Birthday Cake

Lily Cliffeton

flourish and blotts owner | mother
OOC First Name
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Curly 9 1/2" Sturdy Larch Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
1/2012 (47)

Lily woke up early on the morning of the 29th of February. It was the only the third tim this day had happened and this day, was Lily's birthday. Her real birthday. Her rwl birthday only came once every four years. Which techniquically meant that Lily had only celebrated 3 real birthdays. Of course Lily celebrated her birthday the day before but this would be one of the only times her real birthday happened while at Hogwats. She got out of bed, not in the in the slightest bit excited. She took a shower, before getting dressed into a cute birthday outfit. Before heading out and down to the Great Hall. She sat down at the very end of the Sytherin table. She knew no one would send anything she suspected. Lily spotted an owl cimng towards her. She gave a smile to it, as it landed in front of her with a box attached to it's leg. Lily untied the box from the owl and opened it. Inside was a cake , which had happy birthday written in English, French, Italian and Russian. Lily smiled but didn't do any apart from stare at the cake and smile.

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