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Freya Song

contrary fairy 🌻 '56 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Single (Asexual)
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Curly 9 1/2 Inch Swishy Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
June 20th '38 (20)
Alright kids and squids, I'm here to ignore my irl schoolwork and resurrect some poor, neglected children.

Wisteria "Wish" Lacewing, 2nd Year SlytherinJuno Belgrave, 6th Year Hufflepuff

Wish is a sweet precious baby who is so anxious all the time and is a little too fond of forbidden excursions into the forest. She likes plants, crime, and helping anybody who wants her around. I'd love for her to have some close friends. Possibly enemies, but she'll try work extra hard to get them to like her. I have some plans for her in future, but right now she's just a baby who needs to build up her self confidence and be more social 💛

Juno's mostly been kicking around by himself and being socially awkward, so my boy just needs friends he can knit sweaters for. He is down for any and all shenanigans, and anyone he can follow around like a lost puppy. I'm particularly looking for some other students his age he can simp over, preferably girls but whatever works. Potentially relationships of any gender.
Blue Hoshino, 7th Year GryffindorLenore Howell, 7th Year Ravenclaw

Blue is busy being unapologetically herself and isn't interested in associating with anyone who isn't going to be chill with a girl who walks around with a frog on her head and talks to flowers. Anyone who wants to make flower crowns and have tea parties with their pets should hang out with her.

Lenore is very unsure in herself, and I'd like some bullies that can take advantage of that. She wants to be popular and copies whatever is "cool" but it's not easy for a pink-haired goth girl. I'd also like her to open up and find some friends who are into music or don't mind her following them around with a camera.
Theodore "Teddy" Hoshino

Teddy has just graduated and he doesn't have any solid plans of what to do yet, so he's going to sit in his room and overanalyse every possibility until he figures it out. He feels like he's been playing a giant game of hide and seek with himself for years, and now he's ready to go be a sad art boy in the real world. He's had to start using a cane to walk and he's cranky about being in pain, so he's probably going to be a moody lad for a while. Friends, boyfriends, anything really.
Freya SongVivienne Hoshino

Freya's been AWOL since grad, after telling her brother she's a witch and immediately dipping. She's fragile right now, so I'd like to solidify some connections with people she already knows and maybe even meet some new friends She's looking for boltholes and places she can flee to, so complete strangers who can put up with her nonsense would be great too.

Vivienne is ready to girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep, etc. She's been getting sucked into pyramid schemes to sell beauty products and she pretty alright with that. For her, I'm looking for some friends or even romance options to help her learn to be a bit more genuine and explore who she is beyond the perfect eldest daughter image she's trying to maintain.
Hi Mika I have a sugestion for you
Berfriending one.
for Blue, I have Niamh here, she is also unapologetically herself and very into her music.

Getting one free
wisteria and Aspen. if she is wandering the forest a lot she would likely run into my centaur. I have been considering jumping into the thread you have going there already.
Hi Mika!

I think Wisteria and Penelope could be friends? Though her trips to the forest would be met with disapproval and a lot of stress on Penelope's end, which could be funny? I believe they also both have Marnie in common as a friend/acquaintance.
Hey Mika! I can offer Liesel Besemer for friendships with Wisteria, too! I neglected her last year but I want to bring her out more :D
She's awkward and emotional and tends to follow rules, she'd probably try to list all the logical reasons why Wisteria shouldn't go into the forest for her own safety, etc =)) but she's also kind and chatty so maybe she could help with her confidence!!
Let me know if you'd like to RP them ^_^
@Niamh Eriksen
Blue and Niamh: I think the two of them would definitely get along! Blue would enjoy her energy, so Niamh is officially invited to any and all tea parties in the gardens.

Wisteria and Aspen: Love this idea! It'd be interesting to see how Aspen reacts to Wish being in the forest. I was planning on starting a new topic for the new year, so Aspen can jump in there!

@Amber Chou Wilson
Wisteria and Penelope would be adorable as friends. Poor Penelope, I can see Wish getting stressed over upsetting her in return and that could be fun to play out.

@Seraphiel Fletcher
Wisteria and Liesel: I can see Wish being very confused over Liesel trying to be logical, but would definitely latch onto her. Wish is pretty shy, so having a chatty friend she can drag into forest adventures could work for both of them. I could see them as good study buddies?
Hey can we RP Juno and my sixth year Hufflepuff Louis? They sound pretty similar. Louis has friends but he's been distancing himself and feeling a little down. Would be nice if he could have someone to confide in? Louis loves gobstones. Maybe they could bond over that if Juno also does?

Hello I come bearing some plots.

Ethan x Wish: I think these two are practically friends already, at least by his standards. But he’s ready to actually put some effort into his friendships now. Maybe they can make a mess in the library by pulling all the books that have the coolest pictures of creatures in them?

Indi x Juno: I think these two have interacted maybe once but I’d love to throw them together. She has a habit of collecting oddballs so he’d fit right in. He could develop a Very ill advised crush if he wants but she is not interested at all. I don't have a specific thread idea in mind but I can keep thinking on it.

Delilah x Lenore: They’re both in the same house so they’re probably acquaintances at least. But Delilah’s going to be getting back into playing music a bit more seriously if you wanted to do something with that?\

Gemma x Vivienne: This might be a bit of a long shot. But Gemma is trying to be a writer now that she’s out of school and is covering mostly lifestyle/beauty/fashion type things so depending on what pyramid scheme Vivinenne is up to they might cross paths. Gemma has pretty high standards for romance and comes from a good family so, idk I think there might be something there??

Poppy x Freya: I love them every time. They were so close to friendship in school I’d love for them to meet up again and see where they stand now.
I'm heeere.

