Marnie wasn't sure what her face must be doing right now, caught somewhere between relief at the idea that Pen wouldn't have to ever face down another bludger and sadness at seeing Penny so defeated.
"No, no you should definitely play! Not just because you're amazing but like, that's what you do right? You mess up or you get knocked down but you keep going... And-and I guess if after you finish everything in the next game if you decide it's not for you that's totally fine to you could quit any time and I'd still show up with pompoms and glitter and everything you know that, but I guess, I guess I just mean it's okay to feel bad and still keep trying," she said, giving Penny's arm a gentle squeeze. It was easier to say these sorts of things to Penelope than it was for Marnie to believe them herself, but maybe even if she'd messed up her own school work this year, she could still keep going, she could get back on the broom, even if it was scary.
"Yeah I know I've sort of whiffed my NEWTs and all you don't need to see my results to guess as much you've watched me try to do my homework all year, it's a mess... But I still want to try to get into Healing... Maybe just do it the long way? I dunno I can create and do art stuff any day but healing feels really worth while I guess... We'll have to see what happens after everything, huh," she said, giving Penny a less sure smile.
It'd been hard enough to admit she wanted to take on something as serious as being a healer, but Penny had always supported her, helped her with classes and homework and reminded her about her Hospital Wing shifts, so it was even harder to admit she might have messed it all up right at the end. But Penny was being vulnerable right now, so Marnie could be too. They'd both figure it out together.