Bi-Weekly Update

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Goooooood day to you all, and welcome to another BWU. There are a number of things happening right now, so I'll just jump right in.

Duelling Fun
There is a duelling tournament in full swing right now and it is very exciting! You can follow the different duels here, they are extremely fun to take part in and read, and hopefully if this tournament continues to do well we can have more in the future. Characters can duel outside of the duelling tournament as long as a member of the teaching staff is present at the time, so even if your character isn't taking part in the tournament they can still duel, this section is always open if ever people want to use it. The duelling tournament however is very exciting and I personally can't wait to see who the winners turn out to be.

Semester 2
The holidays are over! This means the holiday areas are now closed to students and hopefully you were able to wrap up those RPs. Remember those with characters in third year and above that they should sign up for the classes they wish their characters to do, first and second years are not required to do this. Week one begins today, so it is all hands on deck for the new semester. A new semester brings new interactions and new plots so I look forward to seeing it all, and most importantly let's see if anyone can beat Ravenclaw to the house cup.

Welcome New Professors
We would like to welcome the new people joining the HNZ professor's, Professor Kennedy Pratt who is RPed by Abby and who will be taking the role of Divination for years 3 and 4, as well as Professor Shant Vosganian who is RPed by Liam and who will be taking over the role of Astronomy for years 5 through to 7. We would like to offer a huge welcome to these professors, and also a welcome back to all the professors returning for another semester at HNZ. With out the vital work that all of you do HNZ would not run as smoothly as it does, so a massive thank you to you all.​

Old School Week Return
As some of you may have noticed, Old School Week has made it's return to HNZ. This is where RPs can revert back to the old method of RPing from back in the early days of HNZ. Whether this be by interrupting a topic to insert an OOC point, to very short replies or to somewhat out there suggestions/ideas. There are a number of topics dotted around the board for this event and we encourage everyone to take a look and maybe take part in a few. This can be an extremely fun event and help to create new friendships or enemies between characters that might not have ever interacted otherwise. To take part it's simple, just include Old School Week or OSW in the topic description and make sure the topic is short! Have fun!

We here at the staff thank you for your continued patience in this matter. Applications will reopen this week but when that is, is entirely up to the Admin and will not be done a moment before they are ready to reopen them. We ask you to remain patient with this, they will be reopened eventually and then at that point you are more than welcome to apply away to your hearts content.

Egg Hunters
Easter has just passed us by, (and like holy crap where is this year flying away to) and with that the staff held the Easter Egg hunt competition. You likely will have noticed the eggs around the board during that time, and the expert HNZ egg hunters searched and searched for all of them. No one found them all, but the winner with 20 eggs found is the lovely Jesse! You can see the full list of winners, in this post here, and read through the entire topic here. We'd like to give a huge congratulations to all the winners and participants, and thank all of you for taking part. Thanks also goes to members of staff who helped hide the eggs too and helped the entire event run efficiently.

Sexual Orientation
As you might have noticed characters now have a new profile option which they can fill out, this is for the character's sexual orientation and is an optional field to fill, you can read about it here and fill it out in the edit profile section of your preferences. It's a really fun field to have and I'm enjoying seeing what different orientation characters are. The admin are discussing further adjustments to it, they've read and appreciate all the additional suggestions folks have given.

Character Spotlight
As it is the beginning of a new month a new character has been spotlighted, this month's spotlighted character is Miya Bell, congratulations to Mika on the wonderful character and excellent biography, which you can read here. You can read the announcement here and read Mika's answers to the questionnaire there as well. Be sure to give your congratulations to her in the topic. If you want to have your character spotlighted just keep working at the biography and you might just get picked.

[ul][li]Do you want to fly a broomstick?
James has brought along some brooms for some 'Quidditch banter' on the Great Lawn. Surely nothing could go wrong...? OSW, come one come all, do whatever you like!</LI>

[li]Make This Place Your Home
Saveli, after being abandoned by her family, thought for sure she'd be starting again at a new school as an orphan. However her knight in shining gillyweed, Professor Pendleton, has come to the rescue and become her new family.
Other RPs in this Plot:
Go. Away. Pendleton
Uncharted Territory
Merry Fricken Christmas
Leap of Faith
I Suppose Goodbye Is Never Easy
Twisting The Kaleidoscope Behind Both Of My Eyes

An OSW topic in which Professor Styx and Professor Haden get duelly with it! Who wants to take bets on the winner? :r

[li]I'm gonna pop some tags
Whoever thought chilli chocolate ice cream in the early stages of pregnancy would be a bad idea?! :teehee: Oh and some other fun stuff.

[li]Tag...You're It!
A game of literal freeze tag in the park!! This is a great OSW topic.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li] QUIDDITCH!
[li] More duels! :frantics:
[li] Semester two goodness
[li] Did someone say birthday... :party:
<LI>[li] Professor Haden's death in the duels x_x [/li][/ul]

And that's it! Thanks for paying attention. As ever if you have any questions/comments/concerns/just want to chat, feel free to post them here. I hope everyone has an awesome day!

(On behalf of the HNZ site staff)
birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday :woot: x_x

Well great update Emzies, but that last thing should we really look forward to it? :r
Thank you for posting, Emzies!

Yay semester 2. We're only a few weeks away from sorting! ^_^
Dina Stanley said:
Like you weren't already planning five more characters. :cyndi:
Only four actually, so pfft

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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