Bi-Weekly Update

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Halo Folks, and Failte to this, another Bi-Weekly Update. This is my first, so bare with me, while I get adjusted!

Another Sorting Ends

And so it ends, another lot of first years have been sorted and put into their houses. This marks the end of Y18 sorting. Well done to all the newly sorted students! The next sorting won't be for another while, so folks unable to sort this time around will have to wait. But there are still plenty of character with whom they can RP.

Week 3

Week three already? That's us almost at the half way point for the term. Students continue to post in classes to gain more house points. (specifically those in Gryffindor). Professors remember to post the classes and keep up to date!

Halloween Feast

The term is now well and truly underway, and this means that something fun is just around the corner! Halloween, and the great Halloween feast. Now is the time to look for a costume, and maybe consider a plot? Or just be ready for your character to turn up and let lose at one of Hogwart's most honoured traditions.

Account Tracker

This is a really simple way of keeping track of who plays who, but this only works if all of you remember to link the accounts in the tracker. It's cool, simple, and we'll continue to hammer on about this nifty little thing until everyone has got it all set up! Not to mention now, the name pops up in the Shout Box too. Which is pretty neat.

Gradebook Updates

A huge thanks to the ever amazing site admin, Nick who has added an awesome new code to the gradebook. Basically any one with first and second year characters will find that they are automatically enrolled in the classes. This is a fun little thing which removes a bit of pressure from you, and ensures that all students are signed up for all the right classes for each semester.

Holiday Areas Closing

With the end of sorting, so too must the holiday areas be closed. It wouldn't make sense any way if students were coming and going at all times. Now, you should attempt to wrap up any open RPs within the holiday areas with students. If you don't manage it, you'll just have to wait for the next time the holiday areas are open.


As the end of sorting has occurred, applications have been reopened. The admins, would like to thank you for your patience in waiting, and will get to each application in turn.

We have some plots for you to read!
Remember that you can always submit one of your plots, or a topic you just enjoyed reading, to be highlighted.
[ul][li]Out of the Shadows
A fun RP with several future Hogwarts New Zealand students. It'll be interesting to see whether their relationships persist once they begin school.[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]OOC Superlatives Results!</LI>
[li] Halloween
[li] Classes week 4! Almost Exams!
<LI>[li] Yuleball Antics! [/li][/ul]

That's all for today, folks!
As usual, if you have any questions/comments/concerns/ants-in-your-pants: feel free to post here!

~Emzies :emzies:
(On behalf of the Site Staff)
Thanks for the updates Emzies! :hug:
Great update, Emzies!! ^_^
Good job on your first update. :)
Thanks for posting it!
Congrats on getting through your first BWU, Emzies!
Now are you ready for your next five? :shifty:

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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