Bi-Weekly Update

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Happy New Year! :party: It’s 2013 (OOC, of course), and it is time for the first BWU of the year!! So, sit back and have fun reading about what has been going on around the site.
Start of Y17
I can’t believe it, but it is already the start of Y17 on the site. In fact, we’re already in week two of classes! Feel free to welcome your student or staff member back to the castle by having them post in the Start of Year Feast!. Also, don’t forget to sign your characters up for their classes so that they can help earn their house some much needed house points. We all know Gryffindor is going to win in the end, but it is nice for the other houses to try. :p
School- related announcements: Quidditch try-outs are currently taking place on the quidditch pitch. Club sign-ups are now posted throughout the school. Go find a club for your character to join! :) Finally, prefects should head to the prefect’s meeting.

Sorting/ Transfers
Sorting is still open, though it will be closing very, very soon. If you are looking to create a first year, get to it!! As of right now, these are the numbers:

Welcome to all of the new firsties!!! Don’t forget to buy your wands and get started posting in classes!

Transfers have already closed. We’d like to welcome the following students to the school:
Alia Treadaway
Sandalio Moreno
Myuna Kickett
Albertus Vermeulen
December Pearl

The latest issue of Accio! was released over the holidays. As always, it was amazing! Please be sure to check out the announcement for the link to the yearbook and don’t forget to leave the lovely yearbook staff a message telling them how awesome their work is. ^_^

New Professors
You came, you saw, you applied! Thank you to everyone who sent in applications to fill the vacant professor slots. We really appreciated it! Congratulations to all of the newly hired professors!
Professor Cecily Rambolt – Herbology 1-4
Professor Landon Dalton – Charms 1-4
Professor Misha Haden – Charms 5-7
Professor Simon Blackmoore – Muggle Studies 5-7
Professor Mikolaj Lukosevicius - Flying

All professors should be sure to check out the professor’s area and join our meeting.

Shop System Coding
Over the weekend, Nick added an awesome code to the shop system! It allows most items purchased through the shop system to be automatically added to the character's inventory. Gifts and certain other items must still be processed by site staff. Cool addition, right? :)

We only have one plot to highlight this time around and here it is:
Revenge- Alternate Roleplay. Alyss, a Scitorari member finally gets revenge on her mother and family for when she left Alyss so many years ago... However, will she get away with her crime? Open to anyone to join in.

Don't forget to send your plots in to be highlighted!!!

[ul][li] Classes!!</LI>
[li]The first Character Spotlight of the year!! :woot:
[li]MESSI fun!!
<LI>[li]Students getting in trouble :shifty:[/li][/ul]

Do you have any comments or questions about the BWU? Post them here!

(on behalf of the site staff)
Great Update! Can't wait to to see what these new firsties have planned.
Great update Cyndi. Happy new year to you too.
welcome all first years, new transfers and new professors.
Great job Cyndi! And welcome to the professors, students and transfers. ^_^
Thank you Cyndi! : )

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If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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