Bi-Weekly Update

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Patricia Styx

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Tail Hair of a Male Unicorn | Willow Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Gold Dust
Hellooo everyone! Time for your Bi-Weekly Update of the happenings on the Site and boy has it been a busy time. So strap in and get ready for me to lay it all down for you!
Y23 has Arrived!
Yes, the new semester is upon which means a lot of excited and sometimes confusion for our new arrivals to the site who hasn't seen the start to a new year, so lets break it down for you. Y23 has officially started so classes are starting. For Professors, this means to please have your lessons ready to post on time, remember to use the gradebook and try to stay on top of grading etc as much as possible.

For students, this means to get cracking on our students lessons and remember to have fun! Don't try to freak out, sometimes it can be overwhelming if you have a lot of lessons to do, but all lessons have make up topics and you have until exams start in over 6 weeks from now to do all lessons - if you so choose, if you choose not to, your characters will be given an automatic pass grade.

Outside of lessons, remember to have fun with clubs (sign ups will be posted in club areas soon if not already done) and just have fun!
Sorting & Transfers
Sorting is still well underway despite the new year starting but it will only remain open until next week for any last minute people looking to get sorted, so if you have any characters floating about that need sorted you better get to it or face having to wait until Y24.

Transfer applications have closed for another year but to everyone who applied be sure to check your PMs and good luck!
With Y23 underway so is Quidditch Try Outs. Quidditch is very much an important part of the school year and something that can be enjoyed by everyone, even if you don't have a character that plays. Although if you are looking to have a character try out for their house team now is the time to do so. Also, to anyone who had a character in a team last year remember to have them show up for try outs or face loosing their position on the team. Look I've even made it easy for you, click on the links to whichever tryouts you want to head over to :p
Prefects & HeadPerson?!
Another fun part to the start of a new year is the promotion of 8 new prefects (2 from each House) and new HeadPeople. It is a great responsibility and honour to have your characters to get chosen to represent their House and School so without further ado I give you the new additions for Y23.

From Gryffindor:
Belladonna Metzger
James Adams

From Hufflepuff:
Clara Antolini
Charmaine Zsigmond

From Ravenclaw:
Serenity Dion
Bline Matthias

From Slytherin:
Vladimir Zhefarovich
Iason Samartzi

Aaren Nightray

As you will notice, there is no HeadBoy mentioned, well that's because for Y23 we won't be having a HeadBoy due to no suitable candidates. On that note, well done to each and everyone of you, enjoy the title and use it responsibly :r
Restricted Section & Hospital Wing
While we encourage everyone to utilise the entrie castle and its grounds for roleplaying, this year we are trying to reviving the Restricted Section of the Library. There are certain rules however, for any students looking to RP in this area they must take part in a RP asking a Professor for the password (they must also have a valid IC reason to want/need this password) and the Professor will then PM it to them.

Another area in need of some love is the Hospital Wing/St Mungos. If you have any characters who are nurses/healers please be sure to add your name to the list so if anyone is in need of medical attention then we know who to contact :)

Recently we had a few positions for shopkeepers open and we are happy to announce that they have been filled and we just want to throw them a public congratulations. So to Takuya Blaze who is the new shopkeeper for Madam Malkins and Eustacia Lancaster who is the new shopkeeper for The Silver Snake, congratulations and good luck - also, thank you for taking the time to apply!
Professor Applications
We've had a lot of Professor applications open prior to Y23, for those who have applied thank you for taking the time to do so. So congrats to our new Professors; Professor Jahan Ghorbani, Astronomy 1-4; Professor Sibhan Faulkner, Astronomy 5-7 Professor Jonathon Phillips, Muggle Studies 5-7; Professor Kida Frost , CoMC 3-4 & Professor James Woodlock, Hereboloy 5-7!
Easter Egg Hunt
Yes, it is over, but just to say one more congrats to those who took part in the fun and games and found some eggs for the Easter Bunny, he was very grateful and promises so to be so careless again...until next year possibly :r If you missed it head on over to the topic to see who our winners were and the locations of all the eggs.
Away from shopkeepers, Professors and Sorting applications this time :r Now that Sorting is coming to a close all applications are open again and the administrators await your crazy and wonderful applications!
One less Purple - For Now!
You all know one of our amazing Global Moderators Kait? Good! Well Kait needs to take some personal time away from the site and will be stepping down from her responsibilities as a GM and we will be seeing her back in her purple hues soon enough. One of our unofficial mottos is that real life comes first and that's exactly what Kait will be doing for now. Not to fret, she will still be gracing us with her presence when she can so yay!​
Yay! Highlighted Plots! [ul][li]The Dancing and The Dreaming
Aeon Summers and Brodie Fudge finally get married amongst the nature of New Zealand and all family and friends are invited to attend. 100% Murder free.</LI>
[li]The Beauty of Silence
A couple of first years hanging out.
[li]Brand New Camera
These fourth years are having fun with a camera and are looking for first years to torment...So, first years should join....
[li]professors are people too
Are professors people too though?[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]New School Year!
[li]New Head Auror! :o
<LI>[li]Birthday st00fs?! :r
[/li][/ul]So that's all from me for now folks! As ever, please leave any comments, queries, questions you may have here and we'll see you next time!
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks Pat for posting this and including all of the news from the past few days. We put poor Pat through a lot for this BWU, so I hope you'll all give her a :hug: for posting this. :p
Yay! So many updates, so exciting!
Thanks for the update Pat!
WAT - Kait's not purpley right now?
I swear an assurance I received when I stepped away was that alllll the rest of you were in a state of permanent indentured servitude. :tut:
Eden would look good in purple. :r
Ya, maybe my current shade. :shifty:
That was a lot.. xD Great work Pat!! :hug: :woot:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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