Good evening. I hope that you are all well and have had a good week/month/year so far, cant you believe that time has gone so fast not only are we well and truly into June (Hello winter) but we have also made it though the madness that was May. and for that you should give yourself a pat on the back and get yourself a drink of something nice as this is a fairly substantial update.
Love is in the air at HNZ
as February reaches HNZ love is in the air. with the return of the rose deliveries. Thank you to Kris and Camilla who have been busy organising it, you have both done a wonderful job. and thank you to all the deliverers for Roleplaying deliverers. you too are amazing. check some out found from the iconic pink tonic title and see who was the most popular in the directory
After the roses were distributed it is time of converge on the great hall and dance the night away with that special someone (or take it solo) at the valentines dance
Looking to the future
when you are in school there is a lot of future ahead of you, and sometimes it is hard to know where it is going. if you are a second year need help working out the difference between arithmancy and astronomy, creatures and cauldrons, and divination and detention then the electives fair is for you. come and see your future teachers and see what the future might have in store for you.
for older students the life beyond graduation is starting to lurk. and if you dont know where you want to end up, or if you know where you want to be but cant picture the steps then the career prep is for you. the event hasn't started yet, but you can join the sign up list here to be part of it.
Its a duel
Roses are not the only thing that is back this year. the duelling tournament is back, and even better than ever with a professors/staff competition. sign ups have now closed but keep your eyes peeled
for the dueling drama. fixtures and results can be found here.
Lets see who will come away with the title of dueling champion 2062
Quidditch updates
Ravenclaw has just taken on Gryffindor and come out with a win leaving them undefeated as they go into the international match against Ilvermorny. Post in the stands here if you would like and join the OOC chat here. This years final standing is Ravenclaw 255, Gryffindor 190, Slytherin 150 and Hufflepuff 10.
Break time
For those students whose date couldnt make it to the valentines dance, and those needing a break from school (or wanting to meet up with family, friends caste walls) you are in luck. Brightstone village is open for students. it wont be open for long. so make the most of it.
So that's it folks. thank you for sticking with me until the end.
here is your fortnightly reminder to take some time, go outside and find somewhere to to just sit in the sunlight for a few minutes to look after yourself and relax.
until next time
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Love is in the air at HNZ
as February reaches HNZ love is in the air. with the return of the rose deliveries. Thank you to Kris and Camilla who have been busy organising it, you have both done a wonderful job. and thank you to all the deliverers for Roleplaying deliverers. you too are amazing. check some out found from the iconic pink tonic title and see who was the most popular in the directory
After the roses were distributed it is time of converge on the great hall and dance the night away with that special someone (or take it solo) at the valentines dance
Looking to the future
when you are in school there is a lot of future ahead of you, and sometimes it is hard to know where it is going. if you are a second year need help working out the difference between arithmancy and astronomy, creatures and cauldrons, and divination and detention then the electives fair is for you. come and see your future teachers and see what the future might have in store for you.
for older students the life beyond graduation is starting to lurk. and if you dont know where you want to end up, or if you know where you want to be but cant picture the steps then the career prep is for you. the event hasn't started yet, but you can join the sign up list here to be part of it.
Its a duel
Roses are not the only thing that is back this year. the duelling tournament is back, and even better than ever with a professors/staff competition. sign ups have now closed but keep your eyes peeled

Lets see who will come away with the title of dueling champion 2062
Quidditch updates
Ravenclaw has just taken on Gryffindor and come out with a win leaving them undefeated as they go into the international match against Ilvermorny. Post in the stands here if you would like and join the OOC chat here. This years final standing is Ravenclaw 255, Gryffindor 190, Slytherin 150 and Hufflepuff 10.
Break time
For those students whose date couldnt make it to the valentines dance, and those needing a break from school (or wanting to meet up with family, friends caste walls) you are in luck. Brightstone village is open for students. it wont be open for long. so make the most of it.
When the (birthday) party's over
What a month May was. and how fun it was to celebrate HNZ turning 19. thank you to everyone who took part in the games and competitions, and congratulations to the winners. and thank you to the rest of the site staff for organising it.
