Open Bombastic | Slytherin Victory Party

Celia Vu

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
For much of Celia's time as captain, there had been very little worth celebrating. The third place finish last year had been an obvious disappointment, and the Hufflepuff forfeit, as helpful (and funny) as it had been, had felt empty. But now — now there was something to celebrate. The cup was back in Slytherin's hands, and while this achievement didn't mean much to Celia personally (she would much rather have hospitalized an entire team by herself), she was definitely enjoying the fact that it was out of Hufflepuff's. Such an occasion called for a massive party, and Celia was going to organize one in the common room when she remembered that she was in charge. She could do whatever she wanted. While previous captains may have settled for the depressing dungeons, she could do something so much better.

So with the help of some house elves, Celia had taken over and transformed the Student Lounge the evening after the game. An enormous Slytherin banner covered one of the walls, and green and silver streamers crisscrossed the ceiling. She'd pushed half the furniture aside to create a makeshift dance floor and run magical green strip lights along the edges. The house elves had more than done their part, setting up two tables laden with drinks and snacks in one corner. In another was a badger piñata, and resting on the fireplace mantel was a duplicate of the Quidditch cup (the real one remaining safely in the common room). A party was a party, and Celia knew that some non-Slytherins might want to join the festivities. For the most part, she didn't care as long as they didn't cause trouble and understood exactly what this party was for.

Celia turned the Student Lounge radio to a top 40 wizarding hits station, using magic to amplify the volume. She'd put up notices in the common room ahead of time, telling people to head to the Student Lounge for the party (the afterparty would be back in the common room assuming things were still going by the time curfew hit). Already, the place was filling up. Once a good amount of people had arrived, Celia jumped onto a coffee table and lowered the music slightly. "Listen up! Tonight, we celebrate the Quidditch cup's rightful return to Slytherin." She paused and gave a wicked smirk. "Let's make sure all the other houses can hear us." With that, she turned the music up again and hopped off the table before taking a step back to admire her handiwork. She knew it was a little extra, but what was the point of being in charge if she couldn't do what she wanted?
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Seamus was very glad that they had won the quidditch cup. He knew that for him, it wasn't a huge matter, but for Celia it would be. He was one of the first in the team to arrive at the student lounge, but let her just get things set up. The slytherin cheered loudly at her words, making sure that he was being loud enough that other people heard. Seamus then headed over to her. "Congratulations Captain," he said with a smile. He was happy with another cup win, knowing that it would help his chances of making a team post school, and Seamus appreciated that the party was no in the dungeons. "And I appreciate the change in location,"
Gwen knew this wasn't exactly her kind of party, but she wasn't going to stay away and let anyone think Celia scared her. She might be dating one of the other Quidditch captains, but that didn't mean she couldn't be happy Slytherin won, right? In truth, Gwen didn't care in the slightest which team did best at Quidditch, but she was here for any significant social event. If nothing else, she could judge Celia's party-planning abilities.

Unfortunately, the party looked nice. It was decorated well, though Gwen thought the badger piñata was a little tacky. They hadn't even played Hufflepuff for the final game. Was Celia really that bitter that they had won the year before? Gwen let out a laugh as Celia jumped on the coffee table to give them a speech, though she stifled it quickly. She had to admit, there was something impressive about Celia like this. Gwen was glad the girl was graduating soon. She was dangerous. "Bold to hold it here just so she could rub it in everyone's face." Gwen mused to no one in particular as she grabbed herself a drink.
Celia grinned as Seamus congratulated her. "Thanks," she said, shaking off the feeling that she hadn't done all that much during the match. She just had to remind herself that if Liusaidh and Eleanor (especially Eleanor) got to take credit for all those other championships, she could take credit for this one. Besides, she had trained her championship-winning team, and she thought she'd seen some visible signs of improvement during the last match. No one had gotten hit by a bludger, for starters.

She laughed a little at Seamus' next comment. "I thought you might," Celia said with a bit of a smirk. "It was either this or a bonfire on the pitch, but I didn't think the headmaster would be too happy with that." Even this was a bit of a stretch. "Maybe after we win the international game though. He won't be able to do much to me then." Celia didn't say it, but part of the reason she'd held the party in the Student Lounge was because it was on the same floor as Hufflepuff, the previous champions. She had no doubt they already felt terrible because of their forfeit, but hopefully hearing the victory party from their common room would really rub salt into the wound.

