the sofa and looked at the pictures on the fireplace.
she got herself a drink and walked back into the room.`whys that?`she asked sitting down next to him.
"I dread to think what Jasper looks like." Steve shrugged. "Plus I have a stomach crunching feeling that dad's going to turn up here at any point."

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