A new event at the birthday was the introduction of the threadies. big Thank you to the folks at MESSI for organising the event as a way to recognise threads over the last year. The results are here (and just a reminder if you want to be part of organising events like these MESSI apps will be opening around the end of semester)
You're a Super(lative)-star
Tying in with the Birthday celebrations are the OOC Superlatives. nominations are just about still open. but will be changing to voting soon. So if you havent nominated yet. what are you waiting for. get over here and go to it.
Week 4: OOC school updates
I say this every time but how are we at week four already?
remember to post your classes to gain your house all those extra points. and so that you are not trying to binge them at the end of semester.
professors if you are struggling please reach out to a member of staff who will be happy to help.
Club/team captains: you should have received a DM from Cyndi regarding leaders for next year. please reply to it by the end of week five even if there is no change to leadership
Seventh years: you should have received a DM from rowan regarding the yearbook. this is your reminder that your deadline is week six.
Professors: there is an opening for a current professor to step up and take on the role of Gryffindor head of house. if you think this is for you more information can be found here.
Get mad for GMAD
It kind of feels weird posting this but Saturday was the 15th annual GMAD (Global moderators appreciation day) so head over here to check it out and thank all of the GM's past and present.
We all love HNZ, it is a fun place to relax meet and hang out with friends and role-play. The community on here is amazing (how else do you think we would have made it to 19 years) but just a reminder that everyone is responsible for the community. Be nice, and respect each other and the site. I would just like to encourage everyone to review the site netiquette guide (I promise netiquette isn't as hard to understand as it is to spell) and also a reminder if you see anyone struggling with it feel free to contact site staff and we can give them a gentle reminder of member expectation.
What a month May was. and how fun it was to celebrate HNZ turning 19. thank you to everyone who took part in the games and competitions, and congratulations to the winners. and thank you to the rest of the site staff for organising it.
A new event at the birthday was the introduction of the threadies. big Thank you to the folks at MESSI for organising the event as a way to recognise threads over the last year. The results are here (and just a reminder if you want to be part of organising events like these MESSI apps will be opening around the end of semester)
You're a Super(lative)-star
Tying in with the Birthday celebrations are the OOC Superlatives. nominations are just about still open. but will be changing to voting soon. So if you havent nominated yet. what are you waiting for. get over here and go to it.
Week 4: OOC school updates
I say this every time but how are we at week four already?
remember to post your classes to gain your house all those extra points. and so that you are not trying to binge them at the end of semester.
professors if you are struggling please reach out to a member of staff who will be happy to help.
Club/team captains: you should have received a DM from Cyndi regarding leaders for next year. please reply to it by the end of week five even if there is no change to leadership
Seventh years: you should have received a DM from rowan regarding the yearbook. this is your reminder that your deadline is week six.
Professors: there is an opening for a current professor to step up and take on the role of Gryffindor head of house. if you think this is for you more information can be found here.
Get mad for GMAD
It kind of feels weird posting this but Saturday was the 15th annual GMAD (Global moderators appreciation day) so head over here to check it out and thank all of the GM's past and present.
We all love HNZ, it is a fun place to relax meet and hang out with friends and role-play. The community on here is amazing (how else do you think we would have made it to 19 years) but just a reminder that everyone is responsible for the community. Be nice, and respect each other and the site. I would just like to encourage everyone to review the site netiquette guide (I promise netiquette isn't as hard to understand as it is to spell) and also a reminder if you see anyone struggling with it feel free to contact site staff and we can give them a gentle reminder of member expectation.
- No one likes these dances: Morrie and Vanity see eye to eye for the first time and begin to plot revenge on a mutual enemy.
- super voting and results
- more fun RPs
- more fun community
So that's it folks. thank you for sticking with me until the end.
here is your fortnightly reminder to take some time, go outside and find somewhere to to just sit in the sunlight for a few minutes to look after yourself and relax.
until next time

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)