Closed Burned Bright

Penelope Marshall

💜Responsible | Burdened | 2063 Grad💜
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Todd)
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Swishy Poplar Wand with Fairy Wing Core
9/2044 (17)
Penelope had calmed down a little now. She had stayed with Todd for a while and he had helped her feel better, but she still felt deeply upset about how the game had gone. The nurse had finally made Todd leave and then told Penny she could leave if she wanted to. Penny had told her she was still feeling sore and she would prefer to stay a little longer. The knowing look the nurse gave her had said enough, but she let Penny stay. She just wasn't ready to face the world yet. She had heard by now that Hufflepuff had won shortly after she was knocked out, which was bittersweet. She was glad their team had won, but she was upset it hadn't been her victory.
Marnie had wanted to run to the Hospital Wing the second Penny had been knocked out of the game, the sick feeling of seeing her friend hurting still lingering in her stomach. By the time she'd made it to the stairs of the stands through the crowd, Todd had already beaten her to Penny's bedside and Marnie couldn't help but hide an affectionate smile behind a hand, busying herself with some stuff as unobtrusively as she could at the nurses station.

She could see Nurse Arora eying her but thankfully she didn't question it as Marnie lingered as much out of earshot, cutting a glance at where Pen was still curled up even as Todd left. It was cute to see them together, Penny deserved that, but Marnie was practically busting to check over Penny herself, all but knocking the nurse out of the way when she finished her check in after Todd left as she flung herself at Pen's beside.

"Oh my god I'm so glad you're okay you are okay right I mean I heard the nurse say you could leave which I guess I shouldn't be listening I wasn't trying to and I definitely wasn't listening to you and Todd I just wanted to make sure you're okay like where does it it hurt do you want me to turn off the lights or anything that could help if your head still hurts we could pretend like we're at a sleepover sorry am I being too loud?" Marnie asked in a rush, hands fluttering over Penny, adjusting the sheets on the bed and patting at her hair.

"Don't get me wrong I love watching you and Milo play seeker but-" Marnie let out a sigh. "-It sure is stressful, huh," she said, giving Penny a weak smile. It was their last year and Marnie had never wanted to be anything but supportive of something it seemed like Penny really loved doing. "Do you think... Like is this something you're going to keep doing? After school?"

She and Penny had never really sat down and talked about it before. The After. Sure, they'd talked in broad terms, 'I wanna be this when I grow up', Pen helping Marnie keep her studying on track in their OWL year when they talked about careers and she knew Penny had plans. But the little details, Marnie had never been good at them and it scared her now to think about it about it when it was right around the corner.
Penny was ready to wallow a little more, but she knew the time for that was over when Marnie practically ran over to her. She smiled weakly. She should've expected her friend sooner. As Marnie's chatter washed over her, she felt oddly at ease. She sat up slightly. "Yes, I can leave, I just don't want to." She said after a moment. "You're not being too loud." She said softly, smiling slightly as Marnie patted at her hair. "I'm fine. Just a bruised ego now." She admitted.

She shrugged slightly, deciding not to point out that it was probably more stressful for her and Milo than for Marnie. She frowned slightly at Marnie's question, not comprehending for a moment. "Wait, you mean as a hobby or as a job?" She asked, then laughed in disbelief. "I'm not good enough to play professionally, if that's what you mean. I never wanted to do that." She said with a small shrug. "I'm going to work at the Ministry, probably." She admitted.
Objectively, Marnie knew Pen was fine, she was telling her she was fine and Marnie liked to think she'd gleaned enough knowledge from her internship here that she could confirm that was true. Still, it was her job to fuss and Penny was way more receptive than Milo, so Marnie allowed a bit more patting and hand fluttering while she could, since apparently Penny wasn't fully ready to leave just yet.

"Either I guess," she said, toning her voice down some even if Penny said she didn't mind. Penny said that about a lot of things but sometimes Marnie thought that she did mind and just didn't want to be a bother.

"Right yeah, I knew that I just- I dunno Quidditch and that always seems sooo scary and you get hurt and fall off and stuff sometimes but you just get right back on again, it's really incredible Pen, you're really incredible obviously like I say it every day but I really mean it," Marnie said, taking one of Penny's hands in hers. "I dunno, all this after school future life stuff or whatever it's just... Scary, and I hate being scared it sucks it's boring I don't wanna do it but we have to ugh and I guess I just wish I could be more like you, get back on that broom and stuff. Though less literally cause I'd die," Marnie said, giving Pen's hand a little squeeze.
Penelope shook her head. "I think- I think this was my last game." She said with a sad smile, hugging her knees to her chest. "Kind of pathetic, right?" She paused. "Oh, I guess there's the game against the other school. Maybe I shouldn't even play that one." She sighed. "Sorry, I'm just feeling sorry for myself right now." She said, wrinkling her nose. She smiled a little as Marnie said she was incredible, squeezing her hand back. She was surprised to then hear Marnie talk about being scared about the future. Marnie seemed like the sort of person who rarely got scared. "Do you know what you want to do yet?" She asked softly. "Something creative?"
Marnie wasn't sure what her face must be doing right now, caught somewhere between relief at the idea that Pen wouldn't have to ever face down another bludger and sadness at seeing Penny so defeated.

"No, no you should definitely play! Not just because you're amazing but like, that's what you do right? You mess up or you get knocked down but you keep going... And-and I guess if after you finish everything in the next game if you decide it's not for you that's totally fine to you could quit any time and I'd still show up with pompoms and glitter and everything you know that, but I guess, I guess I just mean it's okay to feel bad and still keep trying," she said, giving Penny's arm a gentle squeeze. It was easier to say these sorts of things to Penelope than it was for Marnie to believe them herself, but maybe even if she'd messed up her own school work this year, she could still keep going, she could get back on the broom, even if it was scary.

"Yeah I know I've sort of whiffed my NEWTs and all you don't need to see my results to guess as much you've watched me try to do my homework all year, it's a mess... But I still want to try to get into Healing... Maybe just do it the long way? I dunno I can create and do art stuff any day but healing feels really worth while I guess... We'll have to see what happens after everything, huh," she said, giving Penny a less sure smile.

It'd been hard enough to admit she wanted to take on something as serious as being a healer, but Penny had always supported her, helped her with classes and homework and reminded her about her Hospital Wing shifts, so it was even harder to admit she might have messed it all up right at the end. But Penny was being vulnerable right now, so Marnie could be too. They'd both figure it out together.

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