Becareful it's a dangerous forest


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Aitan strolled through the lonely forest on a sunny warm Friday afternoon. The strong centaur knew this was normally the time when the students try to sneak in and explore but he didn't care he liked scaring them.
Aitan had his sword clipped to his back, he flicked his long hair back and picked up into a strong trot as be circled a tree looking for an apple. Reaching up aitan grasped one and ate it, he flicked his tail and looked around before he heard a sound behind him. Aitan put one hand on his sword and turned around.
Sara had decided to come down to the forest. It was a long time since she'd visited, her first or second year perhaps. She liked the forest, its quiet and calm. Her first time entering it had been in her first year, with Gilbert Williams, they'd lost touch eventually, but she'd always remember that. As of yet, she hadn't met any of the forest creatures, which was a dissappointment all through her first and second year she'd believed the stories from older students about their adventures in the forest, by now she'd accepted that most of them were probably fae. She approached the forest with caution, her wand out. She was going in deeper than she ever had before today, and she prayed to God that a teacher wouldn't catch her. She was walking up a slight hill when she heard it, footsteps. Her immediate response wa to crouch low, her wand hand level with her face. She was ready for whatever it was that was coming this way. She approached the place where the noise came from, her footsteps silent, as she reached the crest of the hill, she saw him. A centaur, amazing and strong, she'd hadn't dared hope that she'd ever see one. She silently moved over toward a tree, but cursed silently as a twig broke underfoot. The Centaur turned around swiftly. Deciding that hiding would be unwise she stepped out from behind the tree. "Hello, my name is Sara Moon." she greeted him, as she stepped into the light.
Aitan saw the girl step out from behind a tree and he snorted and moved his hair out of his face again 'Students shouldn't be in the forest, it would be unwise' He said in a smooth tone as he chomped on his apple with hidden delight.
Aitan would normally charge any student who entered the forest and make them run for their life but he wouldn't do it to girls they always got all screamy and it hurt his ears. The Centaur walked over to her still holding his sword that was belted around his waist. Aitan walked towards the girl, he was rather unusual for a Centaur his lower was a silvery white apart from his left side which had a large black line down the side which was a vicious scar, His silver lower was odd against his Upper tanned human half. The Centaur slowly stopped infront of her his leg muscles twitching slightly as he adjusted his stance. 'Aitan' he said as he looked down at the small girl. Most of the time Centaurs traveled in groups but Aitan was an outcast and rather alone one student friend couldn't be so bad, he had to learn to trust them again after what happened when he was younger, he couldn't live his entire life alone in the forest he would end up going mental if he did.
Aitan held out the apple to the girl and waited to see if she was afraid,

OOCOut of Character:
If you want to interact with more Magical Creatures i have a Mermaid, PM Rain if you're interested
Sara smiled in reply to the Cantaur. "I like the forest, it's intresting, I've been coming here sine First Year." she replied, walking closer toward him. He was very strange, she'd seen pictures of Centaurs before, but they didnt really capture the intimidation of being in their presence. "I've been coming here since first year-I've never met a centaur before." she commented, looking up at him, he didn't seem perturbed by her presence, in fact he didn't seem to mind at all. "Aitan, cool name." she smiled, drawing closer still. "How many centaurs are there in the forest?" she asked, her head tilted to one side, theywasn't much information available about the centaurs who lived there. They seemed a very secretive race. Her eyes were drawn by his silvery mane. "You're mane is beautiful." he complimented him,her eyes scanning ove rit. she'd always loved horses though of course, this was different-he was a person, horses couldn't talk back.
Aitan Snorted, What was he doing letting this Girl into the forest, had so much time alone had made him soft? 'Yes well i live here and i can tell you its nothing interesting, Theres a tree. there is another tree.. and if you keep on walking there will be more tree's' he said sarcastically. Aitan stomped one of his hooves and flicked his silver tail, still keeping his grip firmly on his sword.
The Centaur chuckeled slightly when she asked how many Centaurs there are in the forest. 'When i was last apart of the clan, 20odd.. but that was 5, 6 years ago now.' the centaur said as he had a leaf stuck to his front hoove and tried to stomp it off again.

The silver Centaur bowed when she mentioned his small mane running down his back which was brown but slowly transition to a salt and pepper to a nice silver to match the rest of him 'Compliments are always welcome' he said as he flicked his human hair over his shoulder again. Aitan heard a growl and a howl near by 'The Forest isn't safe for Students' he said again as he took a sniff of the air, he knew a wolf gang were close. They often tracked him trying to find him weak but it never worked. Aitan looked at the girl 'Either leave quickly or follow me before you get chewed to Death' he said as he turned around with his hand on his sword, he walked off slowly waiting to see if the girl would follow him.
She didn't know why, how, or what reason would bring her into the forest today. As if something of a magnetic charge was pulling her here, the last place to be in was the forbidden forest. It hold so many memories, some have become nightmare all because of one event. Still she could feel curiosity over taken her, the forest will not keep her away for long. She was like an addict, much like Briar, she lived for dangerous places like this. She escape a lot in her younger years to mountains, caves, and dark alley ways. Her appearance of being a part giant would stride to take risk and get hurt while she was at it. Dad's death couldn't keep her away.

