Beauxbatons Practice S2 Y42

Xenia Nikolaidou

Beauxbatons Graduate | Athenian Fire
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
18 (16/04/2042)
Beauxbatons Practice Topic
10 total practice points scored.

Xenia was disheartened by how comprehensively they'd been beaten. There was no excuse for it, Ilvermony had just completely outplayed them in every possible way. Xenia had been furious - she'd wanted to punch Ilvermony's chaser in the face so badly after those taunts - but all she could really do was keep her chin up and put on a brave face. Next year they'd come back stronger, more cohesive. She'd spend the summer break studying up on successful muggle sports teams to see what their captains and coaches did for inspiration. She didn't know where to look for Quidditch and her family were football mad, so that would perhaps help.

With as much confidence as she could muster, Xenia faced up to the team with a smile. "Hi," she started, giving the chest a shove to set it down on the ground before her. "Er, we all have work to, let's go hard today. We need to be ready for next time." They'd be losing one of their beaters, but it was what it was. "Remember, we're a team. Let's, uh, try to talk to each other and work together more." It wasn't exactly inspiring, but Xenia wasn't exactly inspired. "You're all great. But together, we can be incredible." She was a little embarrassed, any kind of public speaking didn't come easily to her, especially not public speaking, but she wanted to push herself because the team deserved to have a captain who gave it her all. She crouched down, opening the chest and ducking away from the bludgers, letting the snitch fly, and tossing the quaffle towards the chasers. Nodding at the team, she quickly mounted up and flew to a set of hoops, hoping that the redness in her face would die down soon.

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals, just straight to it! Sorry it's so late in the semester, just feel free to post and boost stats if/when you can.
Amelie showed up to practice, smiling at the others. She listened to the captain, giving her a friendly smile before taking to the air and beginning her search, biting her tongue to keep from humming.
In all honesty, Claire was a little disappointed that they had lost the game, but she guessed that there was always next year. Claire made her way down to the pitch and listened to what the captain had to say. It wasn't long before they were up in the air. Claire managed to get a hold of the quaffle and made her way towards the hoops.
Ava hopped onto her broom and chased after a bludger.
Eren leant against his broom despondently as Xenia greeted the team, mouthing back her "Hi" with an eye roll as she stumbled through some sort of speech. He didn't really need to listen, they'd lost, they were gonna win next year, who cared.

"Xenia, you're doing incredible," he called to her with a smirk as they kicked into the air, not even that upset that he'd missed getting first hand on the quaffle by taking time to tease her, moving to follow Claire with the quaffle.
Bellamy hadn't felt too bad about their loss last semester. He had been on the bench the entire time and was happy to stay there. His mom had sounded disappointed when he told her about it but he tried not to take it personally. Still, he showed up to practice on time and listened to the captain give her speech. He nodded to her as practice got under way and flew to the opposite set of hoops to wait for the chasers.
Rule 2a

Deciding he'd given Claire enough time with the quaffle, Eren shot past her, using the momentum to the knock the quaffle free and scoop it up for himself before heading towards Bellamy's side of the pitch.
He wasn't sure if he was feeling generous today or if it was cause he was pretty sure it'd really mess with Bellamy but Eren moved as if to score before hurriedly tossing the quaffle back to @Ophelia Reilly instead.
Ophelia was surprised when following Eren lead to him passing the ball to her. She fumbled with it a little and with not too much further to go, tossed the ball through the hoop but ended up missing. It fell right into the keepers hands. "Sorry," she called to Eren.
"Oh, bite me, Eren," Xenia called back, rolling her eyes. She knew her speech was kind of terrible and dumb but she was trying. She grinned as the quaffle traded possession, gripping her broom carefully and watching to see where it went.
Eren rolled his eyes when Ophelia managed to miss the shot anyway. "You're going to give the second years a big head if we can't get it together," he groused, turning to head down the other end of the pitch instead to bother Xenia again.
Xenia was pleased to see that Bellamy was doing well. She worried about the younger kids, even though she was only in 5th year. She couldn't get distracted, though, not with Eren flying towards her.
Eyes on the other end of the pitch, Eren grit his teeth as he overshot the goal, more focused on getting it past Xenia than actually through the hoop it seemed.
Bellamy's heart did a little flip as he saw the chasers come his way but he was pleasantly surprised he reacted in time and caught the quaffle. With a sympathetic nod to Ophelia he tossed the quaffle back into practice.
Xenia only barely got around to stop the quaffle, but if Eren had as much accuracy as force she knew he'd be terrifying for any keeper. "Nice throw," she said, knowing she probably should show everyone genuine encouragement beyond a token speech
Eren squinted at Xenia as he caught the quaffle again, trying to decide if she was being sincere or messing with him before heading back down the other end of the pitch.
Ophelia flew in behind Eren hoping that he wouldn't toss to her again, she could do without a second round of embarrassment if she missed.
Eren glanced over his shoulder at Ophelia, annoyed at himself when the movement slowed him down enough to throw off his shot as he made it to the hoops.
Eren hung back for a moment as the quaffle was thrown back in, stretching out his arms.
Amelie focused, searching for the snitch.
Seeing another opportunity and not wanting the other chasers to score before he managed, Eren swept in to grab the quaffle again, not wasting time to check on the other chasers this time before heading towards Xenia's end of the pitch.
Claire followed behind Eren, not exactly wanting to steal the quaffle just yet...
Eager to get to the goals, Eren sped up, holding back a groan when Xenia was able to stop his shot again. "Still doing incredibly, then," he called to her.
Eren did a short loop around Xenia's hoops, hoping to blow off some frustration before the quaffle was back in play.

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