
Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Nicolas entered the great hall for breakfast and smiled at all the students chattering amongst themselves. He looked up to the staff table and noted Cecily was not yet present. Nicolas took a seat next to an empty chair at the head table and poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice to begin, waiting for Cecily before he started to eat. He wondered how he would tell Cecily about the events of last night, or if Cecily should be the one person he would tell about Sophia.
Cecily quickly entered the great hall and slid onto the seat next to Nicolas. She shyly smiled at him and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Good morning." She hoped that they could talk today. She hadn't felt like they'd left each other on the best of terms.
"Good morning" Nicolas echoed, starting to put some waffles and other breakfast food items on his plate, "How did you sleep?"
"Alright." She buttered a blueberry muffin and stirred a few cubes of sugar and cream into her tea. "How about you?"
"I didn't get very much, but the few hours of it I did manage were fine." Nicolas explained, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice and scanning the great hall. "Are you feeling any better?"
"I did toss a bit," she confessed. "It depends. Are you cross with me in any way?" She avoided looking at him, instead sipping at her hot tea.
Professor King became confused with this question, what had she done to upset him? What had he done to make her believe he might be? "No, I wasn't upset with you even last night." Nicolas stated, a quizzical look on his face. "Are you upset with me, then?"
She glanced at him and then back at the rapidly congealing butter on her plate. "I-I was a bit upset that you didn't kiss me." She blushed, feeling foolish. "I'm sorry, I'm being sophomoric." She cleared her throat and finished her tea. "How are you today?"
Nicolas frowned slightly, he could recall making the conscious decision not to kiss Cecily, though he had kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry." he stated, though he wasn't sure he completely was. He was sorry to have upset her, though he still thought that the decision not to kiss her may have been best.
"It's alright," she said softly. She wasn't upset at him nor had she really been the night before. She'd been more upset at herself and at Edward. She contemplated eating the muffin in front of her but her appetite just wasn't what it should have been that morning. The tea was strong and gave her a pleasant alert feeling. She swirled the tea dregs around in the bottom of her cup and glanced at him, her humor poking its head. "What do you think my future holds?" She glanced at him with twinkling green eyes.
"I've never been good with anything involving the future." Nicolas stated, "Happiness I would hope."
"Happiness sounds grand." She put the cup down and propped her chin on her hand. "I couldn't fall asleep right away last night so I started a new book. All about vampires and one man's journey to discovering how to live with them. Fascinating," she rolled her eyes, a grin playing on her lips.
"Happiness does sound grand." Nicolas agreed with a smile, "That book does sound interesting." Nicolas agreed, "I was rather upset last night so I went to the forbidden forest to cool off." Nicolas began, figuring this not the best seg-way for telling Cecily about the previous night and its events for him but knowing he should probably tell her.
"Oh? Did it help? No dire run ins with creatures of the night?"
"No, no, I think most will have been too fearful to approach me." Nicolas began, holding back a smirk at recalling precisely what he had been doing. "You see, I did say I was rather upset and I ended up blowing up a few trees." he explained in a hushed tone, hoping she wouldn't be too cross with this.
Cecily stared at him for a few moments to make sure he wasn't joking. "Oh." She sat back in her chair and sipped from her tea cup.
"I hope you're not upset with me." Nicolas began rather uncertain about it all. "I just needed to let out some of my anger, and it was either blow up a few trees or blow up Edward."
"I thought I sensed a disturbance in the force," she muttered, putting her cup down.
Nicolas sat in silence a few more moments, taking a sip from his pumpkin juice. "Yes, and then Ms. Stark ended up finding me." he stated with a slight chuckle, trying to finally decide now whether or not he would tell Cecily everything about his interaction with Sophia, or just everything short of the memory charm bit.
"I should find the whole thing upsetting...but oddly enough I have to admit I'm-flattered." She placed her hand on his before remembering they were in the great hall and in front of students. She hurriedly withdrew it.
"Miss Stark? What was she doing in the forest?" Worry colored her tone.
"She claims to have heard me from her patrol in the dungeons." Professor King replied with a chuckle, wishing Cecily hadn't withdrawn her hand.
"Our students have grown super hearing now, have they?" she grinned. "Did she ever reveal what she was really about so late?"
"I had suggested the same thing to her." Professor King agreed with a smirk, "She didn't really, though for the longest time she refused to leave until I agreed to."
"She is quite tenacious,"she agreed. "I had hoped she was feeling better, considering the last I saw of her she wasn't in the best of moods."
"She didn't seem as generally upset." Nicolas began, trying to recollect how Sophia had first interacted with him, "However she did ask some rather intriguing questions." Nicolas stated, figuring now he would have no choice except to tell Cecily about what Sophia had asked of him.

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