Closed Bed Rest

Abigail Cromwell

Abby ~ Hardworking~ Mum
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Swishy Vine Wand with Vampire Blood Core
1/1/2029 (33)
Abby knew they'd always planned on having a lot of kids- they had the space and money for it. And enough love for a whole troop of them. She just... hadn't thought she'd end up with triplets. Heavily pregnant, she'd been on bed rest for a month now, and she was going crazy. With a few pillows propping her up and a bottle of water on the tray by her bed, Abby was flipping through a novel. She'd been catching up on her reading a lot more now that she was bound to the bed. It was driving her crazy, though. She snapped her book shut and tossed it lightly next to her on the bed. She sighed, dragging her hands down her face. What would the boys do if she just got out of bed and went for a little waddle around the room?
Triplets. Triplets. Triplets. Zerrin couldn't believe that he was about to get not one, not two, but three new siblings, all at once. Though he did hope they'd be born soon- he hated having to wait. How long did pregnancies last? He really should look into these kinds of things.

His mom was locked up in her room, and they were all missing her. With Holly on his back- she loved piggy back rides- he followed his dad, brother, and other sister down the hall. "Is she really doing alright?" He asked Graeme, bouncing Holly gently as she was giggling in his ear. He couldn't believe she was five already. Flora was even bigger. He loved being home, with his sisters in tow.
Fraser could admit he was very excited to have three new siblings. Triplets. Seemed insane that such a thing was possible, and yet he was going to have it. The family had grown and grown. Where it had once just been Fraser and his dad, now he had a mum, he had Zerrin, and two little sisters. He was walked with Zerrin to see mum, with Floraidh in his arms, she was babbling away in Gaelic with Fraser responding. He was following behind Zerrin and his dad, eager to see his mum, but knowing he didn't need to be the first in.
Graeme knew that Abby was not happy with the bed rest, but with triplets, he couldn't help but agree. He wanted them all to be safe, and that meant she had to take it easy. It was a little easier with the boys home, they were able to balance things out a little, and the girls loved having them home. He was guiding to the bedroom and gave Zerrin a warm look at the question. "Yeah, son, she is, it's just a lot," he said. "But she's doing good," he assured him, "Right, remember kids, calm, okay, no jumping on mama,"
Floraidh loved her family. She loved her daddy, and her mama, and Holly, and Fraser AND Zerrin. She was so excited they were home. Mama wasn't very well, she had babies in her. many of them apparently, but Floraidh didn't know how they got there, and how they were supposed to get out. She was happy being held by Fraser. "And then we played in the dirt and the sheep came over, and next door neighbour had lambs who are little, but they're fluffy, i like them because they're like little clouds.," she was saying in gaelic to her brother, before looking towards her daddy and then giggle loudly. "Mama!" she squirmed in Fraser's hold to get down so she could run to mama's side.
Holly always loved it when her brothers were home. She was still small for her age, and loved it when Zerrin carried her around on his back- he was taller than Fraser, and next to daddy he gave the best rides. She was giggled as her brother bounced her as they walked, listening to her sister go on about the dirty old sheep. "They smelled bad though!" She added to her and Frasers conversation, though she was distracted immediately as Floraidh called for their mother. "Mama?" She asked, and started wiggling as well. "Mama!"
Abby could hear the group moving down the hall and smiled, relaxing a bit. She shifted, adjusting the pillows, and laid a few over her stomach- the girls were still so excitable, she knew it couldn't hurt. "Come on in, Graeme," She called, smiling warmly and preparing for an onslaught of visitors.
Zerrin laughed at the girls reactions. "Not sure they heard you, dad," He replied, and looked over at Fraser. "Don't let her run off, Fray." He spoke, shifting to hold Holly more firmly in his arms. "We'll go together, okay Hol? Just hold still, you don't want me to drop you," He tried to soothe her.
Fraser laughed lightly at her story and kept a tighter hold on her as she tried to squirm away. "Flora, please, calm for mama," he implored his little sister, but he knew he was as eager to see her as they were, but he knew he needed to do right by her, as an older brother. He watched his dad open the door, and carried Floraidh inside smiling widely at his mum and having to hold tighter on to Floraidh as she giggled excitedly. His mum looked very pregnant, though he still couldn't imagine how she was growing three babies. "Hi mama," he said, walking towards her, though moving a little nervously, glancing towards Zerrin and wanting the other boy to go closer first.
Graeme opened the door, and waited till both boys were in to step in. He stepped around them and went to Abby's side, sitting on the bed with her and smiling fondly. he couldn't believe they were having triplets, making their family of already many (six) move to a family of nine. He leaned in to press a kiss to Abby's cheek and could sense the nervousness of the boys against the excitement of the girls.
Floraidh still squirmed in Fraser's arms, but a little less so. She looked to her mama, who was so big now. She waved excitedly "Hi mama," she said a beat after Fraser had said it. "Can I kiss your belly, please?" she asked, wanting to show mama and the babies in her belly love. Floraidh was sure they'd be able to feel a little kiss.
Holly stilled as she was asked, content to just stare at everyone. She let Zerrin shift her around, clinging to his shoulders. At least, until Floraidh spoke up. She started wiggling again. "Wait, hey, I wanna kiss too," She started, wiggling worse in Zerrins arms to try and get down.
Abby chuckled, reaching up to try and brush her fingers along Graeme's jaw. "It's alright, boys, let them go," She promised, bracing. "Come on, girls, just make sure to leave room for your brothers. Mama's missed them and wants hugs from her sons," She cooed at them, smiling at her two eldest children. "Tell me, boys, how has school been? Is everything going well?" She motioned for Fraser to come and curl up on one side, wanting Zerrin on the other.
Zerrin struggled to keep his grip on Holly, not letting her down until his mother had given permission. Careful to step around the excited girls, he fell down next to his mom and put his head on her shoulder, shutting his eyes. "Hey, mom," He greeted, voice soft. He folded his hands in his lap, not wanting to admit to how worried he was about a triplet pregnancy. He was old enough to realize that would be tough, and he worried with how dangerous it might be.
Fraser put Floraidh down when their mum said they could. He moved to stand close to her, not right next to her as Zerrin was sitting, giving Zerrin more space with her, given that of all the kids there, his mother was not actually his birth mother, and for all his love and concern for her, he had many years without her. He moved in close to his father instead. "School was good. I'm Accio editor now," he said with a smile. "And on the quidditch team," he said smiling easily, telling her about his achievements in school.
Graeme loved watching all of his children. he could see though, the concern which Zerrin had more so than any of the others, perhaps most aware of the dangerous which came with such a pregnancy. He knew the girls had no idea, and Fraser likely didn't either. But Zerrin. He knew Zerrin would know. He wanted to reach over and reassure him that he was taking care of his mum. "That's good, bud, we're proud of you," he said in response to what Fraser said.
Floraidh was placed down on the ground and moved in close to mama, and leaned in to kiss her belly. She then glanced at her brothers, and her dad. She was a little bored, and then moved to her dad, and held her hands up. "Dadda, up, please, wanna sit," she said.
Holly climbed up on the bed, humming happily and pressing kisses along her moms belly before shifting so that she was half in Zerrins lap and half snuggled into her mama's side, just shutting her eyes and enjoying herself. She didn't get to spend enough time with either of them lately, and she was more than happy to have them there again.
Abby put an arm around Zerrin, cooing softly at the girls, before looking to Fraser. "I won't bite," She promised, not adding the silent thought that she'd only bite Graeme, and held out her free arm for Fraser. "I've missed you, please come," She gave her younger son an impish smile. "Don't make me have your father toss you over here."

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