Wisteria/Kyon. They sound like they could get in trouble together.
Juno/Jordie. They're roommates and need to be besties.
Blue/Jordie: They need to resume their friendship
Blue/Tara: i feel like they'd be besties.
Lenore/Tara or Lenore/Aubrey: They could be friends, either way, Aubrey is sporty and girly and Tara is sassy and fun.
Teddy/Cas: Artist buddies?
Freya/Cas: I dont know why but I'm picturing her hiding out in his studio, they could be buddies?
How old is Vivienne. I'm thinking she could hang out with either doctor in training Elijah, hes a softie who thinks he's only ready for flings/short term things right now, or CJ, the smart lawyer in training who can keep decent grades despite his clubbing and three day backpacking trips
Wisteria and Penelope would be adorable as friends. Poor Penelope, I can see Wish getting stressed over upsetting her in return and that could be fun to play out.
Yay! Do you want to start it or should I?
me responding to more PDs instead of reading case law-

I can offer Yuelia for Wish? They've interacted a couple of times and I think Yuelia's decided she likes Wish most out of her dormmates. Plus, she'd keep Beep a secret mostly as she knows it's no-one else's business and wouldn't really see the need to tell anyone else about them. :lol: and since her bird is probably partially criminal she Wish might actually warm to him. She's not very social but she is trying, they can probably help each other with their confidence.

(She also might like pet tea parties with Blue, though she's just a little second year)
@Professor Landon Carter
Juno would definitely be up for some gobstones with Louis! He'd be pretty terrible at it, but eager to learn.

@Poppy Perkins
Wish and Ethan: Pretty sure Wish already considers Ethan one of her bestest friends by virtue of being one of the first people she met, and library shenanigans sound fun!

Juno and Indi: Love the idea of Juno having a doomed crush on Indi, she's definitely the type he'd think was cool and pretty and awesome.

Lenore and Delilah: I feel like they could have some chill times hanging out together and jamming.

Vivienne and Gemma: I'm intrigued. Vivi sells beauty products and loves all the topics Gemma writes about so it's very possible that they'd meet! Whether or not they'd get along is another story, but I'd love Vivi to have a friend she can vent to about her dates with garbage wizard dudes and see what happens from there.

Freya and Poppy: They're my faves. Definitely want to see how the two of them would interact outside of Hogwarts!

@Jordan Harris
Wish and Kyon: I think Wish would find Kyon quite intimidating at first, but he could be a good push for her to be more bold in her crimes :3c

Juno and Jordie: You are absolutely correct, they need to be best friends like yesterday. Jordie, please collect your useless roommate.

Blue and Jordie: She is writing him a tea party invite as we speak.

Blue and Tara: Yesssssss, love to see how they'd get along.

Lenore and Tara & Aubrey: I think either or both could work. Lenore isn't the friendliest person on first impression, so anyone who can get past her judgemental staring will be her best buddy.

Teddy and Cas: Art boys! I think they could reconnect after graduating and force Teddy to open his social bubble a bit, maybe do some collabs?

Freya and Cas: I could see Freya hanging out and bugging him in his studio. She's got a soft spot for her Hufflepuffs, so he's got a +1 in her mind automatically.

Vivienne is 19! I'm thinking there's some definite potential for blind dates there. Success of which is to be determined :lol:

@Amber Chou Wilson I'll start it! forgive me if it takes a lil while

@Aine Thompson
Wish and Yuelia: They're cute, it'd be fun to explore their dynamic more. I can definitely see Wish looking up to Yuelia and thinking she's very poised and mature, as well as being very curious about befriending Thanatos.

Blue and Yuelia: Blue would appreciate the bird's presence greatly and would have no qualms about hanging out with younger students!
Yay! I can start something for them soon.
Wish and Kyon: I think Wish would find Kyon quite intimidating at first, but he could be a good push for her to be more bold in her crimes :3c

Juno and Jordie: You are absolutely correct, they need to be best friends like yesterday. Jordie, please collect your useless roommate.

Blue and Jordie: She is writing him a tea party invite as we speak.

Blue and Tara: Yesssssss, love to see how they'd get along.

Lenore and Tara & Aubrey: I think either or both could work. Lenore isn't the friendliest person on first impression, so anyone who can get past her judgemental staring will be her best buddy.

Teddy and Cas: Art boys! I think they could reconnect after graduating and force Teddy to open his social bubble a bit, maybe do some collabs?

Freya and Cas: I could see Freya hanging out and bugging him in his studio. She's got a soft spot for her Hufflepuffs, so he's got a +1 in her mind automatically.

Vivienne is 19! I'm thinking there's some definite potential for blind dates there. Success of which is to be determined :lol:
so we have nine/ten potential threads.

We can save some for later, I have a list compiled 😋 do you have any you want to do, and how many do you want to start with?
Wish and Ethan: Pretty sure Wish already considers Ethan one of her bestest friends by virtue of being one of the first people she met, and library shenanigans sound fun!

Juno and Indi: Love the idea of Juno having a doomed crush on Indi, she's definitely the type he'd think was cool and pretty and awesome.

Lenore and Delilah: I feel like they could have some chill times hanging out together and jamming.

Vivienne and Gemma: I'm intrigued. Vivi sells beauty products and loves all the topics Gemma writes about so it's very possible that they'd meet! Whether or not they'd get along is another story, but I'd love Vivi to have a friend she can vent to about her dates with garbage wizard dudes and see what happens from there.

Freya and Poppy: They're my faves. Definitely want to see how the two of them would interact outside of Hogwarts!
Cool cool cool. That all sounds good and fun!

Maybe we can start with Wish and Ethan, and Juno and Indi first? And maybe Freya and Poppy too since adult threads can be as slow as we want haha.

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