Brotherhood Soccer Tournament Match 1

Matthew Harper

📷 Honest | Photographer | 2046 Graduate | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Jason)
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
4/2028 (34)
The announcement of the soccer (or football) tournament hadn't gone very smoothly, as at least one of the students had never heard of the sport before. By now they had gone over the rules with all the teams, and he hoped things would go well. In front of him were two of the teams, the red and the blue ones. The names were arbitrary, as they weren't sorted by house. It was simply easier to refer to the teams that way, and he hoped none of them were childish enough to mind being on a team with a different color than their house.

He glanced over at James on the other field they had set up on the great lawn, giving him a thumbs up. He was ready to get started. He turned his attention to the boys in front of him. "Alright, red team take this goal, the blue team's is over there. The ball will be in the middle of the field, and on my signal you will start. Whichever team gets to it first is in possession."
He waited for the boys to take their places on the field, then whistled. "Go!"

Red Team said:
Kauri Tipene
Wyatt Finch
Rory Fergusson
Antonio Rey-Martinez
Aaron Walden
Blue Team said:
Flavio Morales
Simon Vanity
Grayson Wolfe
Octavian Vetrov
Ethan Mendoza

OOCOut of Character:

If you're a member of the Brotherhood, an announcement and explanation of this tournament has been posted in the Brotherhood subforum. If not: welcome to the Brotherhood soccer/football tournament! It will consist of four small teams playing against each other, two matches will happen now and one later to determine the winner.

Though, this event isn't really about winning. What we are aiming for is the interaction on the field between characters, which is why there are no strict rules to the game. Don't worry too much about who is scoring or in possession of the ball, though do look at what others are doing. The outcome of the match will be made with a random number generator, which Dan or I will post when we end the match. I hope you'll have fun with it, and feel free to be creative!

A topic will be made for spectators, much like the stands for quidditch games. You can find it here: x
After reading up about soccer in his own time, and that new knowledge paired with the rules that the presidents had gone over, allowed Flavio to feel somewhat prepared as he arrived to the great lawn to take part in the brotherhood's soccer tournament. He was sure he might forget one rule, and mess up slightly as he was playing but he was also sure he knew enough about the game now to attempt to play it well, even if the sport was still foreign to him in many ways. He stood with the rest of the blue team, waiting for the president to speak. The older boy soon turned to everyone, stating which goals belonged to which team, and allowing each team to take their place on the makeshift soccer field. Soon after that the boy whistled, signifying that the game had begun. Flavio ran forward, managing to get to the ball first. He attempted to keep possession as he made his way along the field, moving the ball between his feet as he ran. When he was slightly closer to the red team's goal he tried to pass the ball to a different member of the blue team, wanting to give someone else an opportunity to play.​
Rory had played a lot of football during his childhood, and was actually excited to playing during this game. He had hoped that the team he’d be on was the green team, but he was on the red team. It definitely wasn’t his preferred team, but he was on it, and he hoped that they would be the winning team. The boy dressed in the red team outfit, got himself with the rest of his team, and wondered how this would go down, how this game would be played. His team would hopefully win. But who knows, he only knew a few people on his team, and the rest were merely people he was aware of. He got into position and when the older boy said go, he rushed forward and attempted to get the ball. However the boy was beaten to it by Flavio. He rushed forward to follow him, to attempt to kick out from under him and get the ball from him. But at the very least he was chasing him until the other boy kicked it to another member of his team. But Rory managed to take it as it was passed and turn quickly towards their goal. He was dribbling it forward, keeping it in front of him as he moved. Passing it forward for someone else on his team to take.
Simon hadn’t played a lot of sports, he’d done a lot of running and working out, but he hadn’t played many sports. Well, he’d been playing a few since coming to hogwarts but playing football was something he was really looking forward to. He was stood with the rest of the blue team, as he ran his hand through his hair. He was keen to get playing, he liked the idea of playing with the rest of the brotherhood, and he was deeply competitive, so he wanted to win, but he would also really enjoy just playing with his teammates. He knew that their team would work well, he shot off running as soon as he was able to, running towards the ball, being beaten to it by his teammate. He followed along, groaning when he wasn't able to reach the pass before the other team got it. He kept moving forward trying to get the ball, but he decided to go to the goals. He pushed forward and ran ahead, hoping to stop him from scoring.
Soccer was easily one of Wyatt's least favourite sports to play and watch, he felt it was extremely overrated and yet here he was playing it. If this had been proper football he was sure that it would've been a lot better to watch and play. Even rugby was an improvement in his mind but still he rushed out and when the ball was passed to him he clumsily tried to kick it towards the goal. It would not be difficult for someone to take it from him if they tried.
Kauri had never been one to say no to a game of rugby, but as far as soccer went he had very little experience. He had paid as much attention as he could to the rules as they were explained, but he still felt a little uncertain about playing. He hung back from the action, worried about breaking a rule by mistake, and settled for staying near his team's goal, ready to defend if anyone from blue team tried to go for their goal.

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