@Seamus Reid
Ivelisse had mixed feelings about winning the quidditch cup. On the one hand she was glad she had come out the game so easily, glad her name would be on another cup to remind students that she had in fact been a great seeker. Last year had just been a black page in her history book. On the other hand, she hated the fact that Celia now got to bask in a glory she had very little to do with. They had only played the championship game and the captain had hit exactly zero bludgers during that, yet Ivelisse knew that wouldn't keep Celia from celebrating as if she was the main reason why Slytherin had taken home the cup again. Still, she wasn't going to skip out on a party. Especially not when it should be about her.

Ive rolled her eyes at the sight of a badger pinata, feeling like they were about to roll straight out her head when Celia jumped onto one of the tables. If the beater's ego got any bigger she was sure it would make her head explode. Which, quite frankly, would be a sight to behold. At least it would rid all of them of Celia's tyranny before graduation would eventually do so anyways. "Tell me about it." She scoffed in response to someone next to her, not too surprised to find out it had been Gwen talking when she turned to see whose voice it had been. "Even more so since she didn't do sh-." Ive cut herself off, sure Gwen would get what she was about to say. @Gwen Goodwin
Avery had blinked, and in that time the Quidditch match had started and ended. It certainly seemed that they had been meant to win that match, but Ivelisse was also an impressive seeker, so it was difficult to discern whether it was a victory of talent, or a victory of fate. It was a victory either way, and Avery had found himself swept up in the crowd headed to the lounges to celebrate. It was an unorthodox location for the celebration - he wasn't sure he'd been to a party that hadn't taken place in the common room, though with the sheer amount of green decorating the room, he might have mistaken it for Slytherin's own quarters. The boy skirted the crowd to loiter by the fireplace. As many activities as there were to get invovled in, he was more fixated on the replica of the Quidditch cup. It was a pleasant feeling, to know that they'd won, but there was something else there that wouldn't allow him to completely enjoy it. He gave Ivelisse the briefest of glances. The team had won, but so had she, and he thought, perhaps, that was what was missing. He was curious to know what that must feel like, and a touch worried he might never find out.​
Tempest truly didn't care about quidditch. Sports were never something she had been interested in, and maybe it was due to a lack of socialization growing up or playing with anyone other than her siblings, which made it hard, seeing as most of them were 5 or 6. But she did appreciate an opportunity for Slytherin to cement itself above the rest of the houses. She knew that many of the students thought house pride was obsolete, but Tempest thought it was very important to the way dynamics played out at the school. Everyone knew Huffelpuffs, whatever the hell that was, were pretty useless, and then Gryffindors right above that. At least Ravenclaws had some sense.

All these feelings led the Slytherin to join the open party the team was hosting in the Student Lounge. She had never been to a party, but she hoped some of her classmates would show up and join, or it would be an opportunity for her to get to know some older students. She made it just as Celia seemed to be jumping off a table and then looked around, noticing the girl who played the seeker. She knew that meant the girl had been the one who led them to victory, and while she didn't know her, that wasn't going to stop Tempest from going up. "Congratulations! You did a great job," she said with a smile that looked more like a smirk. She knew she had trouble sounding sarcastic, but Tempest wanted the older girl to take it as a compliment, hopefully acknowledging her existence. She titled her head a little in greeting to the other girl she recognized as a prefect, as well. @Ivelisse Burleigh @Gwen Goodwin
Gwen had been fairly sure someone nearby would agree with her, and she smiled when she heard a familiar voice answer. She turned to look at Ivelisse, feeling truly bad for the girl for a moment. "Not even a mention of you, even though you're the one winning all the matches." Gwen said with a flick of her hair. "Just shows how selfish she is." She smiled at the older girl. "Anyone with a brain knows who is really to thank for the cup, though." She added. The girl wrinkled her nose slightly as some young kid talked to them, but then she grinned as it seemed to support what she said. "See? Even the firsties."

@Ivelisse Burleigh @Tempest Vero
Caleb hadn't been surprised when he heard the Slytherin victory party was being held in the student lounge. Taking over a shared space for her own selfish interest was exactly what he expected from Celia. But he wasn't there to congratulate her. He was a little out of breath after climbing all the stairs and it appeared he had arrived fashionably late. But he walked over to Ivelisse just in time to catch her comment about her captain. He laughed loudly. "You can say that again." he agreed, slightly hoping Celia would overhear. He noticed Gwen and smiled at her comment. Caleb thought of her mostly as Rene's girlfriend but he was starting to think he might actually like her given time to actually get to know her. After all, there was that saying about enemies of enemies. "She just doesn't want to admit she's not the one everyone is celebrating. It might brake her delicate ego." He laughed before turning back to Ive. "I really do mean it. Good job. I... didn't actually watch the game but I heard it was great." he said with an amused grin. @Ivelisse Burleigh @Gwen Goodwin

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