It looks like she wasn't the only person adventuring the forest today. Walking into the edges, she saw a brunette from behind and a damn centaur a few meters away from the young female. She wasn't surprise at all that students would wounder the grounds right after a death of a professor should have kept them away. She didn't have the right mind to judge, but this chick was crazy to talk to a centaur when a herd of them killed her father last year. Idiot, she wanted to shout at her, yet she stayed lurking unnoticed. She hid behind a very tall tree, listening in silence to hear what they were talking about. I should come out and report her to the professor, No he's not hurting her. I mean I don't think he is..? She look from behind the Kauri tree, she could barley hear them but she could make out a few words. I don't know what to do, she stop thinking and kept gazing in the distant. When was it right to come out?
Sara smiled at the centaurs response. "I think you're wrong." she contradictedd. "I mean, look there, at that tree, at it's feet is a clump of flowers, and there are animals and creatures living here, it's beautiful." she added, trying to explain how she felt. She looked up at the centaur, he had a sword, which was incredibly cool, she had taken up fencing over the Summer holidays, and had found she was quite good at it. However, her fencing sword wasn't nearly as cool as his. His sword had seen some real action.

"I didn't know there were any lone centaurs..intresting." she commented, running her hands through the grass, which was waist high at parts.
"I've been here before, I know that I have to be careful." she replied, calmly, but she knew that there must be something coming if the centaur was worried. She began to walk after him as he strode away. "So, what do you do in here? To pass the time of day and stuff?" she asked, looking up at the patches of sky above her.
'Yeah yeah, What Ever girl, Beautiful what ever.' he said not really caring, he'd been in the forest all his life, a tree was a tree and dirt was dirt. Aitan kept an ear out for the wolves and kept a nose out aswell, she heard a different sound and scent and he turned around pulling out his long two handed broadsword with designs of Centaurs folded into the blade and black leather wrapped into the handle. He huffed as he shushed the girl 'Yes well if you've been here bfore you would know that their is a pack of wolves about 300m behind you and another pack 250m to your left and i'm guessing a student in this direction' he said as his voice started to husk with his defence. Aitan walked forwards and knew that their was a Girl near by. 'And to Pass time i Hunt' he added as his nostrils flared 'Come out Girl, you're doing no favour by Hiding, i can smell your perfume or your shampoo' he called as he kept his sword drawn held upwards next to him. 'Come on Girly, I won't hurt you but the wolves might.' he said.

The Large Centaur flicked his silver tail as he looked at the girl behind him and nudged with his head for her to move closer, he wasn't going to hurt her but he wasn't goingto chase after her if a pack of wolves dragged her off.
Crap, she was bad at lurking. Madlyn would have stayed hidden, but as the centaur grew closer she had no choice but to give her place of hiding. Descending out from behind the tree, she had her wand out facing the centaur. "What are you doing with a student centaur?" her expression was mean, she couldn't in her right mind to be civil with creatures who killed anyone because of their 'territory issues'. It's not like her ancestors didn't went through the same conflict with Europeans, but hey she wasn't holding the grudge. Still killing a innocent now and days is wrong.

"And you there" she spoke to the young brunette. "What are you doing out here in the forest when you know very well a professor died here?!" she wanted to say with a centaur too, but she wanted answers right away. She stayed attached to the tree, if hit she would hide at instant.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it's late and not that good!
Sara frowned at the Centaur's response, it was sad, that he didn't see the beauty that surrounded him. She looked around. She loved the forest. She knew it was dangerous. A Professor had died in there last year, but she hadn't thought she was anywhere near centaur territory. She'd been in there before, at this exact place, and she'd never encountered anyone. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as he talked about wolves. "I have my wand." she explained, whipping it out of her robes. "A quick conjunctivitus curse and I'd have been fine." she replied, she was aware that the forest was dangerous, and she had taken precautions.

