Bonjour :D

Marcus Karlson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

So parents decided to call me Randy, kind of a wicked name for a person who lives in a French community with an English name. Anyways, got to announce that English is not my mother tongue. I went to grade school and High School in English but in a French community, so I didn't learn as much as a normal kid would have learn the English language. I learned enough of it though that you probably can understand what I am writing at the moment, if not then it has gotten worst then before. :(

I used to roleplay on Harry Potter roleplays before, that goes back a couple of years. For those who like to be specific, I'd say two years ago. Since then, I have been roleplaying on and off on Real Life Roleplaying Sites. With that in mind, I prefer to take the time now to apologize as I adapt myself to the new environment once more. Haven't read one of the books since finishing them months ago, so I might have a few things wrong but I am reading up on the subject once more to refresh my memory. :p So it's a friend of mine who roleplays on here that gave me the link to the site. I checked it out and you guys caught my interest, decided I'd give another shot at roleplaying in a Harry Potter universe.

So, that's it, I hope to be roleplaying and forming plots with you guys soon! :p

Nice to meet you Randy! It's nice to meet someone from Quebec, since I can speak French. But anyway, I hope you have fun on the site.

-Mimi :hug:
Hey Randy welcome to the site :)

I am American born with a mixture of background but for the meantime my primary language is English ^^
I am Madz if you need help or anything I'm sure the site staff and everyone will help you to adapt

Again Welcome!
-Madz ♥
Chloe LeBlanc said:

Nice to meet you Randy! It's nice to meet someone from France, since I can speak French. But anyway, I hope you have fun on the site.

-Mimi :hug:
Oh yeah my bad forgot to clarify that. XD

I am not a French from France but a French from the province of Quebec in Canada.
Hey Randy.

As Madlyn said - Welcome to the site!

I am James and if you will need help or you will have questions, feel free to message me. I will try to answer.

Thanks to everyone, I truly appreciate the willingness to help me if I ever need you guys. :D
Hi there!
I :wub: long introduction posts, so I can say more in reply than my usual schpeel.

You're not making any sense, though... :unsure: Is English your first language? :p I jest. :p xD
Anyway! I'm Nick, and I'm from Ontario, and I'm one of the admin here. ^_^ And I guess with a Quebecer on the board now I'll have to put away my dislike for all things separatist in Quebec. (And the occasional hardy-jest about the province itself.) Unless, of course, you're a nationalist as well. In which case, :wub:

As to your familiarity with Harry Potter, I haven't read any of the books since my first reading of them. I seldom reread books, unfortunately, and Harry Potter is no exception.

Mind if I ask which member here referred you to HNZ? They deserve a cookie. :p

Anyway, like the others if you need any help along the way feel free to send me a PM, and I'll see you around the board!
Randy ♥
Your English is most likely still better then mine, even though it's my first language, ^_^ I daresay I'm terrible at spelling things, yay spellcheck :p

Anyway here's my offical welcome back to HP roleplaying world :woot: The site is pretty easy to follow along and if ever need anything contact one of my characters, which you'll see the neat little Steph image in or message me on Facebook<easiest way to find me :p)

And Nick should learn to read better in Spam, otherwise he'd know to give me the cookie, though all I asked for was a Pat on the Head :D

You don't have to censor yourself :p haha, I am no separatist and I am actually quite open to critics, going to an English school in a French community had one good thing. I learned the English history and culture of Canada without teachers biased opinion towards French, yet I did not learn the English culture and history with a biased towards it. I can consider my education to have been neutral except at the moment where in CEGEP, it's horribly biased. :(

♥♥♥♥♥♥ Steph ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Got more hearts then you :p
Welcome to the site Randy!
I'm Cyndi, the other admin, and I'm from the United States. I speak a few languages, but English is by far the one I know best ^_^

I hope you enjoy your time around the site! :)

P.S. Yay to Steph for referring someone new. *hands over cookies*
Thank you Cyndi, ^_^ it wasn't that hard to get him join luckily :p I'm sure your cookies are better then Nick's anyways. :r

I would head over too here, Plotline and Story Development, and start up a thread requesting different things like friends/enemies/loves for your character. It's the easiest way to get a few rps going :p


♥ <3 ♥ <3 ♥ <3 ♥ Randy ♥ <3 ♥ <3 ♥ <3 ♥

☮ and a peace sign for Earth day is what you get :p
The peace sign will go well beside the bamboo I received from the Green student organization at the CEGEP yesterday. :p

Also thanks for the link, I am working on his Character development post then I'll get to posting a thread for plots. :D
Frances Spade said:
And Nick should learn to read better in Spam, otherwise he'd know to give me the cookie, though all I asked for was a Pat on the Head :D
>> Implying I ever read her posts. :r
Welcome Randy to HNZ where there are people who think they're funny and they're not like Nick, :p and people who know they're awesome- and modest too of course, like me! :r

But I hope you have a great time on HNZ, and if you have any questions, or would love to RP any time, just PM me, and I'll be happy to help and do that!

I'm not even sure if I'm making sense... English is my first language, and I babble on and confuse people, ask anyone. :p

Okay, I'm going to control myself, and make the message simple. Welcome to HNZ and I hope you have a great time here! :)

Great. That's not even simple. :( See? I can't control myself... :( Ask Nick, he'll tell you. :p

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