Sara's face blanched as a prefect appeared, worse, it was the girl whose Father had died. She'd never get out of this. Sh watched silently as she questioned the centaur. When the girl asked her why she was here, she immediately blurted out; "I could say the same for you. I'm here, because I was curious, and the forest is a good pace to get away from things." she replied. Curse her big mouth! Why had she said that? The girl's Father was dead, she should've been more understanding. She sighed. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that.." she looked up at Aitan, wondering what she could do, now that she'd probably gotten herself detention.
Aitan huffed at the girl when she appeared and put his sword away, the last thing he wanted was for her to run into it, then he would never get any more peace in the forest. Aitan looked at the girl 'What are you doing in the forest' he replied to her question with obvious mockary. Aitan folded his arms infront of his chest and watched the girl who seemed to be concerned but trying not to show it, he looked at the girl near him and huffed again, Great now he was stuck in a contest between the two. 'How is this girls. You're both not ment to be here, but now you are and their are wolves near by.' He huffed as he turned and walked away from them before he stopped and stomped his hoove and walked back to them.
'I didn't kill your Jolly Jolly Professor, But you either find your way back or i can lead you back. Make your choice because i have things to do like... Living' he huffed again and brushed his hair out of his face.
Madlyn rolled her eyes. Like she really was going to respond to either of them. Her purpose for being here was to find peace not get away from anything and go on looking for peace. She needed some sort of closure with her dad’s grave and now these two were in the way of making that happen. She huffed irritated with the centaur here. “You may have not killed him but someone in your tribe did it!” he had force the response out of her. “And in case you haven’t notice, I’m a part-giant, I don’t have to fear anything when daylight is out, wolves travel at night” least that’s what she heard. Madlyn turn back to, “Let’s go back to the school, and leave this creature alone”.

She never lowered her wand, she step over to Sara, the brunette who had no idea of how dangerous centaurs can be when messing with their territory. Her father an innocent man proves that not all of them could be fair. “If you leave with me now, I’ll explain to the professors you were just curious, that’s all. Maybe you won’t get in so much trouble, maybe not” she was feeling not to go the professors. Feeling not to say much, she was here after all; if she spoke anything Sara will probably tell on her too. “Go on with you centaur, she won’t be bother you nor I” she spoke trust in her words.
Sara watched the exchange between the prefect and the centaur, she was very afraid right now. Wolves? And they were standing around doing nothing. When Madlyn talked about the centaur killing Professor Margera, she couldn't help herself; "He's not part of the tribe though." she blurted out. she stuggled between the longing to stay in the forest, and knowing that she should trust the prefect. "um.." she dithered. she didn't know what to do. she'd been enjoying her conversation with Aitan.

She sighed as Madlyn used the teacher angle. "Okay, I'll come." she replied, walking over to her. She looked over at Aitan, standing tall and proud. she glanced over at Madlyn, and whispered to her; "Look, I know you don't trust him, but he knows the forest better than us-he can lead us back." she glanced over at Aitan, and smiled hopefully. She felt sorry for Madlyn, her father had died in here, and to be confronted by a centaur so close to where he'd breathed his last. It must be upsetting.
Madlyn was glad that Sara decided to go back with her. It will be a long walk back since the skies were growing dark and there was hardly enough natural light for them use to guide their way back to school. Then she heard Sara whispering, obviously it wasn't much of a whisper since Madlyn could hear from way up high. She had to lower herself a little in order to exchange a few words back. "Okay, whatever. It make sense, but once we get there, we leave to the castle soon as possible. I'm not trying to get in trouble for no one, least not in my OWLs years" she stood back up lowering her wand. Let's face it, she couldn't handle a pack wolves on her own, she was big enough not strong enough yet to make a take down.

"Alright, I suppose you can lead us back. Please actually, it's getting dark and I can't fight off a pack alone" she told the centaur. Since Jackson died, this will be the second one to ever help her, her parents were right then. About not judging all creatures and whatever happen, happen for a reason. That she couldn't hate them all for what happen too. Does not mean she will forget, she can forgive what happen did not mean it will vanished from her memories. She level her arm down, her wand at her side. It will make good use for light or protection if they needed it.
Aitan rolled his eyes at the girl who was getting rather defensive 'Miss Moon is right, i'm not one of the Tribe, i chose not to Harm humans, although i don't know why when you treat me like you do' he said as she turned his back on them 'Very well i'll leave' he added as he started to walk of when he heard the annoying girl request he lead them back. He turned around and walked up to them 'Stand on either side of me then' he said as he started making his way back to the exit.

'And for your information missy, The Wolves around here like to come out both day and night, there are a few in here, and you students won't go away so they sometimes come out at day to be the.. early bird as you say it' he said coldly as he put his hand on his sword. 'And Miss Giant, I suggest you think twice before running off to your Professors, They're also scared of Us, for reasons i don't understand why. So instead of Dobbing yourself in for being here in the first place, think twice before you go shooting your mouth off any chance you get' he added strongly as he made his way up a small hill and stood between the winding roots.

Aitan looked at Sara and stopped 'Do you both want to get on my back, you've walked yourself out far' he said being as kind as he could, he didn't like people on his back, but if they were jumped by wolves he was alot faster then them and would suffer through less.

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